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Everything posted by spachtler

  1. hey ein landsmann.... habe die ZA pro noch überhauptnicht zu unattended überreden können, daher nehm ich da die free.... wie machst du das mit der registrierung und all dem kram? translation: didn't find a way to get the ZA pro completly unattended, so i use the FREE version for my unattended...... how does it work to register it an such things?` spachtler
  2. but be sure that the target directory and drive (partition) exists...
  3. i installed it on a running system, then grab all files from the installed folder to a folder on my later dvd, and then i can run it without install it. its fully regged and functional.... during use it i had to copy to a temp folder, because on a dvd or cd the files are write-protected and some files dont let adaware running, if they are protected. method above works fine.
  4. done, have wrote an autoit-script
  5. thx man, the no_ui switch does it!!!!
  6. hello, maybe you have recognized, that from version and higher there is an extra dialog at the end of installation for some file type association. normaly, i install nve with this swiches: /silent /SN=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /WRITE_SN /noreboot but this dialog dont care about this swiches.
  7. same like mg10: it acceppt the /S /v/qn but dont do anything....
  8. seems to be a "normal" install-shield routine, creating a setup.iss with -R works, but running setup -s -f1 dont..... what is wrong? has anyone a solution for that? spachtler
  9. an what, if i use a command with no spaces in path but variables? like: start /wait msiexec /x{B060295C-E378-484C-91BE-DB5C41383FE9} /qb
  10. that is a message you get when you have the xp-sp2 installed.... i think its something like the "dynamic update" during the main-installation...
  11. deleting a directory: RD /S /Q "c:\dossier autres\movie collectors\template\" if the path contains spaces like in the above example, you have to use " " to define the path. create a directory: md "c:\dossier autres\movie collectors\template"
  12. here no tricks work (zonealarm), i import the reg an it still gives me the regdialog... just when i put in the same data into the dialog, then it would acceppt...... any idea??? spachtler
  13. the REBOOT property of the alcohol installer is default set to "Force". so without changing the .msi file, you have to add /reboot=s to the command line. i modded the .msi direct, and added the serial-info in it. so i just need the .msi without any swiches or regfiles.....
  14. hi, i think its the same like "adobe audition", why using the "old" one? spachtler
  15. but you cant change the install-script or the internal commands with any archiving utility (like deleting the installation-dialogs)
  16. hi, wie genau sieht denn der befehl aus, mit dem du clonecd unbeaufsichtig installierst? translation: how does the unattended-command looks like?
  17. have tried realy all i could..... maybe you have the time to try it and see if it works for you? during the runonceex.cmd maybe you too call the regtweak.reg the following command in it [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]"ScreenSaveActive"="0""ScreenSaverIsSecure"="0"wouldnt take effect during an active runonceex here. if i start the regtweak.reg manualy after the runonceex is finish and the normal desktop is shown, then the command take effect. WHY NOT IN THE RUNONCEEX???? spachtler
  18. for this case i have modified its .msi installer file, there you can set what features installed as default... then you can use /qb or remove any dialogs.... spachtler
  19. have tried a few things, disable the screensaver works fine, but it dont matter which reg-setting i use (those, who was detected by a reg-tracer when i change the energy options), the settings wouldnt change... so i generate a little popup at the end of my runonceex: REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 4 /D "rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL powercfg.cpl" /for has somebody another solution for that? spachtler
  20. hi, i hope its possible to add a line into the regtweaks.reg or runonceex.cmd or something like that to turn the screensaver off and disable all energy settings (monitor off after 20min...) spachtler
  21. @mlu: i think in this "thread" i only said that i build this .msi with "wise for windows installer", i didnt explain exactly howto, because its not so easy and would take a few sites to write.... but you can DL my .msi and take a look in it with WISE. its opensource, i didnt hide or krypt anything....
  22. habe gerade mal acdsee`s msi durchgeschaut, dort gibt es einen punkt "ShellIntegrationSetup" mit 3 möglichkeiten, die eine variable in einen bestimmten status setzen. diese variable heißt SHELL_INTEGRATION_LEVEL und ist standardtmäßig auf ALL gesetzt. Weitere möglichewerte sind FREE und CUSTOM diesen wert kann man in der .msi entsprechend verändern und speichern.
  23. also zum verständnis: erst hatte ich eine DVD, die ohne jegliches zutun einfach ALLE programme installierte, incl neustart so das am ende alles funktionierte. dann brachte mich ein kollege auf den gedanke, was denn sei, wenn man garnicht alle programme installiert haben möchte. daraufhin habe ich mein auswahlmenü programmiert. die momentane version ist also vollautomatisiert, xp wird installiert und danach das auswahlmenü geladen. nach anklicken der verschiedenen programme wird eine einzige runonceex erstellt, die dann in einem rutsch verarbeitet wird. wenn ich also norton sys. und zonealarm auswähle, kommen nach beenden der runonceex sofort deren konfigurationsfenster, die beide durch alle dialoge fertigzustellen kann länger als 2 minuten dauern. darum ein durch .msi erzeugten dialog der den user auf die situation hinweist und erst neustartet, wenn man ihn klickt. man kann auch abbrechen klicken um einen neustart zu vermeiden, wenn man z.b. kein programm installiert hat, das einen neustart ervordert...
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