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Everything posted by dkreifus

  1. We have a licensed copy of spinrite for our site, and would like to add it to our WinPE2.0 boot CD. Anytime I access the Spinrite CD, it just has spinrite.exe on it which just runs the program to create more CDs. What am I missing, or how can I go about adding it to our WinPE CD
  2. And here was the resulting problem: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=931760
  3. All, Sorry its taken some time to respond. I wanted to provide an update... I am stuck still, but at a different aspect. I currently am using WIM. I change my HP DC 5700 over to Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC. I rebooted several times to ensure it took. I sysprepped the system. I wiped the computer, and dropped the image down. (same machine as image was built from). It completed mini setup perfectly, but then upon reboot, would get stuck in a reboot cycle on the Windows splash screen. I've been in touch with Johan, the guy that wrote the HAL replacement VB script..but I'm still at a standstill
  4. I am having difficulty with making an unattended install work in WMware ESX 3.0. I know it requires a scsi driver, but I can't seem to make it work. I've googled and tried many things, from: this to this and also: unattended via MSFN I am stumped on how to make this work.
  5. I am in the process of switching from Ghost based to WIM based so I can do the ztihaldetect script. My process is an unattended installation, then I do some minor touching for applications. (some configs). Then I run a script which logs out, logs in as a second account, copies the admin account to the default user account. Then it logs back in, deletes that 2nd account, and then syspreps the whole setup. (mass storage drivers and all). I am switcing to using WIM now and PE2.0 When it loads up, it does sysprep, then logs in as admin. the user goes through a set of menu options which move the computer account to the right domain, install software based on the computer type (laptop, desktop), and then it reboots, cleans up, and reboots again for final use. This is a very simplified understanding of my process. My boot disk also lets the user choose their location, and deploys the image from different servers based on their location. (we're across the country)
  6. Yea..I understand. I did the HAL change this morning as a test on my computer, and I can do it. I'll be trying it shortly. Sadly, I don't know how to unseal an image, so I am updating my image, and doing a test today. I don't know when I'll have the results. My apologies for not posting my HAL update earlier. Is there a way to script the HAL change? I am trying to do a touchless unattended install as well
  7. I remember reading about a third party software that does it. I don't recall the name offhand. I've had lots of problems with this idea. I think the best thing would be to get an OX Server..bind that to AD, and let the Macs communicate with the OS X server. THis way, only one thing is bound, and all the password policies and credential checking goes through one system
  8. my mass storage is fine...thank you though. I've never changed the HAL on an image before sysprepping it.. So thats a new idea to me.
  9. I have noticed that it gives me the prompt when Windows Boots up that Windows did not shut down properly, etc...have to figure out how to get rid of that.
  10. If sHalType(0) = "acpipic" Then rename c:\windows\sytem32\hal.dll to hal.dll.old rename c:\windows\sytem32\ntoskrnl.exe to ntoskrnl.exe.old expand c:\i386\halacpi.dl_ -r c:\windows\sytem32\hal.dll expand c:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ -r c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe I think that should solve my problems
  11. If I put in the command line code that I want to use, can you guys help me insert it into the above VB code..I know what I want to do..I just don't know VB
  12. You've steered me right so far. To my discredit...If I had read the first line of the VB script that Johan made..I might have understood better. '// This script updates sysprep.inf with correct HAL Type '// The Reference (master) computer should be built from '// an Advanced ACPI computer But my teachings always say to build from the most recent computer available.
  13. Follow up! It worked. Turns out the Hal.dll was just never renamed properly. So the first thing I am going to do is recheck it. First by switching the Hal...see if i can bypass the ntoskrnl.exe file...(just to isolate the problem). Then..I'll work on setting the script to swap those files in case of acpipic... Wow..1 1/2 years of work..coming to a resolution...I'm kinda pysched
  14. Update: After booting to WinPE... I extracted halacpi.dl_ and ntoskrnl.ex_ from I386. First I copied ntoskrnl...(I renamed the old one, and then extracted/renamed the new one) No luck..still a black screen I repeated the process with the halacpi.dl_...this time, when I rebooted, it told me the hal.dll file was corrupt. Now I am going to redo the process, but instead of getting the files from I386, I'll get them from I386\Drivers.cab
  15. To be honest, I don't know much about HALs to this level the way you guys do. I am going to start one way, then another. I am NOT inclined to think it is a mass storage problem, as the same identical unattended image works perfect on my Lenovo T60 and Lenovo T42. The only issue is the black screen I get if I use a T60 or HP DC5700 as the base for the image. The T-42 gets the black screen. I use the same unattended image on the T-42, sysprep it, etc, and it works fine on T-42 and "lower" models. (HP desktops included). I think it is the HAL as well, but I'm not sure which one of your processs to go with. I guess I'll have to try both. Currently in my image, I have I386 stored there. Hopefully that will help. Oh, the T-42 has Advanced Configuration and Power Interface PC. (ACPI)- (From Device Manager>Comptuer) It is coming back from the ZTIDetect script as acpipic My T-60 is coming back as a acpiapic @p4ntb0y.. I haven't resolved the SATA issue. But you spelled out the solution pretty clear. I assume is the section I really need to add
  16. I follow now... So I should change the vb script so if the computer is acpipic, it should extract and replace both, hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe, from their original names to the working names in system32... @zorphnog.. is acpipcic the only hal this is needed for? @IcemanND.. What are the different original names for the ntoskrnl.exe? Do you know? (I haven't explored this yet, as I haven't been to the office)
  17. So I should fully image a machine with the acpipic, and get the ntoskrnl.exe and hal.dll from system32? Don't I have to get the ntoskrnl.exe and hal.dll that are for acpipic? I'm a bit confused? Can you clarify a bit
  18. Actually..you hit my problem right on the head. I got the hal to replace..but I am still getting a black screen when I boot up. The computer is acpipic. So..do I just have to replace ntoskrnl.exe or both, hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. Where should I get them? Where do I put them?
  19. I am attempting to run a VB script in WinPE 2.0. The script does not seem to respond in any way, shape, or form. When it executes, no error messages pop up, it just displays the command prompt again. Here is the script I use to create my WinPE image. @echo off setlocal TITLE Making BootDisk 2.0 set winpe=C:\BootDisk\PE2.0\winpe2.0 set Petools=C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools set BootDisk=C:\BootDisk\PE2.0 echo Updating path to include peimg, oscdimg, imagex echo. echo %petools% echo %petools%..\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% echo. set PATH=%PATH%;%petools%;%petools%..\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% imagex /unmount %winpe%\mount rd /s /q %winpe% CALL copype.cmd x86 "%winpe%" imagex /mountrw %winpe%\winpe.wim 1 %winpe%\mount rename %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\startnet.cmd startnet.cmd.old ECHO Copying add on files copy /y %bootdisk%\addon\*.* %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32 peimg /install=*scripting* %winpe%\mount\Windows peimg /prep %winpe%\mount\Windows /f imagex /capture /boot %winpe%\mount %winpe%\winpe1.wim "Boot CD" copy %winpe%\winpe1.wim %winpe%\ISO\sources\boot.wim oscdimg -n -b%winpe%\etfsboot.com %winpe%\ISO "%bootdisk%\Boot CD 2.3b.iso" exit The script I am trying to execute is: '////////////////////////////////////////////////// '// '// Script File: '// '// ZTIHalDetect.vbs '// '// This script updates sysprep.inf with correct HAL Type '// The Reference (master) computer should be built from '// an Advanced ACPI computer '// '// Use this script for WIM images (Imagex, OSD, WDS) '// '////////////////////////////////////////////////// Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Customize the local sysprep.inf file based on the HAL type Call UpdateSysprepinf () ' Done, quit. WScript.Quit Sub UpdateSysprepinf () ' Find out the HAL type sHalType = oWshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\ACPI_HAL000\HardwareID") If sHalType(0) = "acpiapic" Then if oWshShell.Environment.item("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") = 1 then WriteIni "c:\sysprep\sysprep.inf", "Unattended", "UpdateUPHAL", "ACPIAPIC_UP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf" else writeini "c:\sysprep\sysprep.inf", "Unattended", "UpdateHAL", "ACPIAPIC_MP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf" end if ElseIf sHalType(0) = "acpiapic_up" Then WriteIni "c:\sysprep\sysprep.inf", "Unattended", "UpdateUPHAL", "ACPIAPIC_UP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf" ElseIf sHalType(0) = "acpiapic_mp" Then writeini "c:\sysprep\sysprep.inf", "Unattended", "UpdateHAL", "ACPIAPIC_MP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf" End if End Sub Function ReadIni(file, section, item) ReadIni = "" file = Trim(file) item = Trim(item) Set ini = oFSO.OpenTextFile( file, 1, True) Do While ini.AtEndOfStream = False line = ini.ReadLine line = Trim(line) If LCase(line) = "[" & LCase(section) & "]" Then line = ini.ReadLine line = Trim(line) Do While Left( line, 1) <> "[" 'If InStr( 1, line, item & "=", 1) = 1 Then equalpos = InStr(1, line, "=", 1 ) If equalpos > 0 Then leftstring = Left(line, equalpos - 1 ) leftstring = Trim(leftstring) If LCase(leftstring) = LCase(item) Then ReadIni = Mid( line, equalpos + 1 ) ReadIni = Trim(ReadIni) Exit Do End If End If If ini.AtEndOfStream Then Exit Do line = ini.ReadLine line = Trim(line) Loop Exit Do End If Loop ini.Close End Function Sub WriteIni( file, section, item, myvalue ) in_section = False section_exists = False item_exists = ( ReadIni( file, section, item ) <> "" ) wrote = False file = Trim(file) itemtrimmed = Trim(item) myvalue = Trim(myvalue) temp_ini = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(file) & "\" & oFSO.GetTempName Set read_ini = oFSO.OpenTextFile( file, 1, True, TristateFalse ) Set write_ini = oFSO.CreateTextFile( temp_ini, False) While read_ini.AtEndOfStream = False line = read_ini.ReadLine linetrimmed = Trim(line) If wrote = False Then If LCase(line) = "[" & LCase(section) & "]" Then section_exists = True in_section = True ElseIf InStr( line, "[" ) = 1 Then in_section = False End If End If If in_section Then If item_exists = False Then write_ini.WriteLine line write_ini.WriteLine item & "=" & myvalue wrote = True in_section = False Else equalpos = InStr(1, line, "=", 1 ) If equalpos > 0 Then leftstring = Left(line, equalpos - 1 ) leftstring = Trim(leftstring) If LCase(leftstring) = LCase(item) Then write_ini.WriteLine itemtrimmed & "=" & myvalue wrote = True in_section = False End If End If If Not wrote Then write_ini.WriteLine line End If End If Else write_ini.WriteLine line End If Wend If section_exists = False Then ' section doesn't exist write_ini.WriteLine write_ini.WriteLine "[" & section & "]" write_ini.WriteLine itemtrimmed & "=" & myvalue End If read_ini.Close write_ini.Close If oFSO.FileExists(file) then oFSO.DeleteFile file, True End if oFSO.CopyFile temp_ini, file, true oFSO.DeleteFile temp_ini, True End Sub
  20. I found that: esentutl.exe esent.dll Are needed if doing any drive mapping
  21. For some reason, I can't get an IP and connect to a network drive. Here is my batch file while makes the boot disk, and then my startnet.cmd @echo off setlocal TITLE Making BootDisk 2.0 set winpe=C:\BootDisk\PE2.0\winpe2.0 set Petools=C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools set BootDisk=C:\BootDisk\PE2.0 echo Updating path to include peimg, oscdimg, imagex echo. echo %petools% echo %petools%..\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% echo. set PATH=%PATH%;%petools%;%petools%..\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% CALL copype.cmd x86 "%winpe%" imagex /mountrw %winpe%\winpe.wim 1 %winpe%\mount ECHO deleting unneeded directories rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ar-SA rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\bg-BG rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\cs-CZ rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\da-DK rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\de-DE rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\el-GR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\es-ES rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\et-EE rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\fi-FI rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\fr-FR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\he-IL rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\hr-HR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\hu-HU rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\it-IT rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ja-JP rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ko-KR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\lt-LT rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\lv-LV rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\nb-NO rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\nl-NL rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\pl-PL rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\pt-BR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\pt-PT rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ro-RO rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ru-RU rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\sk-SK rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\sl-SI rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\sv-SE rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\th-TH rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\tr-TR rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\uk-UA rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\zh-CN rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\zh-TW rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\zh-HK rd /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\sr-Latn-CS rd /s /q %winpe%\ISO\boot\fonts rd /s /q %winpe%\ISO\EFI\microsoft\boot\fonts del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\diskraid.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\dpapimig.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\doskey.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\esentutl.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\esent.dll del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ftp.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\notepad.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ntprint.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\ntprint.dll del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\print.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\printui.dll del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\robocopy.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\wbengine.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\wbadmin.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\wdscapture.exe del /s /q %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32\wdscapture.inf ECHO Copying add on files copy /y %bootdisk%\addon\*.* %winpe%\mount\Windows\System32 imagex /unmount %winpe%\mount /commit copy %winpe%\winpe.wim %winpe%\ISO\sources\boot.wim oscdimg -n -b%winpe%\etfsboot.com %winpe%\ISO "%bootdisk%\Boot CD 2.0.iso" endlocal exit StartNet.CMD @echo off TITLE Boot CD v 2.1 wpeinit regsvr32 /s netcfgx.dll netcfg -v -winpe net start dhcp net start nla :Menu CLS ipconfig ECHO. ECHO Please choose your action: Echo A)Image Computer Echo B)Run Ghost Echo C)Ghost w/ net drive Echo D)Format C: drive ECHO E)Go back a step ECHO F)Exit choice /c:ABCDEFG /N if errorlevel 7 GOTO makeimage if errorlevel 6 GOTO exit if errorlevel 5 GOTO menu if errorlevel 4 GOTO wipe if errorlevel 3 GOTO netghost if errorlevel 2 GOTO tool if errorlevel 1 GOTO comp :comp ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Please choose your model: ECHO. Echo A)DX2000,DC5000,DC5100,DC5700 Echo B)T43,T60,500(M) Echo C)T40,T41,T42, ECHO D)510 (EVO 51) Echo E)A30,A31,R40 Echo F)D5pM,X40 ECHO G)HP NC4400 ECHO H)Go back to beginning choice /c:ABCDEFGH /N if errorlevel 8 GOTO menu if errorlevel 7 set model=nc4400 if errorlevel 6 set model=T42 if errorlevel 5 set model=T42 if errorlevel 4 set model=T60 if errorlevel 3 set model=T42 if errorlevel 2 set model=T60 if errorlevel 1 set model=T60 GOTO ghost :tool ghost32.exe GOTO exit :netghost ECHO. ECHO Please enter your domain: Set /P domain= ECHO. ECHO Please enter your username: set /p username= net use T: \\server\currentimage\temp * /USER:%domain%\%username% if errorlevel 1 GOTO netghostfail if errorlevel 0 GOTO netghostpass :netghostpass ghost32.exe GOTO exit :netghostfail ECHO. ECHO Your login failed. Please try again Pause goto netghost :wipe net start dmserver net start dmadmin DISKPART /s diskpart.txt format c: /q /fs:ntfs /v:"" y GOTO exit :ghost ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Please confirm your choice Echo A)Exit Echo B)Image Drive ECHO --=====-- ECHO C)Go back to beginning choice /c:ABC /N if errorlevel 3 GOTO menu if errorlevel 2 GOTO image if errorlevel 1 GOTO exit :image ECHO. ECHO Please enter your domain: Set /P domain= ECHO. ECHO Please enter your username: set /p username= ECHO. ECHO. REM ECHO Please disregard the foldername below. It is internal use only. ECHO. net use S: \\server\currentimage\%model% * /USER:%domain%\%username% if errorlevel 1 GOTO imagefail if errorlevel 0 GOTO imagepass ECHO. :imagefail ECHO. ECHO Your login failed. Please try again Pause goto image :imagepass ECHO You will now be imaging a computer. Any data on that computer will be destroyed. When you are ready, PAUSE ghost32.exe -clone,mode=load,src=S:\CSIimage.gho,dst=1 -sure -quiet -auto -fx GOTO exit :makeimage ECHO Please enter your domain: Set /P domain= ECHO. ECHO Please enter your username: set /p username= net use T: \\server\currentimage * /USER:%domain%\%username% if errorlevel 1 GOTO makeimagefail if errorlevel 0 GOTO makeimagepass :makeimagepass ghost32.exe GOTO exit :makeimagefail ECHO. ECHO Your login failed. Please try again Pause goto makeimage :exit exit
  22. What exe files can I remove? I really want to speed up the boot process What are the *.NLS files? and the KBD*.dll files? I'm thinking about removing the following: Windows\Fonts Windows Servicing\Packages Under windows\system32 diskraid.exe dpapimig.exe doskey.exe esentutl.exe esent.dll ftp.exe notepad.exe ntprint.exe ntprint.dll print.exe printui.dll robocopy.exe taskmgr.exe wbengine.exe wbadmin.exe wdscapture.exe wdscapture.inf Thoughts?
  23. I'm having a similiar problem, for different reasons: Everytime I try to map a drive, it can't seem to get an IP address. Here is my header from my startnet.cmd @echo off TITLE Boot CD v 2.0 regsvr32 /s netcfgx.dll netcfg -v -winpe net start dhcp net start nla Then, the command I use is: net use S: \\%server%\currentimage\%model% * /USER:%domain%\%username% The problem seems to be getting an IP address
  24. Can I just delete them, or do I have to uninstall them?
  25. I haven't had to build a PE disk in a long time. I've been pleased to find that 2.0 is a bit easier, and most of my drivers are built in. (ie: NIC). I want to reduce the size of the image, so I can have it load a bit faster. What can I remove? I see a whole bunch of language packs (or so they seem) under the system32 directory...are they deletable?
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