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.NET Framework addons


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Hi there!

I'd simply like to know where to find Framework 1.1 & 2.0 with hotfixes integrated as addons for nLite.

The silent package from RyanVM are excellent, I think, but they cannot be directly integrated to Windows (or if yes, I don't know how).

Thanks in advance.

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Some of them CAN, others CAN'T. But I think what you're actually looking for are the ADDONS, not the switchless installers themselves (unless you want to make the addons yourself.)

Here's a coupla links:

RyanVM Torrents

(Very useful for finding most popular RyanVM Addons)

[bETA] RyanVM .NET Framework All-In-One Package BETA2

Still in BETA. I haven't been following this one, so you'll have to go through the posts yourself. Sorry. :(

RyanVM forums SEARCH page

You can find pretty much any addon you need by using this link. ;)

Hope that helps.

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[bETA] RyanVM .NET Framework All-In-One Package BETA2

Still in BETA. I haven't been following this one, so you'll have to go through the posts yourself. Sorry.

I have used this one since conception and have had no problems with it (Except it takes 4 ever to install but that is to be expected)

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Thanks for the answers, but I think there was a misunderstanding.

What I want is to DIRECTLY integrate, or better said TO SLIPSTREAM the Framework 1.1 and 2.0 to Windows XP install files. Just like SP2, or other nLite addons.

I do not want a switchless installer, I've got it already.

Or perhaps I've not understood your answers.

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You have to create and edit a Entries_Something.ini file and add the silent installers to a svcpack folder...

Easier way is to use nlaom http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=73008

Just leave the switch area blank cause they are alredy switchless and one more thing... DONT use Ryans DotNet 2.0 silent installer during Windows setup its not gonna work (it says so on his site)... Use the AIO dotNet instead wich have a 2.0 svcpack compatible installer.

Edited by ricktendo64
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I'm sorry if I'm annoying, but where are the AIO .NET Framework to find ?

So I'll have to build the addon by myself ?

I find strange that noone find useful tu slipstream the .NET to Windows !?!?!?!?!

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has been attempted quite a number of times ... there are issues directly slipstreaming it ... so the reason for more effective means of using switchless installers ... the links provided by RaGhul point to the AIO by ryanvm ... you'd have to get it through the tracker though ... if you'd read through the thread (it's not that long anyway), i asked before where it could be directly DLd ... & Kel was kind enough to provide the link ...

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Right, I had understood that. But just like I said before, I dont want the RaynVM's DotNet.

If they dont exist, then to bad for me, I'll keep using the silent nstallers.

Thanks for all the answers.

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