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Posts posted by BAM

  1. Nobody has an answer??? :)

    I didn't mean to be rude or something like that...

    I read the pages in the posts over and over, and don't think that this question was aked before.

    Just want to understand how i can check now and in the future if it allready is patched!

    Come on guy's, i can't belief that nobody has a simple answer for me!

  2. Hi all!

    I just installed my brand new customized XPCD with slipstreamed SP2 final.

    Used the patched UXtheme.dll and the tcpip.sys from zaheer's post:

    "Modified Files Slipstream Pack"

    My simple (?) question is how to test if the tcpip file is doing the job we all expect??

    Has anyone been able to test it using the non-modified tcpip file and produce the event id: 4226 ? Perhaps with an cmd file or something??

    And if he produced it, how can i try to see if i DON'T get it now i'm using the modified file?

    Hope you get the point what i want.. I just want to make sure it's all working as it's suppost to do!

    (ps. the UXtheme.dll is hereby confirmed as working good) :)

  3. Okidoki! (i still have to get some sleep, it's 00:48 now..)

    Here, for all of you: All the guys who learned me a lot of cool stuff and tricks.

    I say thnx and grab one from me while waiting>>>


    You think this will do?? :)

  4. I dunno how late and what date is with you all but here it's allready the 5th aug.

    Am i to soon.... :rolleyes:

    Okay then prathapml, non technical:

    "Who is drinking a nice cold beer at this moment?"

    I just found a nice bottle of Heineken in fridge. :)

  5. YEAH! thank you, by the looks of the people who are here in this topic reading, there are more of them who had the same question. They were also "sticky" :rolleyes:

    This means that ANYTHING run from cmlines.txt will stay, hkcu/hklm etc, will be going to use XPlode from there also, because i like it sooo much.

    Only cut out Office2003.

    Again, thnx for your nice help, appreciate it. :)

  6. @prathapml

    I continue from here on, because i'm searching my butt off trough the forum.

    My little question here is what you do with all the other tweaks AFTER the cmdlines.txt?

    If you use the cmdlines.txt (as stated in the unattended guide from Aaron) for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER to stick and provide the default looks etc. you want, what do you do with the rest of the registry tweaks??

    Is there a problem when i also run them from the same T-12 stage or can ALL my registry tweaks apply from here?


    I use the registry tweak to accept Adobe eula, but all of my installations are managed thru XPlode and runs from [GuiRunOnce]!

    Adobe reader does installation from here, but what will happen with such tweaks? Are they overwritten if applyd from T-12? Or will those kind of tweaks also stick?

    Hope its clear what i mean/want, because i hate it to cut up my registry collection.

  7. offtopic

    Bashrat: je bent een kei!

    Tnx for pointing me at the InstallShield setup for logitech :)

    Thats all i needed, a little push in the right direction.

    grtz back.

    @ everyone:

    Still nobody here with succesfull IIyama drivers through his winnt.sif file??

    please !?

  8. Yep, that was a good thought, but before i used it, i manually set it at a default monitor allready.

    Now i did a try through the devcon tool: no device removed.

    But i got to say that this is an interresting tool!

    Loaded with options.

    I saw it was getting busy here tonight, so any suggestions left, or are we giving up on me and my IIyama monitor?


    eeeh.... can you point me also in the right direction for the iTouch/Mouseware??

    did a search (!) allready, but no luck with those eather.

  9. @ Solidas, HAHAHA, als je mij bedoelt, nee ben geen amsterdammer!

    owh, i feel it coming now....YESSS.. :) ..YESS.. its my turn to say:

    "did you look with google for it?"

    i feel good, tadadada, just kidding :rolleyes:

    (besiebelen means: iemand in de maling nemen.)

    Sorry @ u all when i/we messed up the topic. i wont do it again.

  10. Downloaded the devcon tool.

    squezed it in my system32 dir.

    used the following command line from my newly created monitor.cmd:

    devcon update "C:\Drivers\004_Monitor\Iiyama.inf" "monitor\HA202D"

    Outcome was:

    Updating drivers for monitor\HA202D from C:\Drivers\004_Monitor\Iiyama.inf

    Devcon failed.

  11. Strange one, because i tested it before replying to you..

    I tested it again (only i use the UK version) with the drivers dir from the root of my system.

    mkdir "%userprofile%\My Documents\test"
    xcopy /E /Y "%systemdrive%\drivers" "%userprofile%\My Documents\test"

    It copied over ALL over the drivers to my test dir!!

    Are u sure that all of the "backup" data u mean are in the root of the C:\ partition?

    And is there something in it? :)

    For ure info: try the Xcopy /? from the command box, here u get all the switches u may want to use.

    Let me/us know if it isn't/is going to work.

  12. Yep, searched and googled, but not with the result i need.

    But by the looks of it, i'm the only one one who has an IIyama monitor and uses the most wonderfull world of unattend by msfn....

    Otherwise there SHOULD been more people with the same results as i have.

    I'm not such an fan of editing inf files, because i simply don't understand where to look for when i open one up.

    Take a look at the IIyama drivers they offer to download:

    -it probably contains all of their monitors in one big batch.

    -i only want mine.

    -all kinds of other files around it, and i don't have a clou which one's i MUST keep. :)

    And after that there's that problem again that it does not come forward during unattend install....

    Sorry for that Bashrat, but you are the drivers-man, this is for sure not my favo thing!

    Hope u will help me out..?

    (So i can go forward to digging at the logitech part... hahaha)

  13. I looked a bit at the Compaq tool.

    Most of the time i am getting handy in all the things over here, but this one i threw away. Don't get it and takes to much difficult work, it's quicker to just do it by hand.

    Because windows allready saw it, but just refused to install it!!!

    I'm stuck here i gues. :)

    No one who says: :rolleyes: thats it?

  14. I agree there with Enuffsaid.. i think..

    After first logon make sure there will be a Runonce command written to the registry. then after next logon u Will have it executed.

    mkdir "%userprofile%\Mijn documenten\Backup"
    xcopy /E /Y "%systemdrive%\Backup" "%userprofile%\Mijn documenten\Backup"

    That's the code u were looking for! Notice the /E .... (use the /? thingy :) )

    But what is the point when u need to logon again???

    Then better of and faster when u just copie it by hand then.

    Another thing i don't know if it works at that stage of install: $Docs dir !!

    Who has the answer for that one?

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