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Everything posted by brian873

  1. hi funker.... the screenshot you posted is a linux system. This is totaly possible. In windows xp you would need a programe to do this. i think it is possible ask the quesation in the customing forum those guys can help i am sure. hail hail
  2. Hi Inray, Depending on your configuration will determine what best suits your needs. Ask yourself 1- What is my backup device? 2- How often will I backup? 3- Will you use the backup data for archive or reference ? 4- What is the data I will backup? a. What is the average file size? Let me know this and I will try and recommend something for you. Hail Hail
  3. Not sure why this would happen. I would check the hardware and check for connfilcts. A bit puzzeling as I have 2 sound cards on XP SP2 and I can choose either for my playback device. Have you administrator rights ? hail hail
  4. Someone may be able to tell me otherwise. But as far as I know Remote Desktop is not a true Terminal Server. So using the RD client will not display any computers when you use the browse option. You will have to enter the ip or computer name manually. Also unless changed with group policy all remote desktop users need to have a password set. A blank password will not let you logon. You do ot need to be an administrator. A normal user account with a password will let you use remote desktop When you say This has made me think you are using a domain ? hail hail
  5. Yes it is possible. You would need the Japanese lanuage pack. You may need to download it from microsoft.com. If you need detailed instructions, let me know. But once the lanuage is changed your on your own syanari
  6. Glad you got it working. You can disable the password settinng using group policy editor. But as far as I know beinig an administrator is not enough. You need to be a member of the Remote Desktop Group. In order to use a netbios name you may need to what ports to open to allow that traffic through.. hail hail
  7. if you cant see other pc for file/print sharing sounds like its not a remote desktop problem. i would go back to basics. Can you ping the PC's with both IP and Netbios names ? Check the ports you need open to use RD with a firewall ? And most of all check the config of your network. hail hail
  8. You may have done this already but try.... Connfirm you have a user in the Remote Desktop group 1- START/CONTROL PANEL/ADMINSTRATOR TOOLS/COMPUTER MANAGER/LOCAL USER AND GROUPS/GROUPS/REMOTE DESKTOP USERS Confirm and check Remote Desktop is ennabled 1- START/CONTROL PANEL/SYSTEM/REMOTE 2- Check allow remote connection is enabled. 3- Check full computer name. Get your IP address 1- START/RUN/CMD 2- ipconfig 3- note down ip address At the client machine. 1- Bring up the Remote Desktop client 2- try to connect with the FULL COMPUTER NAME if that fails use the IP let me know if you need more info. hail hail
  9. Did you format the drive in XP ? I would.... Boot to DOS from a floppy Run FDISK 1- delete all partitions. 2- create a new FAT32 partition 3- Reboot and boot from my Win98 CD If you need more details let me know. hail hail
  10. Hi, This is a tricky one as you really need to weigh up the pro’s and con’s for your own individual setup. 802.11g should be more than sufficient to stream audio video. Although this depends on your location for the equipment. I live in an old house with thick walls so my wireless connection is not very strong and can drop sometimes. A hardwired connection should not have any security issues and will guarantee you a good flow of data up to 1000mb is very affordable. But again it may be difficult for you to hard wire it in. Although it is old technology it is a little more future proof than 802.11g because wireless technology is being developed all the time. My setup in the house is that I use both. For streaming media (video) I use a hardwired setup while I use wireless for my laptop. I also use wireless for a box that grabs MP3’s to play through my stereo. Let me know if you want to know how to secure your wireless setup.
  11. Hi all, Just playing around with the two docker programes above. I was just wondering what the general view of who thinks what is the best and why? Hail Hail
  12. Thanks Simonsays...... I thought it did, and this would be a good topic for a search. hail hail
  13. thanks Godan..... beging to find that out. lthouogh still on the case of changing the icons not using style XP. hail hail
  14. Can anyone confirm that windows Media Plaayer 10 can rip MP3's from cd withouut the need for any third party software ? hail hail
  15. I have just installed the visual theme patch in xp using Style XP. I am planning to incorporate this in to my slip streamed CD with the manual patch. I was wondering if anyone knows the pros and cons of a manual install over using Style xp like performance stability anything really. Thanks….
  16. I dont understand what you are trying to do. AT is a scheduler command so by nature it is for running the same set of commands at a regular interval. I think you may want to look at a BATCH command to do what you want. You will know doubt have checked it out but the windows help system has lots of information about AT aand also on the microsoft site. Please explain what you are trying to do and I will see if I cann help more. Here is a GUI version of AT it is pretty good. Hail Hail WINAT.zip
  17. thanks SS good extension and works well. hail hail
  18. Thanks ardnelias although i dont know if i want to install the other software just for this. Good to oknow though.
  19. Hi, I use Internet Explorer and Firefox depending on the sites I am visiting. I was wondering if there was a way to make one list of favorites that both browsers use. I know I can import IE's favorites to Firefox but not the other way. Does anyone have any information on this ? As I am fedup with transferrinig favorites between them. hail hail
  20. Cheers Snoop more info for me. hail hail
  21. Thanks edg21 thats exactly what I was meaning. But as I have no real need for it I dont want to shell out the cash. But a good link to save for future reference. Also the fast user switching does not make a difference to allowiinng moroe than one remote user at once. hail hail
  22. Thanks Fat64. Although it did not work for me. I have 3 pc all with xp sp2 I changed the registry in the the on with remote desktop enabled. When I try a second remote desktop conection it kills the first as normal.
  23. Either the same account or another one. I know it can be done in other flavours of windows. By that I mean the server versions. I was just curious to see if it could be done in good old XP. Hail hail thanks for the reply
  24. Hi, I have done a search for this and found nothing so I think I may be on to plums. But I'll try anyhow. Is there a way in Windows XP to logon on via a remote desktop connection while the user at the PC still uses there account at the same time? Any information appreciated.
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