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N-Lite 1.3.5 CD/image gives error during installation

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Posted (edited)

"Error Updating Reg Key Security" appears about 13 minutes before the end of installation from CD/image

This error appears only when image is created with 1.3.5, but does not appear with version

I rechecked 3 times.

48 critical security patches included: from August 2004 untill May 2007 = cumulative IE

I used the same Last Session.ini from as the base for the last May 2007 changes to be created with 1.3.5

Any explanation ?

Edited by P--L


If you are nLiting an installation thats been priviously nLited with delete it and start over fresh from a clean source and it works fine, I had the same thing but when I started over using only nLite 1.3.5 it went away. Some difference between the 2 that wont't allow you partialy nLite a Windows source with 1 version and nLite it again with a newer version.


P--L, let me know how it goes with the clean one but with the same preset.

inferno128, interesting, but it's best to restart from the clean one anyway.


I have the same problems with nLite last. "Error Updating Reg Key Security" appears about 13 minutes.

Thank you for a good work nuhi


Let me know if someone has this issue on the English Windows, clean installation files, not previously nlited or anything.

If you do then attach the preset please.

Posted (edited)
Now that works with nLite 1.3.5. Untouched Windows XP adds all Hotfix and addons :thumbup .

Seems like the problem only exists if you try to use an already modded XP install done with earlier versions of nlite. If I use further to mod the already modded install, it works fine. You really do need a clean install if you want to use 1.3.5. However although 1.2.1 doesnt have the same features, 1.2.1 and seem to be fully compatible with one another in this respect.

Edited by kkfhu

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