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Everything posted by dkreifus
HOTFIXES: Windows XP SP2 & Windows 2000 SP4
dkreifus replied to Incroyable HULK's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I got WGA agent to install like this: REG ADD %KEY%\063 /VE /D "Updating the Windows Update Agent" /f REG ADD %KEY%\063 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\wua.exe /wuforce /quiet /norestart" /f -
ok..i got it..but how do i get it the others?
Is there a way to have the WMP icon NOT be on the desktop by default? I've searched with no avail....
I've been doing hotfixes via SVCPACK and RunOnce. (for the onces that didnt work via SVCPACK). I've had a few that just won't work....and I'm mentally drained and can't think of why. KB867460 - This is .Net 1.1 SP1 So.... I install it in RunOnce with this: REG ADD %KEY%\058 /VE /D ".Net 1.1 SP1" /f REG ADD %KEY%\058 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\kb867460.exe /q" /f Then I have KB 911565 This is in SVCPACK as: KB911565.exe /q /n /z as according to this post it did work when I had it in RunOnce as: REG ADD %KEY%\066 /VE /D "Hotfix KB911565" /f REG ADD %KEY%\066 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\KB911565.exe /quiet /norestart" /f Then 912475 but I have no idea how to download that. And finally 902344 This is in SVCPACK as: KB902344 /quiet /norestart /nobackup because I went with the /? switches..... im stumped....any help?
Well, it worked nicely in RunOnce. Could I run it with the working switches in SVCPACK?
adding domain users via command line
dkreifus replied to dkreifus's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
I understand they are separate. We want to give a domain user who is part of a domain group access to the power users group. So, under power users, we'd add: COMPANY\TECHS. We'd of course have to authenticate. (because we're logged in as a local admin, not a domain user). like this: net localgroup "Power Users" "DOMAIN1\GROUP1" /add but somehow, authenticate against the AD -
Is there a way to add domain groups to a local group when logged in as a local admin. (not on the domain)? I want to add Domian1\Group1 and Domain1\Group2 to Power Users....
OK...I probably am doing this wrong, as I am a bit confused. I have WUA.exe (windows update agent) Can I just have it in RunONce exectute as: wua.exe /wuforce /quiet /norestart ?
If I already have Winnit.sif and sysprep both pointing at C:\Drvrs, then I don't need to set the drivers for windows?
i read that post. It didn't answer anything except that it hasn't been done yet.
Is there a way to slipstream/automate the update to Windows Update? It always prompts me, and i have not seen a sign of any way to auotmate this...
I want to set Windows to search for new drivers in C:\DRVs or something like that, and not do the windows updates, etc. Just do a direct location search. Is there a registry edit for that?
Is there a batch file script that all my googling has missed? I want to be able to take one profile, (administrator) and copy it to the default profile, and change all the permissions. Essentially, automate the process of going to My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced..User Profile Settings and using the Copy To function... (and change permissions to everyone). I have a VB script that does it, but I wanted to do it all in batch script
Each application has its own custimization methods. There isn't a global fix to my knowledge.
what are the basic vs. non-basic power settings?
We will be using our image on our desktops as well as our laptops. Do I have to adjust the power config IF the computer is a laptop? Will windows automatically detect that the machine is mobile and make adjustments? If I have to adjust it, which registries should I change?
Copy I386 Folder after install?
dkreifus replied to dkreifus's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
Thanks guys! I changed my original post. I decided to go with the robocopy version. The code was simple, easy, and does the job. I'll test it tonight -
For our corporate image, we want to have the I386 folder located on the %systemdrive%. At would point would you recommend copying the I386 folder to the c: drive? Does it make a difference? I just don't want to copy it into the $OEM$ folder. I'm trying to reduce redundancy
I want to set my screen saver to be the My Pictures Folder for the company. We have a company logo in there. Should i just import this registry setting? Also, where would i go to change the settings for this screen saver Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-50320715-296414537-3037964617-12755\Control Panel\Desktop] "ScreenSaverIsSecure"="1" "ScreenSaveTimeOut"="1800" "ScreenSaveActive"="1" "SCRNSAVE.EXE"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\ssmypics.scr"
Hi all, It's been a while since I've posted. Anyway, I'm trying to accomplish a few tasks for work in an unattended fashion for a global wide image. 1) Is there a way to add users (domain users) to the local groups. I don't want it to be a local account 2)Change the link speed on a network card to 100 Mbps/Full Duplex from Auto 3)Disable wireless. (disable Wireless Zero config, or another setting?)
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for setting up an image for business use. Applications/Programs to remove, settings, etc.... Any ideas would be great
I did an unattended install. To my dissapointment, many files didn't expand for some dumb reason. ie: remote desktop. So I want to go through the i386 folder and manually expand the files. How do I know where the files go? ie: the *.dl_ files, *.ch_, *.ex_, etc.... Any help?
How do I set the location of icons in the desktop via the registry. For example, my recylcing bin and the firefox icon? Also, what are the registry keys to set length of my quicklaunch bar and then lock it? When I do my install, it is too small by 1 icon length.
How would I silently install my Palm and Hotsync settings? I currently synchronize with Outlook...the CD did the setup for the conduits
What happens at T-19 in terms of installation. Mine freezes about there. I had applied NLite, and used RyanVM update packs... and now I'm stumped.