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this is my cmdlines.txt file..(residing in $OEM$ directory alongwith xplode.cmd batch file)


and this is my xplode.cmd batch file in the same directory

cmdow @ /HID
start /wait %systemdrive%\Xplode\Xplode.exe /log:#XPlode#\xplode.log

and my PostInstall and Xplode directory resides in the very top level of cd....which is on the root..!

I can't get out the result.

Please help.!


Xplode directory resides in the very top level of cd
if this is the case then your path to xplode.exe is incorrect in your xplode.cmd file, this is pointing to

as %Systemdrive% is a variable for the drive where windows is installed, usually C:\, it is not looking on the cd for the executable file.

If your $OEM$ directory is also on the root of your cd you could try

..\xplodeXPlode.exe /log:#systemdrive#\xplode.log

in your xplode.cmd file, as currently the log file will try to be created on your cd.


i changed something in my structures...here's it..!

my cmdlines.txt file in $OEM$

"..\PostInstall\Xplode\Xplode.exe /log:%systemdrive%\xplode.log"

and i deleted my xplode.cmd file...as somebody said that i doint need it....if i m pointing my cmdlines.txt path to xplode.exe

and heres mine xplode.xml file...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode" ?>
 <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow>

 <show  total='-1' after='1' subcount='true'  />

 <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode -->
 <font  face='Tahoma'  antialias='false'  small='8'  large='12' />

 <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. -->
 <!-- 0..8 still may be used. -->
 <window width='440' position='4' fixmain='0' />
 <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw -->
 <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. -->
 <windowmode mode='Standalone' />

  <header back='#003399'  fore='#FFFFFF'  image='images\head.png' />
  <footer back='#003399'  fore='#FFFFFF'  image='images\foot.png' />
  <progress  border='#FFFFFF'  back='#00000000'  fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' />
  <main  back='#FF00FF'  
   overlay='#FFFFFF22' />

  <!-- main XPlode string -->
  <title>Post Install Configuration</title>

  <!-- adduser plugin strings -->
  <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser>
  <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup>
  <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup>    
  <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings -->
  <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy>
  <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move>
  <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete>
  <!-- shortcut plugin -->
  <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut>  


  <item display='Adobe Acrobat 6 Pro'>
  <execute   display='Installing Adobe Acrobat 6 Pro...'
     arguments='/QR' />
  <item display='Registry Tweaks'>
  <execute  display='Applying tweaks...'



In your cmdlines and xml code, use # to surround the variables instead of %, and if you use the /s switch with regedit there will be no confirmation dialog asking you to apply the registry tweaks :)

arguments='/s #SOURCEDRIVE#\PostInstall\registry.reg'/>

I have changed #SOURCEPATH# to #SOURCEDRIVE# as I think #SOURCEPATH# equates to the I386 folder on your cd.


thanks for your info...

but regarding the registry key...i knew that about switch /s

but i didn't do it...cuase i wanted to see it in XP setup

and yeah about the last line...

why did you change it to #SOURCEDRIVE#

could you explain it to me??...



I may be wrong but, I think that that #SOURCEDRIVE# and #SOURCEPATH# are variables specific to the xplode program, the values which are read from the registry.

The #SOURCEPATH# variable would point to the location of the I386 folder.On a CD or DVD (drive letter of E:) with multiple I386 folders this could E:\ROOT\PRO4, and #SOURCEDRIVE# would be E:\, on a disc with only 1 I386 folder on the root of the cd they would be the same, I just think it is better to use #SOURCEDRIVE# to be certain of getting the correct value.


isn't it that we should use #SOURCEDRIVE# when we install everything from our drives after it gets copied...!

Because I don't want to copy anything on my heard drive..and want it to run direct from the CD....

and i don;t know why doesnt it work...but atleast the log file should be created so that i can figure out whts wrong and whts not...!


hey buddy......

i ran up my XP setup.....and i saw this window....and i took the shot...i dont know wht is this??...Do you know...??

Is this concerned with Xplode..?

it just appeared for less than a second even..!



remove this from your cmdlines.txt


Also, if the picture is of a black box, it's CMDLINES.TXT running, and closing.



look at my config:

{cmdlines.txt in $OEM$:


xplode.cmd in $OEM$:

cmdow @ /HID
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:"#XPLODE#\Phase2.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase2.log"

} <--- this is running at T-12min

running from svcpack.inf in \I386:

XPlode.exe /xml:"#XPLODE#\xplode.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xpsvcp.log"

<----- running at T-13min

winnt.sif in \I386:

   UserExecute="%SystemDrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Phase3.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase3.log"  <----- T-9min

   "%Systemdrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#XPLODE#\Phase4.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase4.log"   <----- Running after reboot

hope this helps a bit


Killer Bee


hi killerbee

i want to use ""cmdlines.txt and xplode.cmd"" method ...but as u have used %Systemdrive% in your xplode.cmd file, and i don't want anything to copy onto my hard disk and run from my DVD/CD...So i came to know that I have to use %sourcepath% instead of %systemdrive%....

Tell me which is right??...

and there's one guy--benners who told me to use

#Sourcepath# instead of %sourcepath%

which one works on here?

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