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Jonquil Bloom

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Everything posted by Jonquil Bloom

  1. i wonder... WHERE ARE THE GIRLS??? ok.. let's see now.. Bi0haZarD...does this mean i have to be dead.. to help in world peace ??? gamehead200..i don't think they care... SiMoNsAyS.... aresgodofwar... that will make the problem bigger for him ... trust me mazin... for me .. i hate guys who thinks girls would love them for their looks ... not all girls are the same ... the same with "not all guys are the same" ... right? rupert86.. i didn't think you are at all .. you have the right to say no to that girl ... but it's hard .. i know.. *sighs* rupert86....i thought you said you don't want any thing with that girl !!!... what if it turns out that she is just a nice girl who is interested in you??.. then what ... you will like her.. and by time.. you will love her ... i say if it was a trap .. don't fall to it !!! Bi0haZarD... here is my advice ... ehm... if you don't want it... i hope GOD will give you streangth man ... be patiente there is no way out ... salut
  2. just not interested in voting i think !! girl.. btw...
  3. THANKS A LOT!! I'll see what I can do !!
  4. oook!! now here i realy should ask!! HOW CAN I USE THIS CODE THING??? T_T i know how can i get to it... but how can i actually make it work??? pleeeeeeeeeeeease TELL ME!!!! *knows it's a stupid qs but.. but... she really hates her Recycle Bin*
  5. believe me!... a very bad idea.. if you want her back!! if she didn't leave for someone else.. look for her in anyway you can!! any way.. single gladly!!
  6. so great!!!! thanks a lot
  7. the third one of crashelite's banners is great! I will try too!
  8. SysMetrix Development Builds
  9. What do you think of TuneUp Utilities 2004's defrag?
  10. is there a crack or something for Diskeeper 8 Professional ????
  11. I will !!! THank you all
  12. thankx!!! but like I thought, this forum is way to much advansed for me !!! so, till I get the hang of it , I will be in a deep silence hanging around wish me luck
  13. Hello!!! *ehm* ,,, I'm girl who wants to learn about computer stuff as much as she can to be a professional one day >>>*yeah right!! * I was a pathetic beginner , but then I registered to a forum just like yours here that improved me A LOT!!! ( <<*hehe*) And now that I'm in TWO great forums about computers!!! I FEEL SUPER LUCKYYYYYY P.S. I know, I talk a lot. Be patient
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