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Everything posted by Maelstorm

  1. I found a couple more places where this link is broken too. http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/56/ http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=25128 When you click the link, you get 2 errors. See below:
  2. I haven't been frequenting this site too much lately, so I'm lat getting into the game. I do not blame Xper, Arron, or the other admins for this security event. The email address that was used has a period in it, so a number of spam generating programs choke on it and throw it out as being invalid. But for the most part, I don't get much spam at that address as it's for commercial use only, mailing lists, etc...and my ISP does a very good job of filtering the junk out into my bulk folder. Once again, I don't blame MSFN for this as this was a security exploit in code that IPB wrote. The software developers are human themselves and they make mistakes. It happens. I do commend MSFN for taking quick action and alerting us to the event. If the password database was not compromized, then I'm not going to worry about it. Seriously, who would post here in someone else's name? It sounds to me like the hackers were after the email addresses to begin with so they could sell them for a profit. What profit is there is logging into the board and posting as someone else? None that I can see.
  3. Description: Function to change computer name. Language: AutoIT3 3.1.1.x beta Usage: Call function with name you want to changed the computer to. Returns 0 on success, 1 on error. Reboot computer for changes to take effect. SetSystemName.txt Description: Function to Join a Workgroup (Windows XP Only) Language: AutoIT3 3.1.1.x beta Usage: Call function with name of desired workgroup that you want to join. Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure. Reboot computer for changes to take effect. SetNetworkWorkgroup.txt Description: Function to join a Domain (Windows XP Only) Language: AutoIT3 3.1.1.x beta Usage: Call function with name of domain to join, a userid, and password. The UserID and Password should be an admin account on the domain controller. Reboot computer for changes to take effect. SetNetworkDomain.txt Note to Moderator: I posted these as separate posts, but for some reason the board keeps merging them into one large post.
  4. Instead of having a thread, why not have a Code Repository database similar the the Application database and the Reg Tweak database? I'm sure that xper could whip something up. (hint, hint)
  5. Thanks for the reply. After I posted, I found some code on Microsoft's website that I can write into an application to do what I want. I'll post it here when I finish it. My final goal with this is to have a system where you have an ini file on a floppy and then have a program read that ini file and make the changes. One DVD for many computers, but each one needs it's own floppy though. I guess it works kinda like your tool, but mine will not be interactive.
  6. Is there a way to set the workgroup and DNS domain suffix from the command line?
  7. Ah yes, the oobe program. You will need to add the following information to your unattended.txt/winnt.sif file. [Unattended] OemPreinstall=Yes [GuiUnattended] OemSkipWelcome=1
  8. You will need a program called certmgr.exe to do this. This file can be found in this post. It can also be found in the Windows XP Platform SDK which is available for download from Microsoft's website. But, to install a root certificate from the command line, use the following: certmgr -add cacert.cer -s ROOT -all Becasue you are installing a trusted root certification authority, a window will popup asking you if you are sure about doing this. Below is a AutoIT3 script that will take care of the window. You can get AutoIT3 from http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/ ; AutoIT Parameters #NoTrayIcon AutoITSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) ; Operational Constants const $WinTitle = "Security Warning" const $WinText = "You are about to install a certificate" const $WinCtrl = 6 const $FileName = "cacert.cer" ; Variables dim $r dim $e ; Program Function $e = 0 Run("CertMgr.exe -add " & $FileName & " -s ROOT -all") if @error = 0 then $r = WinWait($WinTitle, $WinText, 30) if $r = 1 then WinActivate($WinTitle, $WinText) ControlClick($WinTitle, $WinText, $WinCtrl, "left", 1) else $e = 1 endif else $e = 1 endif exit($e)
  9. I now have a digially signed uxtheme.dll. Thanks for the tip.
  10. How do you remove a digital signature from a file? Better yet, if I have my own certificates, how do I digitally sign a file that I modified when it was originally signed by Microsoft?
  11. I've actually had this myself. It's interesting that you mention Firewire and issues with laptop suspend because I've noticed something recently. When I do a defrag of my external FW HD, the machine will suspend right in the middle of the defrag!! I've actually called Microsoft and requested a specific hotfix to correct some weird issue that I was having. Yes, it's not easy to get your hands on "unpublished" hotfixes, but it is possible. To do this, open a support request online with Microsoft and specifically request the hotfix. I don't give the reason why I want it, I just tell them that I want it and they will give it to you...free of charge in most cases. But, you are on your own if it breaks something.
  12. It's allready set to standard editor.
  13. Just download the file and extract the bmp from it using a resource editor.
  14. When I post a reply in a thread, it takes some time for the reply window to load. In fact, I've had to refresh the window a couple of times because it 'got stuck' while loading. This happened around 14:35 GMT-8:00 (Also known as Pacific Daylight Time). Thank you for your time.
  15. You might want to try something from the guys over at stardock and wincustomize and see if what they have meets your needs. http://www.stardock.com http://www.wincustomize.com
  16. Adding a My Videos to the menu? I have explored this quite extensively, and I have come to the conclusion that it cannot be done, unless you are Microsoft. All the items on the right side of the menu are hardcoded in explorer.exe. When Microsoft added "Set Program Access and Defaults" to the right side of the menu, they also released a new version of explorer.exe to support this. I have found the registery keys that control SOME of the items on the right side (the names, icons, what they point to, etc), but it loops through explorer which looks at another registry key that controls if a particular item is displayed or not. Microsoft controls explorer.exe. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to hack explorer.exe to allow more items on the right side of the start menu. Given the nature of the GUI and the fact that explorer.exe IS the GUI, it may be close to impossible to do unless you are very good at hacking files.
  17. After some digging and additional batch scripting, I have developed a working solution for the CD/DVD drive letter changing when the computer reboots from GUI mode setup to first login. The link below has the original thread http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=74179 Two additional script files are included and they are copied over to the HD from the DVD during text mode setup using the $OEM$ directory structure. The sequence of execution is as follows: cmdlines.txt WINSETUP.CMD SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD SYSTEM-CONFIGURE.CMD SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD --OR-- If the CD/DVD drive is D:, then the following sequence is executed: cmdlines.txt WINSETUP.CMD SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD WINSETUP.CMD This is called from cmdlines.txt and runs at T-12 during the GUI mode setup phase. This determines what the current CD/DVD drive letter is, checks for the test environment, and then calls %SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD @ECHO OFF REM Check the command line argument. If nothing is given, then we are going to do a REM live install from the DVD-ROM. If TST is given, then we are in the test REM environment on the harddisk and the base path is different. IF /I "%1"=="" GOTO :START IF /I "%1"=="TST" GOTO :TEST GOTO :ERROR REM This is the DVD-ROM Installation :START REM Hide the command window CMDOW @ /HID REM Find our CD-ROM Drive and set the evnironment variable SET CHECKFILE=win51ip.SP2 IF EXIST C:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=C: IF EXIST D:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=D: IF EXIST E:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=E: IF EXIST F:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=F: IF EXIST G:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=G: IF EXIST H:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=H: IF EXIST I:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=I: IF EXIST J:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=J: IF EXIST K:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=K: IF EXIST L:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=L: IF EXIST M:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=M: IF EXIST N:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=N: IF EXIST O:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=O: IF EXIST P:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=P: IF EXIST Q:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Q: IF EXIST R:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=R: IF EXIST S:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=S: IF EXIST T:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=T: IF EXIST U:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=U: IF EXIST V:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=V: IF EXIST W:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=W: IF EXIST X:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=X: IF EXIST Y:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Y: IF EXIST Z:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Z: REM Set our base DIR and call the main system script. SET BASEDIR=%CDROM%\INSTALL rem START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SYSTEMDRIVE%\TMP\SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR% GOTO :EOF REM This is for our test environment :TEST @ECHO ON SET CDROM=E: SET BASEDIR=%CDROM%\Deployment\CDROM\INSTALL START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR% GOTO :EOF REM This is only called if there is a command line argument error :ERROR ECHO Command Line Error ECHO Valid Options are nothing and TST for install and test GOTO :EOF SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD This checks the current CD/DVD drive letter. If the letter is not D:, then it will initiate a two stage reboot to allow windows to reorder the drive, otherwise it will just simply call %CDROM%\INSTALL\SCRIPTS\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD which will load the RunOnceEX reg key with the run data to install everything. This is one of two files that are copied to the HD at %SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp. @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID REM This is called from WINSETUP.CMD REM Set Evnironment Variables SET CDROM=%1 SET BASEDIR=%2 SET SCRIPTSDIR=%BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS SET TOOLSDIR=%BASEDIR%\TOOLS SET TEMPDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\TMP SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX REM Install Tweaks START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-SYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-REGISTRY.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-POWER.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-FILESYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% REM Check for where the DVD-ROM drive is IF /I "%CDROM%"=="D:" GOTO :ONESTAGE IF /I NOT "%CDROM%"=="D:" GOTO :TWOSTAGE GOTO :EOF :ONESTAGE START /WAIT CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD GOTO :EOF :TWOSTAGE REM RegOnceEX REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Analyze System" /f REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Analyzing System..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %TEMPDIR%\SYSTEM-CONFIGURE.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Rebooting..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\SHUTDOWN.EXE -r -t 2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 2 /D "REG DELETE %KEY%\000 /f" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 3 /D "REG DELETE %KEY%\001 /f" /f GOTO :EOF SYSTEM-CONFIGURE.CMD After the reboot caused by SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD, this script runs to analyze what the current CD/DVD drive letter is and then calls SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD to load RunOnceEX with the data necessary to install everything. This is the second of two files that is installed onto the HD from the $OEM$ file structure during text mode setup. @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID REM This gets called from RegOnceEx at first login. REM Find our CD-ROM Drive and set the evnironment variable SET CHECKFILE=win51ip.SP2 IF EXIST C:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=C: IF EXIST D:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=D: IF EXIST E:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=E: IF EXIST F:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=F: IF EXIST G:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=G: IF EXIST H:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=H: IF EXIST I:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=I: IF EXIST J:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=J: IF EXIST K:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=K: IF EXIST L:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=L: IF EXIST M:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=M: IF EXIST N:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=N: IF EXIST O:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=O: IF EXIST P:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=P: IF EXIST Q:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Q: IF EXIST R:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=R: IF EXIST S:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=S: IF EXIST T:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=T: IF EXIST U:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=U: IF EXIST V:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=V: IF EXIST W:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=W: IF EXIST X:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=X: IF EXIST Y:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Y: IF EXIST Z:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Z: REM Set our environment variables SET BASEDIR=%CDROM%\INSTALL SET SCRIPTSDIR=%BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS SET TOOLSDIR=%BASEDIR%\TOOLS SET TEMPDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\TMP SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX REM RegOnceEX REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Configure System" /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Configuring System..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "Removing Files..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C DEL %TEMPDIR%\SYSTEM-CONFIGURE.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V 2 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C DEL %TEMPDIR%\SYSTEM-ANALYZE.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /VE /D "Rebooting..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\SHUTDOWN.EXE -r -t 2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 2 /D "REG DELETE %KEY%\002 /f" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 3 /D "REG DELETE %KEY%\003 /f" /f REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V 4 /D "REG DELETE %KEY%\004 /f" /f GOTO :EOF SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD This file resides in %CDROM%\INSTALL\SCRIPTS and remains on the CD/DVD. This file load all the RunOnceEX commands that are required to install everything onto the machine. @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID REM Get Our Command Line Parameters SET CDROM=%1 SET BASEDIR=%2 REM Setup Our Environment SET SCRIPTSDIR=%BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS SET TOOLSDIR=%BASEDIR%\TOOLS SET TEMPDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\TMP SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX REM Make sure that our temp directory is present IF /I NOT EXIST %TEMPDIR% MKDIR %TEMPDIR% REM Set The Working Directory CHDIR %SCRIPTSDIR% REM Install Tweaks REM START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-SYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% REM START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-REGISTRY.CMD %BASEDIR% REM START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-POWER.CMD %BASEDIR% REM START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-FILESYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% REM RegOnceEX REM Prepare the Install **MUST BE FIRST** REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Software" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Preparing Installation..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-PREPARE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\011 /VE /D "Set Video Resolution" /f REG ADD %KEY%\011 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-CHGRES.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\012 /VE /D "Fork Image Rotator" /f REG ADD %KEY%\012 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-IMAGEROTATE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\013 /VE /D "Set Background Image" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\013 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-SETWALLPAPER.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Install CD Files and Recovery Console REG ADD %KEY%\100 /VE /D "Installing Windows CD-ROM" /f REG ADD %KEY%\100 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-CDROM.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\101 /VE /D "Installing Recovery Console" /f REG ADD %KEY%\101 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-RC.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR%" /f REM Install Software SET SEQUENCE=110 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-DRIVER.XML CALL :INSTALLDRIVER SET SEQUENCE=111 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-HOTFIX.XML CALL :INSTALLHOTFIX SET SEQUENCE=112 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-FONTS.XML CALL :INSTALLFONT SET SEQUENCE=113 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-MEDIA.XML CALL :INSTALLMEDIA SET SEQUENCE=114 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-SOFTWARE.XML CALL :INSTALLSOFTWARE REM Copy over additional files REG ADD %KEY%\900 /VE /D "Installing Additional Files" /f REG ADD %KEY%\900 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-FILES.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Install Scripts REG ADD %KEY%\901 /VE /D "Installing Scripts" /f REG ADD %KEY%\901 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-SCRIPTS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Set File Permissions REG ADD %KEY%\902 /VE /D "Set File Permissions" /f REG ADD %KEY%\902 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-PERMISSIONS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Sequence 990-999 **MUST BE LAST** REM Cleanup and Reboot REG ADD %KEY%\994 /VE /D "Cleaning Up" /f REG ADD %KEY%\994 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-CLEANUP.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\995 /VE /D "Defragmenting System Harddisk" /f REG ADD %KEY%\995 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-DEFRAG.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\996 /VE /D "Change Registration Information" /f REG ADD %KEY%\996 /V 1 /D "%TOOLSDIR%\MISC\CHGREG.EXE" /f REG ADD %KEY%\997 /VE /D "Fork Detached Program" /f REG ADD %KEY%\997 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-DETACHED.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\998 /VE /D "Set Desktop Image" /f REG ADD %KEY%\998 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-SETWALLPAPER.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\999 /VE /D "Rebooting..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-REBOOT.CMD" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLDRIVER REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Drivers" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-DRIVER.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLHOTFIX REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Hotfixes" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-HOTFIX.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLFONT REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Fonts" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-FONTS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLMEDIA REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Media" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-MEDIA.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLSOFTWARE REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Software" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-SOFTWARE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF REM RunOnceEX install template :INSTALL REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing " /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF
  18. The problem is not really in the script. The registery is loaded with the correct values. I actually get an error from RegOnceEX because it says that "H:\INSTALL\TOOLS\MISC/CHGREG.EXE" cannot be found. That's how I know what was programmed into the registery. Furthermore, I'm able to do <CTRL>-<ALT>-<DEL> to bring up task manager and open up Explorer. The system shows that the DVD drive is D: at that point. Furthermore, when I open RegEdit and look at the remaining data in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX, it shows everything pointing to H:. I think that I might have come up with something though. I'll let you know how it works.
  19. I am allready doing this...well something similar since the original code was written along time ago (see below). The problem is that Windows is changing the drive letter mapping across reboots from GUI setup and first login. In GUI setup: C: HD D: card slot 1 E: card slot 2 F: card slot 3 G: card slot 4 H: DVD After the reboot to first login: C: HD D: DVD E: card slot 1 F: card slot 2 G: card slot 3 H: card slot 4 As you can see, the driver letter map changed after the reboot. So when RunOnceEX executes at first login, it's looking for the files on drive H when they have been moved to drive D. Here's what I'm using: cmdlines.txt [Commands] "WINSETUP.CMD" WINSETUP.CMD @ECHO OFF REM Check the command line argument. If nothing is given, then we are going to do a REM live install from the DVD-ROM. If TST is given, then we are in the test REM environment on the harddisk and the base path is different. IF /I "%1"=="" GOTO :START IF /I "%1"=="TST" GOTO :TEST GOTO :ERROR REM This is the DVD-ROM Installation :START REM Hide the command window CMDOW @ /HID REM Find our CD-ROM Drive and set the evnironment variable SET CHECKFILE=win51ip.SP2 IF EXIST C:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=C: IF EXIST D:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=D: IF EXIST E:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=E: IF EXIST F:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=F: IF EXIST G:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=G: IF EXIST H:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=H: IF EXIST I:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=I: IF EXIST J:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=J: IF EXIST K:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=K: IF EXIST L:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=L: IF EXIST M:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=M: IF EXIST N:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=N: IF EXIST O:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=O: IF EXIST P:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=P: IF EXIST Q:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Q: IF EXIST R:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=R: IF EXIST S:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=S: IF EXIST T:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=T: IF EXIST U:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=U: IF EXIST V:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=V: IF EXIST W:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=W: IF EXIST X:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=X: IF EXIST Y:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Y: IF EXIST Z:\%CHECKFILE% SET CDROM=Z: REM Set our base DIR and call the main system script. SET BASEDIR=%CDROM%\INSTALL START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR% GOTO :EOF REM This is for our test environment :TEST @ECHO ON SET CDROM=E: SET BASEDIR=%CDROM%\Deployment\CDROM\INSTALL START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS\SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR% GOTO :EOF REM This is only called if there is a command line argument error :ERROR ECHO Command Line Error ECHO Valid Options are nothing and TST for install and test GOTO :EOF SYSTEM-INSTALL.CMD @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID REM Get Our Command Line Parameters SET CDROM=%1 SET BASEDIR=%2 REM Setup Our Environment SET SCRIPTSDIR=%BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS SET TOOLSDIR=%BASEDIR%\TOOLS SET TEMPDIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\TMP SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEX REM Make sure that our temp directory is present IF /I NOT EXIST %TEMPDIR% MKDIR %TEMPDIR% REM Set The Working Directory CHDIR %SCRIPTSDIR% REM Install Tweaks START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-SYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-REGISTRY.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-POWER.CMD %BASEDIR% START /WAIT %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\TWEAK-FILESYSTEM.CMD %BASEDIR% REM RegOnceEX REM Prepare the Install **MUST BE FIRST** REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Software" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Preparing Installation..." /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-PREPARE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %TEMPDIR%\SYSTEM-PREPARE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /VE /D "Set Video Resolution" /f REG ADD %KEY%\002 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-GUIKILLER.CMD %BASEDIR%" REG ADD %KEY%\003 /VE /D "Fork Image Rotator" /f REG ADD %KEY%\003 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-IMAGEROTATE.CMD %BASEDIR%" rem REG ADD %KEY%\004 /VE /D "Set Background Image" /f rem REG ADD %KEY%\004 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-SETWALLPAPER.CMD %BASEDIR%" REM Install CD Files and Recovery Console REG ADD %KEY%\100 /VE /D "Installing Windows CD-ROM" /f REG ADD %KEY%\100 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-CDROM.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\101 /VE /D "Installing Recovery Console" /f REG ADD %KEY%\101 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-RC.CMD %CDROM% %BASEDIR%" /f REM Install Software SET SEQUENCE=110 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-DRIVER.XML CALL :INSTALLDRIVER SET SEQUENCE=111 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-HOTFIX.XML CALL :INSTALLHOTFIX SET SEQUENCE=112 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-FONTS.XML CALL :INSTALLFONT SET SEQUENCE=113 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-MEDIA.XML CALL :INSTALLMEDIA SET SEQUENCE=114 IF /I EXIST %SCRIPTSDIR%/MAIN-SOFTWARE.XML CALL :INSTALLSOFTWARE REM Copy over additional files REG ADD %KEY%\900 /VE /D "Installing Additional Files" /f REG ADD %KEY%\900 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-FILES.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Install Scripts REG ADD %KEY%\901 /VE /D "Installing Scripts" /f REG ADD %KEY%\901 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-SCRIPTS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Set File Permissions REG ADD %KEY%\902 /VE /D "Set File Permissions" /f REG ADD %KEY%\902 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-PERMISSIONS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REM Sequence 990-999 **MUST BE LAST** REM Cleanup and Reboot REG ADD %KEY%\994 /VE /D "Cleaning Up" /f REG ADD %KEY%\994 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-CLEANUP.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f REG ADD %KEY%\995 /VE /D "Defragmenting System Harddisk" /f REG ADD %KEY%\995 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-DEFRAG.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\996 /VE /D "Change Registration Information" /f REG ADD %KEY%\996 /V 1 /D "%TOOLSDIR%\MISC\CHGREG.EXE" /f REG ADD %KEY%\997 /VE /D "Set Desktop Image" REG ADD %KEY%\997 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-SETWALLPAPER.CMD" /f REG ADD %KEY%\998 /VE /D "Fork Detached Program" /f REG ADD %KEY%\998 /V /1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C START CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-DETACHED.CMD %BASEDIR%" REG ADD %KEY%\999 /VE /D "Rebooting..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\SYSTEM-REBOOT.CMD" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLDRIVER REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Drivers" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-DRIVER.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLHOTFIX REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Hotfixes" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-HOTFIX.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLFONT REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Fonts" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-FONTS.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLMEDIA REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Media" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-MEDIA.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF :INSTALLSOFTWARE REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing Software" /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-SOFTWARE.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF REM RunOnceEX install template :INSTALL REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /VE /D "Installing " /f REG ADD %KEY%\%SEQUENCE% /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\CMD.EXE /C %SCRIPTSDIR%\INSTALL-.CMD %BASEDIR%" /f GOTO :EOF And one of the install files: INSTALL-HOTFIX.CMD @ECHO OFF CMDOW @ /HID REM Set Variables SET NAME=HOTFIX REM Get Command Line Parameters SET BASEDIR=%1 REM Setup Our Environment SET XPLODEDIR=%BASEDIR%\TOOLS\XPLODE SET SCRIPTSDIR=%BASEDIR%\SCRIPTS SET LOADFILE=%SCRIPTSDIR%\MAIN-%NAME%.XML REM Check for the XML file that XPlode needs to see IF /I NOT EXIST %LOADFILE% GOTO :EOF REM Run Installation START /WAIT %XPLODEDIR%\XPLODE.EXE /xml:"%LOADFILE%" /log:"%SYSTEMROOT%\XPlode.log" REM Cleanup SYNC.EXE Um...I am open to suggestions, which is why I posted here in the first place. Not to sound rude or anything, but read the original post and you will see what I'm talking about.
  20. Actually, there is. It's called IExpress. You can find it in the system32 dir or do this: start -> run iexpress.exe Follow the prompts.
  21. Well that method didn't work. It seems that RegOnceEX reads all the data in the registery at once and then stores it in a buffer, so subsequent modifications of the registery doesn't have an effect. I still have a couple of ideas rattling around inside my head on how to resolve this. An idea that I have it using a VBS or AutoIT script to determine what the CDROM drive is and then call the scripts in question according to what command line parameters were given. Something like this: CDEXEC.exe x INSTALL-RC.CMD Where x is either 0 or 1 which indicates if the execution should be forked or not. It looks for the script in the default scripts directory on the CDROM drive, and if it's not found, it shows an error. I didn't want to have to do it this way, but now I have no choice in the matter.
  22. My question is why does it reorder the drive letters during the install? This disk is to be used with multiple computers, each with a different config. So unless diskpart can analyze the drive map and make some decisions, it will be useless. AFAIK, you cannot place a %CDROM% in a string to be added to the registry because CMD.exe will try to interpret it when it's encountered. But, that does give me an idea on how to get around this...Use my SYSTEM-PREPARE.CMD script from RunOnceEX to determine the current drive letter and then stuff the RegOnceEX keys with the correct data. I would have to use placeholders to hold each entry so it appears on the list. This is going to be *VERY* dependent on RegOnceEX's behavior. We know that RegOnceEX reads all the reg data at once because it presents the list of items to perform. But, that's just titles though. Does it also read the execution data at the same time and store it in a buffer, or does it read it from the registery one line at a time? And if this does work, then hope to God that Microsoft doesn't change it because then we will be screwed.
  23. Um, I hate to say this, but you are incorrect. If you apply the reg tweak during GUI mode setup, then it's applied to the default user profile and every user created afterwards gets it. I have done it myself and it works. It seems that you have run into the same problem that I did when I first started exploring this. The problems has to do with FavoritesChanges. See the links below for more information: For my old version, you may want to see this forum topic: http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t40866.html The new version is in the RegTweaks database here: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/registry/80/
  24. Most, if not all, of the start menu options for configuring the RIGHT menu pane are located in this registry key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] To customize the LEFT menu pane (pinned items), look here: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/registry/80/
  25. I have ran into a real problem. On my new computer when I do an unattended install, it seems that the drive letters are changing across reboots. In GUI setup, the DVD drive is H:, but when RegOnceEX runs, it gets reordered to D:, so because RegOnceEX is looking to H:, it fails because it cannot find the scripts. The computer does have a USB card reader installed. What I don't understand is why the 4 drives on the USB card reader is showing up as D-G with the DVD as H during GUI setup when during first login it reorders with the DVD being D and the card reader being E-H. Any ideas as to why this is happening and how to fix it?
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