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Status Replies posted by vinifera

  1. Is it me, or lots of people think that WiFi == Internet?

  2. My mind is full of Windows XP

    1. vinifera


      XP when edited in both cosmetic and functional way
      beats the shizzle of any post win7 OS

      if XP had ported desktop compozitor from late Longhorns
      to which i know are compatible with, just daunting task...
      XP would be best OS today in Winblows world

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Well by no means am I going to stop running XP. It's just that I'll have to be careful now to secure it properly because MS morons never fixed Vista/7/8.

  4. Am I alone and crazy in thinking that Microsoft peaked in 2001 and now their best times are behind them?

  5. Am I alone and crazy in thinking that Microsoft peaked in 2001 and now their best times are behind them?

  6. Am I alone and crazy in thinking that Microsoft peaked in 2001 and now their best times are behind them?

    1. vinifera


      lightness and stability and bigger multimedia support than 2000

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. Am I alone and crazy in thinking that Microsoft peaked in 2001 and now their best times are behind them?

  8. Windows 98, such a great operating system! :)

    1. vinifera


      yeah gotta love those BSOD's all the time

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. What will happen to us poor Windows power users if its future is going to be "simplified"? Forced to move to Linux?

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