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Everything posted by MillenX

  1. I slipstream SP3 into Windows installation folder using Nlite but then I encounter some problems. I mount the ISO on VMWare and in the copy file process, I got many missing file errors. Those missing files are c_iscii.???, estre.ttf, mangal.ttf, sylfaen.ttf, latha.ttf, ocmsn.dll, msnmsn.inf, many files start with kbd, and many more missing files... I realised that these files don't exist in i386, but got their names in TXTSETUP.SIF. So I think it must be the stupid SP3. In another occassion, I slipstream SP2 into a new Windows installation folder which had included many many hotfixs and updates and also IE7 and WMP11 using Nlite. But then I got the same problems. Missing file errors... So I learn that SP3 shouldn't be made into fault. Anyone here encounter the same problem? Any solution please?
  2. ohhh... I use nlite to integrate Windows Media Player into Windows XP which already included many updates and WMP11 and also IE7. My purpose is only to change the icon into Vista's, and may be the built-in WMP11 is an older version. The integration sounds working but when I mount the ISO on VMWare, the application fails. It can't start. OK. Let's just say to change the icon, any idea? I think it fails because the builder had integrated many updates for WMP11 and this changes some files of WMP11 through updating, like those dll file. When I reintegrate WMP11, those updated files is removed, replaced by the original files. Is this the cause of the failure?
  3. The fastest speed the most favorite, isn't it the truth? I think I would vote Kingston, but I'm using Mushkin, because someone told that it is also very good, and renowned for gaming, especially. Is it true?
  4. SP3 includes all previously released updates for XP as mentioned in its download page. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en Does it mean that it includes all updates from SP1 and SP2 only, or plus the released updates which had been released after release SP2? And if it is true, does it really includes all of them?
  5. Ohh.. sorry I think I found one. Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate, 336.1 MB, which can be downloaded from here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en BTW, I am looking forward into any suggestion on this topic.
  6. I have download Windows XP Service Pack 3 and I think that's unofficial. Any link to download the sevice pack, which can be integrated into Windows Setup?
  7. That's easy. To check whether your OS is x86-based, Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK. And view those details. To check if your processor is x86, you can download this tool to check for it. http://download3.vmware.com/software/wkst/...6.0.0-45731.exe This tool is to check your processor about the ability to run x64 OS on VWMare Workstation, a virtual PC.
  8. I would like to suggest something. There are many installer makers like Returnil, Advanced Installer Maker, Smart Installer Maker, etc. Are the developers going to enhance it so that it can extract many installers built by the installer makers, whether some of which are well-known or not, since it is given a name with "universal" starts first.
  9. Well I notice something. Did you call the installer from [GuiRunOnce] batch file (.bat) instead of calling it directly from [GuiRunOnce] If that I think and hope I can help you if you tell how is the calling process or sequence. There are several questions to be made. First, If you call a batch file from [GuiRunOnce], then by using the batch file you call the Nero Installer, make sure the directory of the installer is correct or you use the IF command correctly. If it still don't work, it may be the problem of the installer itself like what I mentioned in the previous post, including the solution I suggested. If you call the batch file from [GuiRunOnce], and use the batch file to call another batch file to call the installer, then be careful of that. In this case you have to use command like CD, PUSHD or POPD. For either way, if the installer is located on the Windows disc, make sure you have a right way to call it. Do that so if the installer is copied to your computer during Windows Setup. Don't hesitate to post so that we all here can help you.
  10. No, it's possible. Don't be disappointed. Did you check if the progress of installing is normal, I mean, you install it during Windows Setup, but did you perform an installation in Windows to check whether the package work? ie. double-click the application to perform an installation. If it can work properly but can't work in Windows Unattended Installation, then I've no idea indeed. You may use the other way like using svcpack.inf and cmdlines.txt, but only a variation on the theme. But I guess you want to run it at logon. You say you encounter the same problem as that of JasonKiller's, well in that case, you can view the previous posts about this problem. Good luck. And thank you JasonKiller, thanks for your words. This is my first big topic. Haha... My real name is Jason and I meet a killer... Happy Chinese New Year
  11. Try restart your PC or shut down for a moment and turn on. This may due to a request of Nero which asks a restart in order to run its program normally. TwoJ's problem is quite same as yours. He had successfully installed Nero but asked to get a valid serial number when running it. In user-interface mode (manual installing, without silent installing), you will know what the problems actually are. It is because in this process, you will be acknowledged by a Ask-for-Restart dialog window if restart is necessary, and you will be acknowledged by a Invalid Serial Number message if your serial number is pirated. In this case, you will also see a dialog that ask for a restart when you run the original Nero Installer for manual installing it, which means, not just by silent installing will meet this situation. All needed to know is that silent installing will not show any Nero dialog, except for those error message due to improper installing. So, in this case, if your problem is exactly what I think of, silent installing is not the cause of your problem. If not, this post is not avail of.
  12. And GUYS if you would like to change the icon of the installer and the appearance of extraction dialog, go and check out those resource editor, like RESHACK and XNResourceEditor. They are free. Go check them out!!! RESHACK, the standard resource editor Open RESHACK. Open the installer by simply dragging it into the RESHACK window. To add image to the extraction dialog Go to Action --> Add a new resource --> Open file with new resource Browse the image file in BMP format. (.bmp) Nero Extraction Image: Nero.bmp Resouce Type: BITMAP Resource Name: 70 Resource Language: 1033 Add Resource You should see a group named Bitmap is added. Expand "Dialog" to the end. You should see a dialog box appear. Replace the script with the code below. It seems messy but just COPY ALL and PASTE in the script. It will look neat then. 500 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 351, 226 STYLE DS_FIXEDSYS | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SETFOREGROUND | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU EXSTYLE WS_EX_APPWINDOW CAPTION "Progress" LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" { CONTROL "Cancel", 2, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 294, 202, 50, 16 CONTROL "", 1000, "msctls_progress32", PBS_SMOOTH | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 6, 203, 281, 14 , 0x00000200 CONTROL 70, -1, STATIC, SS_BITMAP | SS_REALSIZEIMAGE | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 6, 7, 338, 193 } Compile Script. You also can change the font style and size in the line below. FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" eg. FONT10, "Monotype Corsiva" Note that the font style you use in the script must also has installed in your system Rename the TITLE of the window in the 4th line. CAPTION "Progress" In the dialog box shown, you can do a bundle of things like change the position of the Cancel button, rename it to STOP! (by right-clicking the button and edit), insert another type of control, enlarge the image, crop the extraction window (in the first line of the script) and so on. Compile script after done. To change the icon of the installer Expand "Icon" group. Expand any folder, eg. 1. Right click on the resource language, ie. 1033 and Replace Resource. Browse for the SetupX.exe or other file with the same icon like NeroBar.exe. (If you want to use Nero Icon) In the "Select new icon", select the icon you desired. I guess you want the first one. Replace. Otherwise use Replace Icon in Action and look for the icon. But there will be some difference. Example, the icon of the installer will appear like this in List-view if you use "Replace Resource" instead of "Replace Icon" If you use "Replace Icon" the icon will appear as the icon in Tile-view or Icon-view. Enjoy exploring.
  13. TwoJ, Your pirated serial number is the cause. So, use another serial number. View the complete post below: Hai, Vandelbuster!! Welcome to MSFN. I was also exhilarated upon the first post in here. So do 2nd, 3rd, so on... and the TOPICS!!! Enjoy!!! Jackkarlos, I have no idea for your case as mine works perfectly (I do use Directory=""). At first I would like to suggest you to have a check on NeroInstall.cmd but when you NeroInstall.cmd can work then I am confused. And GUYS, sorry for getting back so late!!! Anyway, the person I want like to reply the most is TwoJ. Well. You have your Serial Number right? OK. You get those annoying trouble because your serial number is not genuine and has detected by Nero. EXPLAINATION *** Firstly, let's stray out from unattended installation of Nero Let's say you install Nero manually, in other words, with user-interface (without silent install. you will be asked to input serial number in the process, of course) You use a pirated serial number, and Nero can work normally. The pirated serials can be used, but sometimes will be detected by Nero. In this case, when you open an Nero application, you will see a dialog box (see attachment) that says your serial number is a pirated one. But you can still use it, sometimes. Because sometimes the dialog box appears but sometimes not and so you can use it. *** Go back to the topic Now that your pirated serial number is detected. This becomes an information for Nero in the system. Nero will know that this serial number is pirated, as long as your PC is not formatted. It is because the information remains in your system. So when you attempt to install Nero again (after you uninstall it), whether by manually/with user-interface or silently, you can't use the serial numbers that has already detected as a pirated one. If you choose to install it silently, you are able to complete the installation but the problem alike yours appears. I am not sure if you are able to pass through the "input serial number" section if you perform a user-interface installation. CONCLUSION I guess the sequence of events is like this. - You have successfully installed Nero manually with a serial number. - Your serial number has been detected as a pirated one. - You create an silent installer, using the same serial number, which has been detected as a pirated one. - When you run the silent installation, you get this problem. To sum it up, the pirated serial number is the cause. So, use another serial number. **Remember, the serial number can be used to perform silent installation after a formatting on the PC. As long as it has yet discovered as a pirated one. I'm not trying to encourage the using of the pirated. All these are wrote in respect of knowledge.
  14. How to use 7-Zip to create installer. In this guide I assume the reader knows how to create a command/batch file. 1) First download 7-Zip and also don't forget to download the 7-Zip SFX modules (7z4**_extra.7z) as they are necessary for creating installers. Install 7-Zip. Sourceforge.net provides the modules. Type 7z4**_extra.7z in search engine to find it. Usually you will find links from sourceforge.net. Download the modules according to the version of 7-zip you use (Recommended). For instance, you should type 7z461_extra.7z if your 7-zip version is 4.61. However it's not really neccessary. For your convenience, download the modules (7z457_extra.7z) here: http://www.box.net/shared/m45865m4oc 2) Pack all the contents (extracted from the original Nero installer) including the command/batch file into .7z file. You may include Hidec.exe in the .7z if you wish to hide the command console, a black window when you open the command/batch file. Will explain later in this post. *Refer to the comprehensive guide in the previous post on commands for Nero Silent Installation. ........................It's time to create an installer. 3) To create an installer, you must have all the4 items in the same folder: - a SFX module (either one) - a configuration file (.txt) - and the archieve file (.7z) ** the file created in STEP 2 - a create-installer command/batch file The SFX module is an important thing to create an installer. This module is used to convert to .7z archive to an installer based on the information from the configuration file (config.txt) The modules can be found in 7z4**_extra.7z. Use either 7zSD.sfx or 7zD.sfx. 7zSD.sfx gives a slightly higher compression strength. Create a configuration file and name it config.txt Put this into the file: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="NeroInstall.cmd" Progress="No" Directory="" ;!@InstallEnd@! Progress="No" is to hide the extract dialog. Remove the line if you want to see the extracting progress. NeroInstall.cmd is an example name of the command/batch file (in the .7z archive). Finally the create-installer command file (any name). Put this command line: copy /b 7zSD.sfx + config.txt + archive.7z installer.exe In the line, replace archive.7z with the name of your .7z name. Replace installer.exe with your desired name. Doesn't have to be same with your .7z archive name. Example: copy /b 7zSD.sfx + config.txt + Nero- Nero- where Nero- is my archive name (.7z) 4) Double-click this command file. Enjoy. Note* If you wish to hide the cmd console, include this file in the .7z file. Then in the config.txt, you should use hidec /w command.cmd. Example: RunProgram="hidec /w NeroInstall.cmd" Download here: http://www.box.net/shared/bzn82ixhhg
  15. http://www.msfn.org/board/silent-installat...182#entry725182 COMMAND LINE FOR RUNNING NERO SILENTLY- UNATTENDED NERO INSTALLATION 1.0 Extract and Pack the Installer. |--- 1.1 Commands for SetupX.exe. |--- 1.2 Feature list (Values for ADDLOCAL and REMOVE) 2.0 Examples 3.0 Subsidiaries 1.0 Extract and Pack the Installer. 1) EXTRACT THE NERO ORIGINAL INSTALLER USING WINRAR or 7-ZIP 2) THEN YOU WILL FIND SetupX.exe IN THE EXTRACTED FOLDER. 3) Open a command or batch file (.cmd or .bat) using a text editor such as Notepad. Use the commands given below for the SetupX.exe. ===== You can download my example at the end of my post. ===== 4) Pack the extracted content including the command file created into an installer (.exe) which runs the command or batch file when being opened (The command/batch file must be in the root of the extracted folder if the path of Setupx.exe is not specified in the command/batch file) *** I would recommend 7-zip, the strongest compression tool to make installer. Of course, there is a way to make 7-zip installer. I will post the method later. ************************************************************************************************* 1.1 Commands for SetupX.exe. ADDLOCAL="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" ADDLOCAL="ALL" REMOVE="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" SERIALNUMBER="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME="My Company" REGISTERED_USERNAME="My Name" TARGETPATH="<DESTINATIONPATH>" Destination. Default path is %programfiles%. Leave out this if you want to install it in Program Files. QUICKSTART="0" Nero StartSmart shortcut in Quick Launch. 0=disable 1=enable DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="0" Nero StartSmart shortcut in Desktop. 0=disable 1=enable AUTOPLAY="0" Nero Autoplay functions (eg. Burn CD, Copy disc) in Autoplay Menu when you insert disc into CD/DVD-Rom 0=disable 1=enable EULAACCEPTED="1" Must use 1 to agree the EULA agreement. NO_FILEASSOC="<FEATURE>,<FEATURE>" No file association with specified features. eg. If you put NeroVision57D52359 (Nero Vision), that means .nvc file will not be associated with Nero Vision, where .nvc file is Nero Vision file. NSC_OPT="False" Nero Scout. False= disable. True= enable *I did use this NSC_OFF="True" Related to Nero Scout. False= enable. True= disable *I didn't use this NSC_DEFAULT_OFF="True" Related with Nero Scout. False= enable. True= disable *I got use this REBOOT="ReallySuppress" No Reboot after installation. REBOOTPROMPT="<REBOOTPROMPTVAL>" Ask for reboot after installation. I don't know about the values. Other commands (values unknown): INCLANGUAGES="<LANGUAGE>,<LANGUAGE>" EXCLANGUAGES="<LANGUAGE>,<LANGUAGE>" ALLUSERS="<ALLUSERS>" W2K ALLUSERS ="1" VERBOSELOG="<VERBOSELOGVAL>" WMA_IGNORE_SR="<WMAIGNORESRVAL>" NST_SB_OFF="<NSTSBOFFVAL>" MAKECABS="MAKECABSVAL" STARTPARAM=CallFromExe (Start Parameter. Don't know how to use and couldn't understand which Exe the command refers to. CallFromExe is probably not a value) ---All the values are enclosed in quotation marks, except STARTPARAM=XXXXX--- Necessary commands REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME ="<COMPANYNAME>" is a required parameter REGISTERED_USERNAME="<USERNAME>"is a required parameter EULAACCEPTED="1" required parameter ADDLOCAL="ALL" is a required parameter *This is what I got. But this is rather ridiculous that there's no point to use the command ADDLOCAL="<Feature01>,<Feature02>" if ADDLOCAL="ALL" is required. Use ADDLOCAL="ALL" and REMOVE="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" You could try to prove this wrong. Please post any new finding. 1.2 Feature list (Values for ADDLOCAL and REMOVE) Use in ADDLOCAL="ALL" REMOVE="Feature1,Feature2" Example: ADDLOCAL="ALL" REMOVE="NeroBackItUpCB9D5429,NeroBurnRights72CC518F" Note: No spacing between features. NeroBackItUpCB9D5429 NeroBurningRomBCAFF604 NeroBurnRights72CC518F NeroCoverDesigner7CE8D626 NeroFastCDDVDBurningPluginC5AB9CFD NeroHome2FF8B816 NeroMediaHome53BEFA20 NeroPhotoSnapED1EAF52 NeroRecode6035F00C NeroShowTimeD773A6E2 NeroSoundTrax716FE146 NeroStartSmartB035464E NeroCDDVDSpeed82602EE0 NeroDriveSpeed7DFFCC12 NeroInfoToolE72D824A NeroVision57D52359 NeroWaveEditorFA3A3F7B InCDC9AC4AC7 NeroCopyGadgetED8C2E75 NeroMobile91F9B069 2.0 Examples Default installation. Install all components. Basic UI. SetupX.exe /i /qb! Default installation. Install all components. No UI. SetupX.exe /i /qn Use SetupX.exe /? to check for UI commands. Exclude /i if do not want to install all features. You could download my command file and modify it to your need. Download file: http://www.box.net/shared/v0uz4kfk88 Remove the non-command part if you like. 3.0 Subsidiaries To disable NeroFilterCheck, add this command line: REG DELETE HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v NeroFilterCheck /f
  16. Sorry ya guys...... It should not be regsvc but regsvr32!!!!! And I had edited it back to a correct one. One thing is, why would chronus21 sound like successful in doing that? Arhh, he knew the command before he saw this post, I guest... Anyway, Thanks to Yzowl who tells me the mistake.
  17. Ooohhh... Very sorry, guys and I apologize here. Use regsvr32 to register dll file but not the regsvc32. I had edited the first post back to the correct one. And very sorry to those who indulge themselves in trouble because of it. Forgive ya! Anyway, thanks to Yzowl. It's just a slip like what you think at first, really a slip... Thz a lot man...
  18. Here's some useful shell extension & registry for context menu [Right-click menu] @ ENJOY @ -- DLL Files -- Put the DLL file into Windows\system32, then run this command from Run dialog box regsvr32 <dll file name> Dll Registerer http://www.box.net/shared/y5kosjr0g8 File Extension Toggle v3 -- by Spiritpyre http://www.box.net/shared/cozk2r1ck4 Hidden Files Toggle v3 -- by Spiritpyre http://www.box.net/shared/54x01r7k00 Browser Back Context Menu -- by Spiritpyre http://www.box.net/shared/jmsv443k0o Select All Context Menu -- by Spiritpyre http://www.box.net/shared/y90w0hyo8c Copy Path (Copy the directory or path of a file or folder) http://www.box.net/shared/btd79avy8c Attribute Context Menu (Change attribute of a file) http://www.box.net/shared/zqhzn980s8 Copy to Move to Context Menu http://www.box.net/shared/otb3quupwk Find Target (Open the location of a SHORTCUT) http://www.box.net/shared/176yj4f4g0 Audio Shell Extension 1.3.5 -- Softpointer.com http://www.box.net/shared/2qeluvt44g File Hashes x86 (add 'File Hashes' tab in 'Properties'. Various hash method options - 32bit) http://www.box.net/shared/fkdykanmg8 File Hashes x64 (add 'File Hashes' tab in 'Properties'. Various hash method options - 64bit) http://www.box.net/shared/kjm2yfx4t5 Spiritpyre http://www.msfn.org/board/heres-some-shell...ons-t52524.html -- Registry Files -- Command Prompt Here (Begin command prompt from selected folder) http://www.box.net/shared/6utweglwck Open With... Context Menu http://www.box.net/shared/3ns0spp0cg ExpandCab (Expand compressed or "cabbed" files in Windows Setup disc) -----Expand Context Menu Registry Here!!! http://www.box.net/shared/7ffx4vnokc MakeCab (Create compressed or "cabbed" files with stronger compression) -----MakeCab Context Menu Registry Here!!! http://www.box.net/shared/a6g5ofb0kc MakeCab Light (Create compressed or "cabbed" files) http://www.box.net/shared/ukbrdzb40s Open With New Window Context Menu http://www.box.net/shared/59kjzssg0w Open With Notepad Context Menu http://www.box.net/shared/h3kzenxoos ///////////////// Context Menu for My Computer ///////////////// Add Hardware http://www.box.net/shared/z3zvtav0gs Add/Remove Programs http://www.box.net/shared/g9n54wq0os Control Panel http://www.box.net/shared/dn2o6b38kk Device Manager http://www.box.net/shared/rxghjovocc Disk Cleanup http://www.box.net/shared/e6rrh7licc Microsoft Configurator [Run: msconfig] (To change system configurations like startup, boot, etc.) http://www.box.net/shared/mr1jlr3swk Network Connections http://www.box.net/shared/b27f423ggw Registry Editor http://www.box.net/shared/bcrjd3y8wk Regional and Languange Options http://www.box.net/shared/s9zem2i4o4 More to download soon...
  19. ooo.. i tell you, you dont need it. juz download my file and follow the instruction, OR THE EASIEST WAY put the hiddenfiles and extension toggle dll files into system32, then run this command: (must be in the Start\Run) regsvr32 HiddenFile.....dll regsvr32 FileExt..........dll try it. The exe version is really hard to find as the link is dead. I don't know if you care bout your pc safety. If really, don't be affraid as this will not cause problem... So do my files!!!!!
  20. hrbaban, do you want to create a 7-zip installer? If you do, then I have a special recommendation for you. By using the ResHack, you can edit information of the installer, like how its extraction dialog looks like, the icon of the installer, and the version info of the installer. When you put the original installer in a folder with Tiles viewing, you can see this: Igor Pavlor. You can actually edit or change it using Reshack. It's free and nice. Rechack: http://www.box.net/shared/g9r3cjdc0w Extract it to Windows\system32 and you can have the application icon in Control Panel. Good luck.
  21. Well. The application or item you want to run from command is SetupX.exe in the extracted folder. So, If you want to run NeroInstall.cmd in the same folder with SetupX.exe, then the command line must be like this: start /wait SetupX.exe /qb! REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME="You specify it" REGIS............................ You don't need to specify the path of the SetupX.exe as the NeroInstall.cmd in the same folder with SetupX.exe. If NeroInstall.cmd is not in the same folder with it, then specify the path, eg. start /wait C:\Unattended\SetupX.exe /qb! REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME="You specify it" REGIS... And, don't forget to edit the NeroInstall.cmd, like the serial number, user name...... To edit, right-click on NeroInstall.cmd and click edit. And I recommend you to create an installer using 7-zip. I am sure that you have view my previous post that taught on how to create an 7-zip installer, haven't you? *In the previous post, in the config file, the line Directory="" means when you open the created 7-zip installer, the installer will search the program desired to run in three location, as you did not specify where to extract the files in the installer: 1- TEMPORARY folder (type %TEMP% in the folder address bar and you will know where is it) 2- The directory from which the application (installer) loaded. 3- The Windows system directory. I am not sure whether if you specify the path in Directory="<directory>", the files will be extracted to the path. I found some sources that use Path=".....". May be they have same function, or may be not. However, in this paragraph, the path I mean is the location of the files extracted from the created installer, not where the Nero program will be installed. TARGETPATH="<DESTINATIONPATH>" in the command line in NeroInstall.cmd is the only pointer that where the Nero program will be installed. The default path is in the Program Files as I stated before, so if you want to choose the default, this command is not required. I am sure that you understand what I say. Good luck. I will soon open a post about unattended installation including windows unattended and invite people to give new ideas. Contact: millvz@hotmail.com Add me and you can exchange ideas with me... I will be busy this year coz I will sit for a government examination.
  22. How to use 7-zip to create installer. First download 7-zip from its website and install. Also download the modules as they are necessary for creating installers. Or download the modules (7z457_extra.7z) from here: http://www.box.net/shared/m45865m4oc Then extract the 7z457_extra.7z to 7-zip folder in Program Files. Overwrite any files. Now, copy the modules, 7zSD.sfx or 7zS.sfx to a new created folder. (eg. MakeNero folder) To create an installer, you must have three items: - the module (either one) - a config file - and the archieve file (.7z) Extract the Nero original installer downloaded from Nero Website or other website. Well. Put the command file, eg. NeroInstall.cmd (refer to previous post. You can download my command file above) in the root of the extracted folder. Now, compress the content in the extracted folder. Create a config file name config.txt Put this into the file: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="NeroInstall.cmd" Directory="" ;!@InstallEnd@! Finally, created a command (.cmd) or batch file (.bat) and put this line: copy /b 7zSD.sfx + config.txt + archieve.7z archieve.exe Example: copy /b 7zSD.sfx + config.txt + Nero- Nero- where Nero- the archieve file (.7z) At last, put this command file and the three items required as mentioned above into the new created folder, ie. MakeNero. Double-click this command file. Enjoy.
  23. Haha. I can help you on Nero, the latest version one. (currently) Here's what I got many weeks ago, also from http://www.appdeploy.com. Also for Nero COMMAND LINE FOR RUNNING NERO SILENTLY- UNATTENDED NERO INSTALLATION (Don't worry, there are explanations below) FIRST AND FOREMOST, YOU MUST EXTRACT THE NERO ORIGINAL INSTALLER USING WINRAR or 7-ZIP THEN YOU WILL FIND SetupX.exe IN THE EXTRACTED FOLDER. Use this command for the SetupX.exe: start /wait SetupX.exe /qb! and other command after it. ===== You can download my example at the end of my post. ===== After you put all the required command, pack the content with the command file (in the extracted folder) into installer or .exe. I would recommend 7-zip, the strongest compression tool to make installer. Of course, there is a way to make 7-zip installer. I will post the method later. These are the commands that I understand: ADDLOCAL="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" <---------------- Well, but I didn't use this to add features. REMOVE="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" <---------------- Instead, I use this to remove features i don't need But, you must use with this (line below) ADDLOCAL="ALL" Use ADDLOCAL="ALL" before REMOVE="<FEATURE 01>,<FEATURE 02>" SERIALNUMBER="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME="My Company" REGISTERED_USERNAME="My Name" TARGETPATH="<DESTINATIONPATH>" Destination. Default path is in the program files. Leave out this if you want to install it in Program Files like normal. QUICKSTART="0" Nero StartSmart shortcut in Quick Launch. 0=disable 1=enable DESKTOP_SHORTCUT="0" Nero StartSmart shortcut in Desktop. 0=disable 1=enable AUTOPLAY="0" Nero functions (eg. Burn CD, Copy disc) in Autoplay Menu when you insert disc into CD/DVD-Rom 0=disable 1=enable EULAACCEPTED="1" Must use 1 to agree the EULA agreement. NO_FILEASSOC="<FEATURE>,<FEATURE>" No file association with specified features. eg. If you put Nero Vision, that means .nvc file will not associated with Nero Vision, where .nvc file is Nero Vision file. NSC_OPT="False" Nero Scout. False= disable. True= enable *I got use this NSC_OFF="True" Related to Nero Scout. False= enable. True= disable *I didn't use this NSC_DEFAULT_OFF="True" Related with Nero Scout. False= enable. True= disable *I got use this REBOOT="ReallySuppress" No Reboot after installation. REBOOTPROMPT="<REBOOTPROMPTVAL>" Prompt for reboot afetr installation. I don't know the value. STARTPARAM=CallFromExe *I don't know what is this command, but I think it is necessary and won't cause problem. ---All the values are enclosed inquatation marks, except STARTPARAM=CallFromExe--- Howerer I don't understand these command: INCLANGUAGES="<LANGUAGE>,<LANGUAGE>" EXCLANGUAGES="<LANGUAGE>,<LANGUAGE>" ALLUSERS="<ALLUSERS>" W2K ALLUSERS ="1" VERBOSELOG="<VERBOSELOGVAL>" WMA_IGNORE_SR="<WMAIGNORESRVAL>" NST_SB_OFF="<NSTSBOFFVAL>" MAKECABS="MAKECABSVAL" STARTPARAM=CallFromExe *I don't know what is this command, but I think it is necessary and won't cause problem. ---All the values are enclosed inquatation marks, except STARTPARAM=CallFromExe--- But only with the commands I understand, is enough for us to create a silent installation of Nero REGISTERED_COMPANYNAME ="<COMPANYNAME>" is required parameter REGISTERED_USERNAME="<USERNAME>"is required parameter ADDLOCAL="ALL" is required parameter EULAACCEPTED="1" required parameter STARTPARAM=CallFromExe *I don't know what is this command, but I think it is necessary and won't cause problem. Feature Lists: (Use in ADDLOCAL="ALL" REMOVE="Feature1,Feature2" <--------- No space after coma!!!!! eg. ADDLOCAL="ALL" REMOVE="NeroBackItUpCB9D5429,NeroBurnRights72CC518F" * NeroBackItUpCB9D5429 * NeroBurningRomBCAFF604 * NeroBurnRights72CC518F * NeroCoverDesigner7CE8D626 * NeroFastCDDVDBurningPluginC5AB9CFD * NeroHome2FF8B816 * NeroMediaHome53BEFA20 * NeroPhotoSnapED1EAF52 * NeroRecode6035F00C * NeroShowTimeD773A6E2 * NeroSoundTrax716FE146 * NeroStartSmartB035464E * NeroCDDVDSpeed82602EE0 * NeroDriveSpeed7DFFCC12 * NeroInfoToolE72D824A * NeroVision57D52359 * NeroWaveEditorFA3A3F7B * InCDC9AC4AC7 * NeroCopyGadgetED8C2E75 * NeroMobile91F9B069 It is USEFUL to refer to my command file. Use this link to download: http://www.box.net/shared/v0uz4kfk88
  24. Oohh.... Seems that Spiritpyre didn't provide copy to move to context menu function. Anyone here has the Copy to Move To Context Menu installer or .zip file or what? I don't want to use Microsoft Copy to & Move to Service as stated in the previous post, with my reason. This is Microsoft Copy To Service & Microsoft Move To Service. You can find the words when you navigate through HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} Value data- Microsoft Copy To Service HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13} Value data- Microsoft Move To Service And this is THE SERVICE'S "Copy to Folder..." & "Move to Folder..." context menu registry Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Copy to] @="{C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Move to] @="{C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}"
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