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Posted (edited)

Hi, I have compiled the version Nero Lite which Acheron has posted the Nero7850SDK. All the works has been done by Acheron www.updatepack.nl, i only repacked and compiled. I have tried it in windows XP and Windows Vista, and it works perfectly. You must have a valid serial to install it correctly and activate it, if not, it will not work.

The Nero Lite pack contains:

  • Nero Burning Rom (with VideoCD Support and MauSau Audio Plug-ins)
  • Nero Express
  • Nero CoverDesigner
  • Nero WaveEditor
  • Nero Toolkit

The Micro version only contains:

  • Nero Burning ROM (with VideoCD Support)
  • Nero Express

These are the instructions to install it silently recopiled from the post of Acheron.

;Install Silently
/Silent or /VERYSILENT

/COMPONENTS="Nero_core,xxx" --->Nero_core is obligatory to install it correctly
;Available components:
"Nero_Core" ---> Nero Burning Rom
"Nero_Core\Nero_MauSau" ---> MauSau Audio Plug-ins
"Nero_Core\Nero_VideoCD" ---> Nero VideoCD Support
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_InfoTool" ---> Nero InfoTool
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_DriveSpeed" ---> Nero DriveSpeed
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_BurnRights" ---> Nero BurnRights
"Nero_Toolkit\Nero_CDDVDSpeed" ---> Nero CD-DVD Speed
"Nero_CoverDesigner" ---> Nero CoverDesigner
"Nero_WaveEditor" ---> Nero WaveEditor

;For Micro Version the only components available:
"Nero_Core" ---> Nero Burning Rom
"Nero_Core\Nero_VideoCD" ---> Nero VideoCD Support

/TASKS="" ---->comma separated list of task names,
;Available tasks:
DesktopIcon = Create Desktop Icon for Nero Burning ROM ---> it is selected by default, if you want to deselect it put in Tasks "!DesktopIcon"
Imagefile_assoc = Associate Nero with standard CD-Image formats (CUE, IMG and ISO)

;Registration details


Here is the final release of Nero Lite/Micro for the localized versions posted in the alphabetical order, and also the MD5 hash file attached above:

Enjoy and Thanks :hello:

I have attached an archive with the MD5 of the files.


Edited by Major


so if i remove coverdesigner and wave editor lines from the code box above, those components will not install, is that correct?

also, the burnrights components, what is that for? is that for non-admins to be able to burn? if all the users on my pc are admins, is that component necessary?

the text in the code box, is that included in your download or do i have to save the text as a file?

Posted (edited)
so if i remove coverdesigner and wave editor lines from the code box above, those components will not install, is that correct?

You can install it manually checking what you want, but if you want to install it silenty and remove coverdesigner and wave editor you don´t have to write it in the section components.

An example: I want to install only Nero Burning, InfoTool and DriveSpeed, so i must type in the cmd:

Nero7850_eng_lite_R1.exe /Silent /Components="Nero_Core,Nero_Toolkit\Nero_InfoTool,Nero_Toolkit\Nero_DriveSpeed"

/User="YourUserNameHere" /Company="YourCompanyNameHere" /Serial="YourSerialNumber"

also, the burnrights components, what is that for? is that for non-admins to be able to burn? if all the users on my pc are admins, is that component necessary

Not necessary

the text in the code box, is that included in your download or do i have to save the text as a file?

The text above are the instructions for installing the program silently, you can use the commands you want, it is not necessary to save it as a text.

Edited by Major
I installed this over Nero Lite and my settings were not kept. Is this normal?

I think is normal because the new version will usually overwrite the setting, so you had to have saved your settings before in a .reg file and execute it after installing the new version.

Also no icons/shortcust for Nero Express?

Like i have seen much people does not use nero express, i remove its shortcut and icons, but nero express is usually there.


Two errors, one during installation-serial number entered but error in activation from your installer-refer "install error" attached in cab file; one after installation and serial number manually entered into registry-refer "launch error" attached in cab file. Consequently, Nero will not run; wants a serial number entered even though my valid one is.



Have you installed it over an older version?

Would you tell me please in which directory has been installed Nero?


Have you installed it over an older version?


Would you tell me please in which directory has been installed Nero?


I have four Partitions on two striped 150G Raptors; C: D: E: F: where C: is the primary/active partition, D: E: F: are logical partitions

Posted (edited)

Released the R2, i will post the link of the download in the fisrt post.

Fixed the bug: it does not find the nero.exe when it is installed in other directory than the default.

Some minor fixes.


You can download the R2 above.

Edited by Major
Posted (edited)

Many thanks; will try an install immediately, burn some additional files to a multi-session DVD+RW already started before with Nero- to see how it operates and report back.

Edited by RickSteele
Posted (edited)
Released the R2, i will post the link of the download in the fisrt post.

Fixed the bug: it does not find the nero.exe when it is installed in other directory than the default.

Some minor fixes.


You can download the R2 above.

:hello: Installs without error; launching any of the Nero apps...BurningRom, Nero CoverDesigner...etc. causes features/files missing popup dialog box with an update button to hit for add'l features/files etc.; which, of course we do not want. I hit the update button for testing purposes and an error occurs; hit "OK" and all of Nero Burning ROM's apps installed will launch correctly- MissingFilesState="1" must be changed to "0" to prevent this; refer "Nero7_Installation.txt" in attached cab, only the Nero Core\NeroBurningRom_Eng.chm shortcut is created in All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7\Manuals, the other help file shortcuts I had to create manually-no biggie, the Desktop shortcut is created irregardless of whether the option is chosen, Nero Digital Audio appears twice in Audio Format Settings Decoder only, not in Encoder, finnally, one cannot configure WMP audio in Encoders, hit the configure button and nothing happens; onlyWMP...all others configure correctly. Refer to the attached cab for images of the errors.

I added some files to the already started multi-session DVD+RW-burned without error, just now finished burning 3.8G to a new multi-session compilation-DVD+RW as I was typing this; burned correctly without error.

Sooo, this is basically a winner.

Many thanks!!! :thumbup

Edited by RickSteele
Posted (edited)
I installed the basic Nero only and it keeps popping up a warning about wanting to update. Also, would it be possible to re-incorporate the MauSau plugins?


Thanks for taking the helm of this project, I really appreciate it!

Type in the correct info for your User, Company and serial number; ie: "Serial7_1177435233" = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", then, copy and paste below into notepad. Save as "Nero7_Installation.reg" sans quotes. Double click the reg file and click ok to merge into registry and, voila, no more popup; or you can manually change the MissingFilesState=1 to 0 in the registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]

"User"="xxxx xxxxxx"

"Company"="xxxx xxxx"





Edited by RickSteele
Posted (edited)


Thank you very much for your help, referring to your annotations:

MissingFilesState="1" must be changed to "0" to prevent this

It changes when the program is activated, but i will fix, i think i have the solution.

only the Nero Core\NeroBurningRom_Eng.chm shortcut is created

I will fix it.

Nero Digital Audio appears twice in Audio Format Settings Decoder only, not in Encoder, finnally, one cannot configure WMP audio in Encoders, hit the configure button and nothing happens; onlyWMP

Also it happens the same in the version of Nero Burning (I refer to the original install nero), anyway i will have a look in it, also any solution from anyone is appreciated.


Also, would it be possible to re-incorporate the MauSau plugins?


I will reincorporate them.


Edited by Major

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