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Everything posted by RBCC

  1. I went through those two files and those two strings weren't found! John
  2. Hello all you nice people: What file has these two strings: Do not turn off or unplug system and Installing Update %1 of %1? John
  3. Hello all you nice people: I am trying to animated gif's converted to avi's. I am also using WinT's instructions on adding an avi to a dialog box. Described in this link: http://wint.virtualplastic.net/showtweak.php?tweak_id=33, but I couldn't get it to work. Does anybody have a foolproof method for this? My avi doesn't show up? What conversion program should I use to make these avi's? Is there a website that has avi's? I am using reshack! John
  4. How do I modifty these two files of OOBE to get rid of The User Registration page? There was an article showing how to do this, I search before I posted this, where is this article? John
  5. RBCC


    What about the ---> and the white space? John
  6. Hello all you nice people: How do I edit this config.xml so that during Office 2007 setup it accepts the pidkey number: <Configuration Product="SHAREPOINTDESIGNER"> <!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="no" /> --> <!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> --> <!-- <PIDKEY Value="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx /> --> <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> <!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> --> <!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> --> <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> <!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> --> <!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> --> <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> <!-- <Setting Id="Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> --> <!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --> </Configuration>
  7. Do I use relative Paths? How is this done? John
  8. Hello all you fine people: I have all the office apps under the N:\Office directory Such as N:\office\visio is the visio dir N:\office\sharepoint is the sharepoint dir N:\office\Text is the textbridge dir N:\office \Omni is the omnipage dir N:\Office\OmniFrm is the Omniform in the OCT it has a add installation of programs how do I get these programs to install? John Thank you, John
  9. RBCC

    Drivers and HFSlip

    In this drivers inf file it has these lines: [sourceDisksNames] 1=%WINDiskName%,Disk1 [sourceDisksFiles] HSF_CNXT.sys=1 HSF_DP.sys=1 HSFHWICH.sys=1 HSFCI006.dll=1 mdmxsdk.sys=1 mdmxsdk.dll=1 ;csacpl.cpl = 1 strmDisp.sys=1 HXFSetup.exe=1 em202f.cty=1 How do I adapt this to work in driver.cab? John
  10. Has aomeone been able to install net framework 2,3,3.5 at T-39? T-13 or T-9? if so how? John
  11. RBCC

    nLite 1.4(.1) - - ->

    Thank you very much Nuhi, John
  12. RBCC

    nLite 1.4(.1) - - ->

    Error Enable your referrer and download from the Download page, if it doesn't work with the left click try the right click - 'Save Link As' If you're not sure how it is blocked then temporary disable Firewalls, Antivirus or some other Privacy tool you might currently have active. Here is a guide on this topic I keep getting this error, when I try to d/l nlite. Is there somewhere else I can download it? John
  13. Does Reshacker script creator allow more than one command at a time? John
  14. Hello all you pros, gurus and wonderful people: How do I do an unattended install of Office 2007 enterprise but allows the user to decide where to install office? John
  15. Can I do this but allow the end user to put the installation location? John
  16. TommyP: Does this work in Windows XP? Could someone write a tutorial for drivers in Windows XP? John
  17. Is there a way to slipstream Acrobat 8 into WIndows XP ? So it becomes a part of the Windows XP? Just like slipstreaming the service pack? John
  18. Where in this is the drop down list box labeled "system tasks?" <hwndview resid=main id=atom(main) sheet=styleref(main) layout=borderlayout()> <ScrollViewer id=atom(scroller) sheet=styleref(taskpane) layoutpos=Left xscrollable=false width=210rp> <element id=atom(sectionlist) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,3)/> </ScrollViewer> <Element layoutpos=Client layout=filllayout()> <Element id=atom(clientviewhost) layout=borderlayout()> </Element> <Element id=atom(blockade) layout=borderlayout()> <Element id=atom(blockadeaccent) layoutpos=left width=1/> <Element id=atom(blockadeclient) layoutpos=client layout=borderlayout()> <Element id=atom(blockadetitle) layoutpos=top/> <Element id=atom(blockademessage) layoutpos=top/> <Element id=atom(blockadeclear) layoutpos=top layout=borderlayout()> <Button id=atom(blockadeclearbutton) layoutpos=left layout=borderlayout()> <Element id=atom(blockadecleartext) layoutpos=left/> </Button> </Element> </Element> </Element> </Element> </hwndview> <expando resid=mainsection layout=borderlayout() width=186rp> <element layoutpos=top layout=filllayout()> <button id=atom(header) layoutpos=bottom layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=client/> <element id=atom(arrow) layoutpos=right/> </button> <element id=atom(icon) layoutpos=left/> </element> <clipper layoutpos=top> <element id=atom(watermark) layoutpos=top layout=filllayout()> <tasklist id=atom(tasklist) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0)/> </element> </clipper> </expando> <expando resid=section layout=borderlayout() width=186rp> <button id=atom(header) layoutpos=top layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=client/> <element id=atom(arrow) layoutpos=right/> </button> <clipper layoutpos=top> <tasklist id=atom(tasklist) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0)/> </clipper> </expando> <linkelement resid=AppletLink layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(icon) layoutpos=left/> <element layoutpos=client layout=flowlayout(0,2,0,0)> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=client/> </element> </linkelement> <linkelement resid=TaskLink layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(icon) layoutpos=left/> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=client/> </linkelement> <linkelement resid=CategoryLink layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(icon) layoutpos=left/> <element layoutpos=client layout=flowlayout(0,2,0,0)> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=top/> </element> </linkelement> <element resid=CategoryList id=atom(view) sheet=styleref(CategoryListSS) layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(separator) layoutpos=left width=1/> <scrollviewer sheet=styleref(ScrollerSS) layoutpos=client xscrollable=false> <element id=atom(watermark) layout=filllayout()> <element id=atom(container) sheet=styleref(CategoryListSS) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0)> <element id=atom(directive) sheet=styleref(DirectiveSS)/> <element id=atom(categorylist) layout=gridlayout(5,2)/> </element> </element> </scrollviewer> </element> <element resid=CategoryView id=atom(view) sheet=styleref(CategoryViewSS) layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(separator) layoutpos=left width=1/> <element id=atom(banner) layoutpos=top layout=filllayout() sheet=styleref(BannerSS)> <element layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(header) layoutpos=top layout=borderlayout() height=35rp> <element id=atom(title) layoutpos=client/> </element> </element> <element id=atom(iconsite) layout=borderlayout()> <element id=atom(icon) layoutpos=left/> </element> </element> <scrollviewer sheet=styleref(ScrollerSS) layoutpos=client xscrollable=false> <element id=atom(watermark) layout=filllayout()> <element id=atom(container) sheet=styleref(CategoryViewSS) layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0)> <element id=atom(barricadetitle) sheet=styleref(BarricadeSS)/> <element id=atom(barricademsg) sheet=styleref(BarricadeSS)/> <element id=atom(directive) sheet=styleref(DirectiveSS)/> <element id=atom(categorytasklist) layoutpos=top layout=verticalflowlayout(0,0,0)/> <element id=atom(directive2) layoutpos=top sheet=styleref(DirectiveSS)/> <element id=atom(appletlist) layoutpos=top layout=gridlayout(-1,2)/> </element> </element> </scrollviewer> </element> So I can put a picture in the box? John
  19. Does this work for firefox When I tried it I put eveything in the proper directories and then tried the new package and my extensions and themes weren't installed with it! John
  20. This is the first few lines of my HFANSWER.INI DRIVERCOMP=F SBOOTPATH= MBOOTPATH= DELCATS= BACKUPSOURCE= XPIZESW= FORCEXPIZESLIP= ISONAME=Test ISOTITLE=HFSLIPCD what do I put in here? [sourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %W2Kcd%,driver.cab,,"I386" and in here: [sourceDisksFiles] file1.sys=1 file2.dll=1 what is the HFDRV.CMD file? Should I put it in my winxp source? what goes in my txtsetup.sif file? it seems to be confusing [setupData] [sourceDisksFiles] [sourceDisksFiles] [setupData] DriverCabName=HFDRV.CAB,driver.cab [FileFlags] HFDRV.CAB=16 do I need this? in winxp: ECHO INCLUDING HFDRV.CAB INTO TXTSETUP.SIF REM I am not sure if it is needed but just in case... echo DriverCabName>>txtsetup.log findstr /v /b /i /g:txtsetup.log sourcess\i386\txtsetup.sif>txtsetup.sif move txtsetup.sif sourcess\i386\txtsetup.sif del /f /q txtsetup.log ECHO [sourceDisksFiles]>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF ECHO HFDRV.CAB = 2,,,,,,_x,39,0,0>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF ECHO [setupData]>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF ECHO DriverCabName=HFDRV.CAB,driver.cab>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF ECHO [FileFlags]>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF ECHO HFDRV.CAB=16>>SOURCESS\I386\TXTSETUP.SIF And where do I put this file? Thank you John
  21. I have sent along a file called stuff.rar in it has my txtmode.sif, dosnet.inf, hfslip.log and hfanswer.ini. What do I need to modify to integrate drivers in hfslip? After using drivecompressor I cabbed the drivers then built a cab out of the combined files. Did I do this wrong TommyP? John
  22. but you have to extract cabbed files again after using it). does this mean make a cab out of the driver files or leave them alone? ie: save you have a driver :foo.dx_ do you want it to read foo.dxv? or gather up all your files and make a cab out of them? SO in the end you have foo.cab? John
  23. RBCC

    Drivers and HFSLIP

    Ok after using driver compressor, and everything that OLEGII Said. I am still a little confused. Here are the directories under hfexpert HFEXPERT | |---DRIVERCAB | | | |-----Modem | | | | | |---mymodem.inf | | |---modem.cab | | | |-----Sound | | | | | |---mysound.inf | | |---sound.cab What I am trying to do is through using HFSLIP is to slipstream the drivers! So what what do I need to put into txtmode.sif to get the slipstream to take place? Also do I have to make a batch file to do this and what do I put in the batch? John
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