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Everything posted by robotnik
Hey all, I am developing a very simple deployment solution. It works well but I'm having some trouble with the return/error codes. When I put a fictitious target computer name in tst.txt, it will return either 0, 53, or 9009 (due to DNS issues on our network). It will return a 0 when it has executed successfully on a real target computer. Here's the source below: @echo off echo ********************** >>errors.txt date /t >>errors.txt time /t >>errors.txt echo ---------------------- >>errors.txt cls for /f %%a in (tst.txt) DO ( echo Executing on %%a echo ====================== PSEXEC %%a -c "C:\deployment tool\dummy.bat" dummy.bat echo %%a reported errorlevel: %errorlevel% >> errors.txt echo ====================== echo %errorlevel% pause ) It reads the names of target machines from tst.txt. Dummy.bat is the script that is to be run on the target machines. And error.txt is of course where the errorlevel is supposed to be recorded. I know that there would be a fair amount of interest in a system like this and hope that we can get this up and running. Thanks in advance!
Try using a portable version of open office or using AbiWord. The portable version of AbiWord is between 9.8 and 17mb installed. AbiWord Link
I slipstreamed sp3 into xp using nlite and have seen no noticeable changes. Props to Microsoft for not complicating things
How to properly query the service pack version from the registry
robotnik replied to robotnik's topic in Windows XP
That's a huge step in the right direction but does anyone know how to save the result of the reg query command to a variable? Ive tried using %1%, %1 and %%i in the following manner: for /f "skip=4 tokens=3" %%? in ('HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion') do set CSDVersion=%%? set CSDVersion=%CSDVersion:~-3% reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion" if %1% == "Service Pack 1" go to runupdates if %1% == "Service Pack 2" go to end On another note, I found this link that has what I need but I cant seem to get the syntax of the IF and GO TO statements correct: http://fixunix.com/ms-dos/271139-read-os-s...evel-batch.html Thanks in advance! -
check out mp3car.com, they have LOTS of info on this. My carputer is a thinkpad with 1.3ghz p3, 256mb pc133 ram and it does a cold boot up to desktop and no HD activity in 28 seconds. Mininmal software install, services are tweeked and I'm using minlogon.
1. Like someone else stated, try the stick in another computer. If the same thing happens then the stick is bad. 2. Try using the stick on the same computer under a different operating system installation either on a different installation location or removable media. If the same thing happens, try a different stick. 3. If the other stick fails, then you likely have a bad motherboard and/or usb controller
How to properly query the service pack version from the registry
robotnik replied to robotnik's topic in Windows XP
Thank you! -
Removing OOBE did the trick! Thanks guys!
Sorry, for the lack of info. The original source disc is sp2 with a volume license key. SP3 has been slipstreamed using nLite. For the most part I'm pretty happy with this unattended install. It stops for computer name, domain, etc. I'll try removing the OOBE (for the life of me I couldn't figure out it's official name) component and report back with the results. Just out of curiosity, what happens when this component is removed from a non-VLK disc? Thanks!
Does anyone know how to skip the section of setup with the short animation and the cool music in the background where it asks you about user accounts, connecting to the internet, registering with microsoft, etc? Thanks in Advance
This is one goofy InstallShield installer...
robotnik replied to robotnik's topic in Application Installs
Is that a former symantec product? -
This is one goofy InstallShield installer...
robotnik replied to robotnik's topic in Application Installs
Does anyone know of a good Orca tutorial? -
This is one goofy InstallShield installer...
robotnik replied to robotnik's topic in Application Installs
Thanks Radix! That did half the trick. For some reason the MSI that I extracted will not respond to the ALLUSERS=1 switch. If anyone has any suggestions it'd be greatly appreciated! -
want to make automed app install after widows setup
robotnik replied to osfar's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
http://unattended.msfn.org/ -
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've been meaning to figure out a way to do something like this for the last couple of years! You rock!!!
kTool (just another software selector)
robotnik replied to kenedy's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
This app rocks!! The only thing i would change is the option to leave the program running after the installation is done. Other than that it's perfect! -
Hey all! I've got an InstallShield installation that I'm trying to make into a silent install. The only problem is that it doesn't respond to any command line switches that I've tried. All that needs to be done is to install the outlook plugin to all users in silent mode. I uploaded a copy of the file to my server: http://www.midwestvisuals.com/webpas The file has company specific settings built into it so licensing should not be an issue. Thanks in advance for any suggestion you all might have!
Thanks Doc! That's exactly what I needed and it works great too!