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Everything posted by Rjecina

  1. Winner is : MSI 865PE Neo3-V ATX I do not know is this MBO support your processor so look very good for that on MSI site.
  2. About ASRock MBO: I believe that 775i48 MBO is out of production. She is build around I848 chipset and that is too old. About other MBO I think that ConRoe865PE is best but... Good thing is that she support even x6800. Bad thing in my thinking is that she do not support: "CPU Overheat Shutdown to Protect CPU Life". This is my only reason against this MBO. If you look ASRock MBO that option is supported on 775i65G. Question which you must ask yourself if do you think to buy in future Core 2 Duo. If your answer is Yes then from ASRock list of MBO you must choose between ConRoe865PE and 775i65G (for Windows 98). If your answer is no then you can take other ASRock MBO. On your question about 775Dual-880Pro and Pentium 4 641 Cedar Mill 3.2GHz my answer is no. It is writen on web site that for example ConRoe865PE support this procesor but it is not writen that for 775Dual-880Pro so .....
  3. We will start today with bad news: ASRock has droped from first page of web site MBO ASRock 775i65G. In near future we can expect lower number of this MBO in shops. Because of black situation for Windows 98 in future we can expect that only MBO in 2009 which we can buy that support this OS will be from Via so today I will write on this page about that. MBO of today is: EPIA CN 13000G C7 Mini-ITX Board. With that MBO buyer is recieving processor C7 1.3 Ghz and GPU. It is possible to connect on that MBO SATA or IDE hard drive and DDR II memory. With new games this MBO can have problems because processor C7 is bad in processor power, but good in low Watt usage. Chipset of MBO is Via CN700 and Windows 98 drivers is possible to download from Via website.
  4. I have come like many others on this site looking for informations about today computer hardware which is working with Windows 98. To make future searches of many others easier to find solution I will here write names of "modern" MBO which support Windows 98. Conditions to enter this list are: 1) It is now in shops near you (not internet but in real shops) 2) MBO are supporting 2007 tehnology, Windows 98 SE and we can still find official drivers UPDATE SUMMER 2011: For this update it have been used information from Amazon because it is possible from this site to buy MBO in ulmost every state. Biostar DDR2 Micro ATX Motherboard, with C7-D 1.6 GHz Processor, VIA CN896+8237S chipset (it is possible to download Win 98 SE official drivers for integrated graphics + IDE, SATA II from VIA web site). In theory processor C7-D 1.6 GHz is possible to change with Nano x2 because they are pin-to-pin compatible. JetWay J7F4K1G5S-LF VIA C7 VIA NanoBGA2 VIA CN700 Mini ITX (SATA II, Max memory 1 GB) Intel LAD865GVIPL Intel Celeron M @ 1.3GHz Socket 478 Intel 865GV (SATA I, Max memory 2 GB) BIOSTAR P4M890M7SE LGA 775 VIA P4M890 (SATA I, max memory 4 GB) AS ROCK AM2NF3-VSTA (support CPU until Phenom II X4 3.5 GHz, max 16 GB) Earlier writen updates about MBO (2007-2010): INTEL socket 775: MBO ABIT, SG 80DC, SIS 661FX, BUS 800 MHz, VGA, SATA I (end of production december 2008) *MBO ABIT, IP-95, VIA P4M890, DDR II, BUS 1066 MHz, SATA I (end of production december 2008) MBO ASRock 775i65G R2.0, intel865, DDR I, SATA I MBO ASROCK, 4COREDUAL-SATA2 R2.0, VIA PT880 Ultra, BUS 1066 MHz, DDR II, SATA 2 *MBO ASROCK, 4CoreDX90-VSTA R2.0, VIA® P4M900, VGA max 256 MB directX 9.0, MBO ASUS P5SD2-VM mATX/SiS672/1066/DDR2/VGA 256 MB/PCI-ex Vista premium ready MBO ECS P4M800Pro-M2, VIA P4M800Pro, VGA (rev 2.0) , DDR II, *MBO ECS 662/1066T-M2, SIS 662, VGA 128 MB, DDR II, mATX MBO Gigabyte GA-8I865GME-775-RH (rev. 2.0). *MBO MSI P4M900M3-L, VIA P4M900, BUS 1066, SATA II (end of production in fall 2008) Socket 479 *MBO INTEL SiS662, Celeron 220 + MBO BLKD201GLY2 DDR II - 667, VGA SiS662 (production started in winter 2008/2009) Socket 478 MBO ASROCK P4i65GV, i865GV, DDR, zvuk, VGA, S-ATA, LAN, AGP, mATX, s. 478 AMD Today in shops near you it is ulmost impossible to find AM2 socket MBO which are supporting Windows 98. After looking very hard I have make this finding: socket AM2/AM2+: MBO ASROCK, s. AM2, AM2NF3-VSTA, NVIDIA nFORCE 3 250, BUS 2000 MHz, AGP, serial ATA (it is still in shops (2011)) MBO AsRock ALiveDual-eSATA2. This is hybrid chipset. Both original chipset are having Win 98 drivers, but together ? Interesting is that in CPU support list AsRock has added socket AM3 Phenom II, but officialy socket AM3 is not supported ? Socket 754. MBO ABIT, s. 754, KV85, VIA K8M800, BUS 1600 MHz, VGA, serial ATA (end of production december 2008) MBO MSI K8MM3-V. Only 1 IDE. (end of production in 2008) Abit has gone out of business ( http://alienbabeltech.com/main/?p=3675 ) To MBO with sign * are having integrated GPU and it is not possible to add graphic card supported with official drivers because Windows 98 has not recieved PCIE support. Summer 2010 situation: INTEL socket 775: ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2 R2.0 support processors until Core 2 Quad Q6700(G0), Core 2 Duo E7500(R0), Pentium Dual Core E6300(R0), Celeron E3300. It is possible to download Win98SE drivers (IDE, RAID, SATA and USB) from Via site. MBO is still in shops (Amazon and others) Small number of laptops like Asus K50C are using SiS672+968 chipset for which is possible to download graphic card drivers INTEL socket 478: MB Asrock P4I65GV Zvuk+VGA+SATA+LAN 3rd section update (summer 2010). First has been in 2007
  5. In your first comment you Andromeda43 you have ask me what is my question ? Real answer has been to learn many new things on hardware level about Windows 98 possibility in future. I have not known that Windows 98 can work on AM2 socket MBO so this is new for me. All in all this is interesting but greatest problem is PCI Express which Windows 98 do not support. If there is no solution for that problem then ..... Can you tell me if it is possible to put new AGP GPU cards (example x1300) on Windows 98 (drivers do not exist) ? I will not put it inside my configuration because they are too hot but it is interesting to know. In my thinking SATA - ATA discussion will really not become important until time when there will not be anymore MBO with ATA connector. Maybe I making mistake but 90 % of people which use Windows 98 do not worry about SATA drives ?
  6. New MBO which support Windows 98 ECS KV2 Lite(V1.0) socket 939 (chipset VIA K8T800 Pro) I am 90 % sure that Via EPIA system support Windows 98 because this system is old and it is having very little CPU power for today. My personal thinking is that Via EPIA simple cost too much.
  7. I have not know if DOS is working on SATA drive, so thanks for information Andromeda43. To stay in topic I have not find any MBO which support SATA II, DDR II and Windows 98. To tell truth I have been thinking about SATA II drive on SATA I MBO which is working on speed of 150 which is better of ATA 100 (intel chipset). After looking 1 Seagate HD on Seagate site for me has been surpise to learn that SATA and ATA version is working on 78MB/S speed, so in the end is there any real difference ? Answer to question why Core 2 Duo is simple. I want cold system what is more possible (I expect that in this way it will last longer). Pentium 4 is simple too hot and in my region is possible to buy only AM2 socket AMD processor (for that there is no MBO which can start Win 98). Only other solution is socket 754 sempron but this will become too slow to fast. Until I have come on this site few days ago I have not know that there is possible problem between mutli core and Windows 98. If there is not problem I want clear answer will windows 98 work or not on multi-core CPU (this is real important question) ? If he is working using only 1 core of multi-core CPU for me is OK.
  8. Like many others I want still to use old DOS and Windows 98 programs and games. Good example of that is 1 small DOS program which I still use. Because I do not see reason to pay new program 10K or more I will not give up of this old operating systems. Because of that I now buying hardware for Ultimate Windows PC on which will work all programs from 1980 (if needed) until 2010 (possible to start even Vista). Buying of components I must end before june because I am afraid that after that there will not be MBO to find. Ultimate PC: MBO: ASRock 775I65G CPU: CORE2DUO E4300 GPU: ATI 9600/256MB/DDR/128BIT/AGP HD: SEAGATE 320GB/16MB/UATA Memory : 512 DDRI x 2 Mouse in port PS2 Operating systems: drive c: MS DOS 7.1 drive d: Windows 98 SE drive e: Windows XP I will very much like to hear your comments and questions
  9. My personal thinking is that you have put wrong question. Right question will be in my thinking which today chipset support Windows 98 and MBO of that chipset is still possible to buy ? I will try to answer on that question: MBO socket 775 which are still on market with drivers for Win 98 (all are chipset i865): MSI 865 GVM MSI 865PE Neo3-V GA-8I865GME-775 (rev 2.0 for Conroe) ASRock 775i65G (rev 2.0 for Conroe) ASRock ConRoe865PE (Conroe support) AMD socket 754 with drivers for Win 98: MSI K8MM3-V (chipset VIA® K8M800) K8T NEO-V (VIA® K8T800 Chipset). ASROCK K8UPGRADE-NF3 (nvidia3 chipset) AMD socket 939 with drivers for Win 98: ASRock 939A8X-M (chipset Uli 1689) AMD socket AM2: ASRock AM2NF3-VSTA (chipset nvidia3). This MBO is only maybe if she want to accept drivers of ASROCK K8UPGRADE-NF3. If this drivers are not OK then MBO AM2 do not support Win 98. For the end Epox is having different MBO which support Win 98 and they are having files for download, but on page of product they write that they do not support Win 98 this is weird ! Epox MBO are: EP-9NDA3I (chipset nvidia3) socket 939, 7 MBO socket 754 with chipset nvidia 3, EP-5PDAJ (chipset 865 PE) socket 775, EP-5PDAI (chipset 865 PE) socket 775. Simple speaking all MBO with chipsets i865 support Win 98 and it is possible to download drivers. Similar is for AMD and chipset Uli 1689 and possible for chipsets VIA® K8T800, VIA® K8M800. With chipset Nvidia 3 there is problem because ulmost all support Win 98 but in theory not all (look AM2) With hope that I have helped somebody bye.
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