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Posts posted by eagle00789

  1. The new version is on it's way, with the bug war59312 mentioned, all worked out. i'm in the process of updateing the helpfile as we speak, The program has been changed a bit, so that the database now containes program that require multiple commands to install silently. The update will be available in about 14 hours from now. (hopefully, it will be sooner, but 14 hours at most)

  2. <snip>Sorry to make this thread messy.. will try to make a new thread of more questions are needed to be ask.<snip>

    It's not your fault, but everybody's fault. even mine. but i hope that you have some luck with it. and it is no problem for me. i just like to help people

  3. Below is the runonceex.cmd that I've created with RunOnceEx Creator

    <sniped out>


    eagle00789 nice work... glad that I've found this progz

    before you realy add a command to the list, you have to make sure that the programfile field the directory contains in wich it is located. Meaning: Set in the mainscreen the ProgramPath to:


    In the Add Command window, make sure that the ProgramFile field contains the name of the folder in wich the setup of that program is located (See Screenshot), So no it is not intended that you place every executable in the folder you mention, but in seperate subfolders.

    But when you start using my program. The first thing to do is to set the ProgramPath field on the main screen. it is not limited to those path that are on the list. you can type in it.

    If you encounter more problems. please open a new topic, to keep this thread as clean as possible. (this goes for everyone, or else this topic will be a big mess and very dificult to read. no offense though).

    P.S. The below screenshot is from the latest version. Do not pay attention to the colors, they are from my theme. The new version is NOT available yet. the latetst version is still


  4. Sure here you go.

    Title=Installing Programs

    as a workaround, remove everything below Program=2121.

    I will look deeper into it, that if you maximized my app, and then closed it, that it will re-open maximized, and just just at that size. As a amtter of fact, i'm working on a new version (will probably be version with this bug out of the way. if this bug is still there, i will mention it. the new version will have multiple comands in the database for 1 program.

    Bonedaddy, would you be so kind to post your entire RunOnceEx.cmd file (preferrably as an attachment to a post), so that i can look into it?

  5. just curious if in the future we are going to be able

    to save the following in database?

    REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Installing Winamp 5.04" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 01 /D "%CDROM%\software\Winamp\Winamp.js" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 02 /D "cmd.exe /c copy /Q %CDROM%\software\Winamp\Winamp.ini \"%systemdrive%\Program Files\Winamp\"" /f

    REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nullsoft\Install /v EXE /d %CDROM%\software\Winamp\Winamp.exe" /f

    I tried to put it in the database using the method for normal

    but no luck, using editor I see the additonal lines are there but are not

    being added when asked.

    thanks again


    In the future that will be possible

  6. Still opening maximized.

    Well s*** windows still not opening centered. I understand since these are not top prority. ;)

    Would you be so kind to post your RunOnceEx.ini file, wich can be found in the directory you installed RunOnceEx.cmd Creator to?

  7. Still opening maximized.

    And yea the update freezes.

    So must crtl+alt+delete it.

    Also when updating it puts a RunOnceExUpdate.ini file on the desktop every time.

    With this of course:


    Well s*** windows still not opening centered. I understand since these are not top prority. ;) Guess I'll give you a few more days before I post about it again. Oh and sorting too. ;)

    All these items are a work in progress, except for the sorting, becaus of the fact that you can have second and 3d commands for 1 program, you create another line in the list, that has to be in that precice program place, or else all will go wrong

    Besides, try ALT + F4 when using the update

  8. well. it's connected to this pc, but is always turned off when not in use (don't print that often, but when i Print, it is a lot at once). so any solution to that, so that it will install Silently, even when turned off??

  9. when I use Edit/Add to Database I get an error message tblPrograms:Cannot modigy a read only dataset. Is there a way for the user to add additional program info to this program." this should be solved in 2111.

    (I am still getting this error with 2111.)

    is already (and again) a work in progress

    This should be solved now, so Update is available. (version

  10. "Is it possible to add other Program Paths to the drop down menu?", you mean, add your own paths??


    Not yet. maybe in the next version.
    when I use Edit/Add to Database I get an error message tblPrograms:Cannot modigy a read only dataset. Is there a way for the user to add additional program info to this program." this should be solved in 2111.

    (I am still getting this error with 2111.)

    is already (and again) a work in progress
  11. is there a way to add registry commands for the app being installed to the RunOnceEx though this Program" Waht do you mean with that??

    (What I was taking about is the command in line 3 below.  Will the program enter the REGEDIT/S parameter or is that line for the reg tweak something we will have to add to the RunOnceEx bat file after your programs makes the application program entrys only.)

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Alcohol 120" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\alcohol\setup.exe /qn" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT  /S %systemdrive%\install\alcohol\register.reg" /f

    When adding a command to the list, for a program that already has a command, just leave the field description blank. this will create a line in the list where the description is only a *. this is ok, because you can see this way, that the line with the star, belongs to the program above.

  12. when running 2111, there is no update available jet. As for the "Is it possible to add other Program Paths to the drop down menu?", you mean, add your own paths??

    "Also, when I use Edit/Add to Database I get an error message tblPrograms:Cannot modigy a read only dataset. Is there a way for the user to add additional program info to this program." this should be solved in 2111.

    "Lastly, is there a way to add registry commands for the app being installed to the RunOnceEx though this Program" Waht do you mean with that??

  13. Version released. This version containes some bugfixes in the update-program and a few bugfixes with importing exisiting runonceex.cmd files where there was a leading 0 in some lines (Thanks for reporting this bonedaddy). do NOT use the update feature untill you are updated to this version. if you do, there is a big change that the database will be corrupted

  14. There is a large update to the program.

    It now has an external update-program to let it allow program updates.

    Also, the small bugs and suggestions from the above posts have been put in.

    The download as usual can be found in my signature below.

  15. I just found out, that is it part of the Reg Add command, and means: "The existing registry-entry will be overwritten without notice". To see this for your self, go to start, run and type "cmd" (without the qoutes)

    the press enter. at the commandline type "reg add /?" (without the qoutes). then look it up for yourself to verify

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