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Posts posted by BAM

  1. It works super for me, still very happy with your tool.

    Sorry that i don't use the new version at this moment, but i use lots of file movement/shortcut/cleaning beside's the program installations.

    When u are ready to release that, ill be around for sure! :whistle:

    No hurry's ofcourse.

    Still one little question, do you have a very small amount of time to look over my xml sheet that i used so far? I want to know if there are things in it you should use in another way.. Or maybe it's fine the way it is!?

    let me know.

    Thanks again, for the reply.

  2. :blushing: That's all..!?

    <item display='Aanmaken start menu snelkoppelingen'>
    <shortcut display="Outlook Express" program="%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" description="Blah Blah" link="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Internet\Outlook Express.lnk"/>
    <shortcut display="Address Boek" program="%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\wab.exe" description="Blah Blah" link="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Internet\Address Boek.lnk"/>

    And it worked like a charm! :thumbup

    The double " thingy did it.

    Are there any limitations to this? Or is this the way you want it to be used because of the prob's i had with it?


  3. Hi all, enjoying the weekend?

    Need a little help with a startmenu for Dutch windows xp.

    I'm still using the old XPlode 1.1.2 version because file plugin isn't working for the new one at this moment. (ill wait for that one in silence :whistle: )

    My problem is about an" ' " sign.

    In English i use: \Start Menu\Programs

    But Dutch is like: \Menu STart\Programma's

    XPlode can't handle that little thingy between the a and s.

    Is there someone who can help me out here?

    Here are 2 samples, english is working, dutch not:


    <item display='Moving startmenu files / directorys'>
    <move source='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Eset\NOD32.lnk' target='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Security\NOD32 Antivirus\NOD32.lnk' />

    <item display='Creating start menu shortcuts'>
    <shortcut display='Ad-Aware' program='%ProgramFiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\Ad-Aware.exe' description='Spyware remover' link='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Security\Ad-Aware SE Professional.lnk'/>

    <item display='Creating Desktop shortcuts'>
    <shortcut display='Ad-Aware' program='%ProgramFiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\Ad-Aware.exe' description='Spyware remover' link='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\Ad-Aware SE Professional.lnk'/>

    <item display='Cleaning up'>
    <delete source='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Reader 7.0.lnk' />


    <item display='Verplaatsen startmenu files / directorys'>
    <move source='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Eset\NOD32.lnk' target='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Security\NOD32 Antivirus\NOD32.lnk' />

    <item display='Aanmaken start menu snelkoppelingen'>
    <shortcut display='Ad-Aware' program='%ProgramFiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\Ad-Aware.exe' description='Scan voor Spyware en Verwijder deze' link='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Security\Ad-Aware SE Professional.lnk'/>

    <item display='Opschonen'>
    <delete source='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Menu Start\Programma's\Adobe Reader 6.0.lnk' />

    I'm very happy if someone can give a really fast reply, I really need to finish off...

    Thnx in advance.

  4. Looks allready great so far!

    But you know what is going to happen with the File I/O plugin... :whistle:

    people will ask for it..soon

    I know i'm going to wait on that one!!

    But take your time, i won't bother you with that :P

  5. Saw something...

    You call it from Install directory !!

    (look at ure screenshot)

    It is in the XPlode dir, so this one should work now:

    UserExecute="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Xplode\Xplode.exe" /log:"%SYSTEMDRIVE%\XPlode.log"

  6. WOW ure fast...

    (i need sleep tho, 23:58 over here)

    Try this one:


    UserExecute="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\Xplode\Xplode.exe" /log:"%SYSTEMDRIVE%\XPlode.log"

    This way it will create an logfile on C:\


    Now you can search for errors in there and get some help if it's really not working on some parts.

    hope it helps.


  7. Hi again Wraith,

    Happy to see it's going on now! Well done.

    One little question tho..

    I looked over the screenshots at your site and saw the Guitransparant image.

    it say's: "Proper GUI transparent plugin (finally!)"

    But it was allready O.K. with the 1.1.2 version??

    At least with mine it was!

    Or am i mistaken here... :unsure:

    Keep up the good work, i'm going to convert it in the upcoming days and hope see very nice things.


  8. Happy to read we put you in the corner to make sure you finish it!! :P

    (Just kidding..)

    I'm pretty sure there are lot's of people out there who are using it, but missed the vote!

    I'm willing to help you out here, but dunno how it works...

    never did something like that :blushing:

    IF i can do something just pm!

  9. Yess, I knew it!! :D

    Glad someone is pleased with my file!

    But as allways..still updating and taking more advantage of it!

    The only thing i run from cmdlines.txt is my regtweaks file, so it gets apply'd to all users who logon. (but remember, in the same dir offcourse..)

    Xplode runs from my winnt.sif at first logon also.

    This prevents lots of trouble with programs that will/can be installed too early during setup. (thought that Office was one of them which gives troubles)

    And it looks soooo very cool when used guitransparant!! :w00t:

    about AdAware: update the reference file right before you add it.

    Let me know if everything works out well for you!

  10. I still think it's THE most easy to maintain and usefull thing i have found here! :thumbup

    But i must say that i agree with DREW...

    I'm pretty sure that lots of people are happy to use it when the doc's are more clearer for a ..newbie. I had my portion of trouble to get it running smooth, but after that: WHOEPIE!!

    (whoepie?? did i say that?? :P )

  11. Hi there Tweaker,

    If you run it through cmdlines.txt then the XPlode files must be at the same place as cmdlines.txt! (when i'm correct, forget that thing sometimes :} )

    I saw in the screenshot that there is a "XplodeBAM.xml" in your dir... Is that something from me?? Don't mind it, just curious about it...


    About your AdAware problem.. Just install it once and then copy the whole Lavasoft directory from your C:\Program files >> to your $OEM$\$Progs\

    (don't forget to remove the AdAware code from your *.xml sheet!)

    Add the following line to create a shortcut in your starmenu:

     <item display='Creating start menu shortcuts'>
     <shortcut display='Ad-Aware' program='%ProgramFiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\Ad-Aware.exe' description='Spyware remover' link='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Ad-Aware SE Personal.lnk'/>

    That's all you need to do, no install necessary, works like a charm! :thumbup

  12. Sounds simular to something i had a while back!

    Norton Antivirus 2004 on a system with not too much resources free caused that.

    It kept scanning everything what was accessed or moved/copied, and when you have a ...let's say.. light configuration of hardware it's really lagging the whole system!

    Removed NAV2004 and voila! no probs anymore, went back to nav2003.

    Hope it helps.

    But if it's the CPU you can check on your temps...

    How about an new clean install on that other disk of you?

    What happens then?

  13. Just downloaded the completed regtweaks file.

    JohnnyDo has done a perfect job, and you prathapml, thnx for posting and keeping it up! I'm very happy with it.

    When i was looking through it on the Media Player section, is saw that it was all about wmp9.. Any chance someone is going to post the WMP10 regtweaks here?

    I saw them somewhere through the forum but am unable to find them back.. :blushing:

    Ill keep getting back here for those, because it's annoying that i must accept terms etc etc.

    Keep up the good work!

  14. Hi there everyone!

    I was looking at the CarbonP3 theme, and want to know know if someone can help me out..

    I just want the taskbar and titlebar etc.. carbon looking, but want to lose "dark feeling" of this theme! Think it's so depressing.

    Try'd to look in Stylebuilder etc. from tgpsoft, but it's way to much confusing for me to even give it a try from there. :wacko:

    Can i find someone over here who is willing to do something for me? I really like the carbon looks (blue only)

    Hope to find someone who knows how things work, thnx in advance!

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