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Posts posted by BAM

  1. I will post soon here, because i'm pretty sure that i STILL have the F6 option availlable during my setup!!

    Completely unattended, winnt.sif and so on! (only partition choises)

    Must say that i don't need it anymore, since i integrated my Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid drivers into my XPCD.

    Give me a couple of days before i try my new XPCD and will let you know then if i'm still correct that i do have it availlable!

    (am still waiting for an reply and some help with a shortcut command for XPlode)

    By the way, which drivers do you want to integrate??

  2. Hi all,

    I looked all over the place but didn't find the answer on how to use the shortcut command in XPlode.

    So hopefully someone is willing to help me out with this one.

    All i want to do when i create my custom startmenu to make shortcuts in those directory's to the programs i installed through XPlode.

    Example: i create a folder in my startmenu called: Tools.

    <item display='Creating start menu folders'>
    <execute display="Tools" program='cmd' arguments='/C mkdir "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Tools"' hide='true' />

    After that i want in the folder Tools a shortcut called: WinRAR.lnk

    The program is installed in the default dir, so everbody knows where that is. :yes:

    How am i going to do that? Did a try allready with the code from the example.xml.

    But when i executed it, i got a shortcut in my XPlode dir.

    :P haha, funny, but not what i amed for.

    This is what i try'd:

    <item display='Creating Start Menu shortcuts'>
    <shortcut display='WinRAR shortcut'  
    program='%systemdrive%\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe'
    workdir='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Music\Winrar.lnk'

    Can some help me understand this one!!?

    Thnx in advance.

  3. Hi snoopy,

    I think here it is:



    Remove the line: OemPreinstall=yes under [Data]

    Change the line under [unattended] OemPreinstall=yes

    Twice and one in the wrong place and then also a yes and a no ?? :whistle:

    This should now, enjoy it.


    How about this part: [Componants]

    Should be: [Components]

    And does this work?



  4. Hi hiphopfaze,

    I must say you provide very little info about how you make the installtions... :}

    To activate the theme you want, just open up your winnt.sif file and make sure that it has the following:


    I suppose u do this through an unattended install, so extract your theme out of the package.

    Then put the theme file's in the folowing directory on your XPCD:


    This is for getting the files automatically put in the right directory where all the themes are.

    O'yeah, almost forgot, your winnt.sif file also needs this line:


    Here u can find all the info you want for the winnt.sif file.

    Winnt.sif reference page

  5. AH!

    so if i understand this correct when he said:

    my files are in C:\i386

    it should look like:


    If i got it right, then mazin has a very good eye!! :thumbup

    (if not i must learn a lot... again.. :wacko: )

  6. Youre right! but.. well you know... sometimes you need a fast answer if possible.

    And there is the lack of time. (its 23:40 now and finally came home :wacko: )

    But when i get some more time leftover i am going to help with all the question i answer here. When finished at last i also will share my file with everyone who needs sample's!

  7. (i already took...ssstt ;) )

    Yeah, i am going read it all the way down and going to spend some time testing the regtweaks and creating of my startmenu. Used the delete cmd allready, so it won't be a prob for me! B)

    Saw a few interresting solutions in the way you use XPlode.

    Question anyway.. can i give you a PM if i get stuck on a option i want to use?

    cheers anyway, thnx for the file/help.

  8. When you see a regshot saying "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-2...." then you can replace it with "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\..."



    Will become


    big_gie / eirogge, i am pleased that you read this and gave me these very usefull tips!! (saw the "msnmsgr"=- allready in big-gie's .xml sheet tho)

    thank you again, didn't know these.

    i'm going to have lots of fun with it and help someone else with it when he/she has the same prob's. :thumbup

  9. @big_gie

    Gues what... look at the first and last post from me here:

    Unsolved regtweaks

    Came here to find out again how the regtweaks used to work from within XPlode.

    Found your file, and although your language means almost zero to me, i speak some regtweaks... :P

    The freaking msn messenger tweak for me is in it! AAAAHHHH! :blink:

    But i must say your file has some very nice usage of things i was planning to find out. So thnx, and i gues you don't mind i "steal" a few parts from you!

    (If only i could translate some pieces from it.. :wacko: )

  10. @ jrzycrim

    Thank you very much, it worked like charme!!! :thumbup

    Just deleted the last key and apply'd the tweak again, rebooted and voila..no msn messenger popping up!

    Now i'm going to read/look through the forum how to get lost of this key through XPlode AFTER it is installed.

    Thnx again, i'm happy

  11. This is what i found:

    "msnmsgr"="\"C:\\Program Files\\MSN Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe\" /background"

    I'm going to try in a minute or so what happens when i remove it.

    Don't know where the double "\\" comes from, just exported the key from regedit..

  12. Thnx, but no luck again.

    Removed the check for running at startup.

    Exported this key and again made sure msn messenger runs at startup.

    Then merged it into the registry..

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    I dunno how to do this, but hopefully tonight someone overhere is getting the right one's for me! So i hope for the best with some help from you all!

    be back in 2 hours to see if i'm getting lucky today! :}

  13. Again used Regshot and it gave me the following result:

    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-746137067-606747145-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\AppSettings: 22 06 00 00
    HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-746137067-606747145-725345543-500\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger\AppSettings: 22 04 00 00

    Will these "\S-etc etc" registry setting be valid on a next unattended installation??

    Then i can use this setting and is my problem partly solved!

  14. I'm going crazy!!! :wacko:

    It's not working.

    How does everybody manage these 2 tweaks and have got them to work.

    I just want to lose the passport balloon and remove the checkmark at

    "automatically run messenger when i log on to windows" !

    It worked for me with SP1a, so i guess there must be something else with SP2 ??

  15. Hi u all,

    I'm having a very annoying problem with 2 of my registry tweaks.

    They just DON'T work :realmad:

    I have searched, read and even used regshot for it to get it to work.

    but still no luck. I get the strange feeling this is happening since the slipstreamed SP2. (??)

    So please help me out with these 2 because i am unable to solve it:

    ;Removes Sign up with Passport Wizard when trying to sign in MSN Messenger
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passport]

    ;Stop MSN Messenger from Running on Windows Startup

    They are executed at the T-12 during unattended install.

    My the only thing that comes after it will be XPlode running at first logon for the installation of my app's and some cleanup things.

    Please help me with these settings, i am getting a bit sick of these 2... :puke:

  16. :huh: dunno where u are from, but....nevermind.

    There are no hotfixes at this moment!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not after SP2...i mean.

    You are still including the "OLD" fixe's that were realesed AFTER SP1/SP1a.

    call them pre-sp2 hotfixe's or whatever.

    Start with a fresh copy of the original XPcd and slipstream the SP2.

    After that there are NO hotfixes left for you at this moment.

    All you have to do then is adding apps, tweaks and watever you wish to do with the XPcd you create!

    Forget at this moment about hotfixing.

    But this getting off-topic here right now....

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