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Martin Zugec

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Everything posted by Martin Zugec

  1. Nope, it is limit to 10 UNCOMPLETED (not finished TCP handshake) connections... It will allow to reduce the attack speed of viruses etc.
  2. Yep, you can increase this number... But I should recommend to buy server rather than just tweak workstation
  3. So after deleting taskkill commands everything works fine? Sorry, your english is not easy understandable
  4. 2Yzowl: Ah, I see... But we could try to kick them to right direction, right? Ok, guys, you can try to do this using few lines of code, we will JUST guide you, ok? This is little bit CHANGED and UNCOMPLETE part of code: <CODE> Set strSearchFor=test.txt for /f "usebackq " %%i IN (`dir /b`) DO ( Set strCount=0 for /f "usebackq delims=; tokens=1-4" %%a IN (`type %strSearchFor%`) DO ( find /i "%%a" %%i If %%errorlevel%% EQU 0 Call :Count echo %strCount% ) pause ) :Count echo %strCount% Set /a strCount=%strCount% + 1 echo %strCount% </CODE> You must find what is wrong AND add something to count subprocedure... Lets make this more interesting
  5. If you disable taskkill commands, everything works fine?
  6. Just an idea, did you try to do this through two FOR commands? I mean FOR with cat, hat and cap and FOR with files? I could try to write it down if you would like
  7. Fable KOTOR2 Brothers in Arms Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory BurnOut 3 BTW I LOVE coop games, Splinter Cell in coop mode is great!
  8. Well, me and my brother keep suprising each other almost every day For example he didnt know about XP Embedded or Monad, I didnt know about Geexbox
  9. Maybe you found this interesting: 'Automaticka instalacia ovladacov pre chipset a nastavenie biosu 'Martin Zugec '12.7.2004 '20.9.2004 Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIService, objShell Dim strBoard, arrayBoards, strInstallPath Dim strTypPocitaca Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2") Set arrayBoards = objWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard", 48) Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.shell") strInstallPath = Left(WScript.ScriptFullName,Len(Wscript.ScriptFullName) - Len(WScript.ScriptName + "n")) & "\" for each strBoard in arrayBoards Select Case Trim(LCase(strBoard.Product)) Case "optiplex gx150" 'Wscript.Echo "OptiPlex GX150" NainstalovanieChipsetu("gx150") Case "00t606","02x378" 'Wscript.Echo "Optiplex GX260" NainstalovanieChipsetu("gx260") Case "0x1078","0r2472","0u1324" 'Wscript.Echo "OptiPlex GX270" NainstalovanieChipsetu("gx270") Case "0n4846","0968h","0g5611","0f7739" 'Wscript.Echo "OptiPlex GX280" NainstalovanieChipsetu("gx280") Case Else Call OdoslanieMailu 'wscript.echo ". Nepodarilo sa nainstalovat ovladac pre chipset!" End Select next Call RestartPocitaca Set objWMIService = Nothing Set arrayBoards = Nothing Set objShell = Nothing Wscript.Quit(0) Sub OdoslanieMailu Dim objEmail, objNetwork Dim strComputerName Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strComputerName = objNetwork.ComputerName With objEmail .From = strComputerName & "@domain.com" .To = "USD_Install@domain.com" .Subject = "Error" .Textbody = "Unknown chipset for " & strBoard.Product .Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.domain.cz" .Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 .Configuration.Fields.Update .Send End With Set objEmail = Nothing Set objNetwork = Nothing End Sub Function NainstalovanieChipsetu(strTypPocitaca) 'Wscript.Echo strInstallPath & strTypPocitaca & "\setup.exe -b -s" objShell.Run strInstallPath & strTypPocitaca & "\setup.exe -b -s", 1, True 'wscript.echo ". Nainstalovany chipset pre pocitac " & strTypPocitaca End Function Sub RestartPocitaca objShell.Run "shutdown.exe -r -f -t 01", 0, False End Sub
  10. Yep, Chireven is right... You cant just switch it on again
  11. Computer Associates eTrust - probably best corporate antivirus solution (reporting, nodes etc.)...
  12. Of course I must agree Dont forget Computer Associates - they have eTrust AND PestPatrol, but they are planning to integrate this two solutions into one package. Also codename Atlanta from Microsoft, which is antivirus + antispyware seems to follow this trend. BTW on McAfee Most list first two places keep spyware
  13. Network is better I got small boot medium (around 800KB, FDD or CD), it is working fully unattended, technicians just select what they want to do (e.g. Standart installation, or they can use custom, where they select server, OS, language version etc.)... Now I am also using PXE installations (it will launch the same boot medium, but without GUI)
  14. 1.) enable "logging" of ROE - e.g. 080 - reg query RunOnceEx, so you can see what EXACTLY was written inside (I solved problem with reporting using this simple method) 2.) If you run RAR.exe /s, everything works fine?
  15. I like DOS (as installation inicialization) - I got few advanced techniques in my cd, including autodetection of NIC drivers etc...
  16. I am preparing article about future of spyware and I would like to hear your opinions. It really counts I think we will meet more companies that will tried to looks like "user friendly", or we can call them spyware companies with "human face". They will act like commercial advertisement/marketing companies - similar to 180Solutions this days, which have more than 250 employees and almost 50 milion $ income. Also we will find out that signature based protection isnt enough - next generation solutions will be similar to Giant/MS and Sunbelt agents. Probably integrated to other technologies - like AskStrider/Gatekeeper from Microsoft or SAFER. Next will be changing the "output" of spyware products - instead of using internet-based applications (Internet Explorer), they will try to find another ways to advertise - ideal example is changing users mail signatures or using network printers for distributing advertisements. What do YOU think?
  17. I am always glad to see more people using network installations
  18. Yep, you MUST call internal command with prefix cmd: /c means the window will close the window after execution /k will keep the windows after execution So you can just use rmdir c:\test, you must use cmd /c rmdir c:\test This is because rmdir is internal command of command interpreter (in this case cmd). You can try to run rmdir from Start -> Run, you will get the same error.
  19. Hmmm, quite strange solution - I am using M as home directory for users - every user account is automatically created by ADSI script, which also create this directory (and permissions for this directory) - later user got this folder by mapping net use M: \\server\%username%$
  20. Try to have a look at nu2.nu (network boot floppy)...
  21. AFAIR after first running WinZip it will ask you if you would like to register it as main archiver... That is probably why you dont see changes (and need to make them after installation)
  22. Did you know MS is storing the size of your shoe? Ah, I am quite depressed when I read hoaxes like this I spend a years working with NT architecture base Windows, often using tool like filemon or debuggers - DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ SOMEWHERE people BTW I was working on antirootkit technology - I think if Microsoft woul try to hide something (why should they do it???), I would notice... Similar hoaxes as spyware integrated to windows
  23. Czech is default, so it is installed automatically... I should install it the same as you, but remove czech locale after installation is finished... BTW I am quite impressed, how many czech and slovak users are here If you are from Bratislava, check out www.wug.cz, after summer they will make presentation about deployment in Blava.
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