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Terminal Services missing...system even notifications.

Bilar Crais

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Thank you so much for a brilliant tool! I just noticed in the event viewer that the Service Control Manager is pinging the Terminal Service every ten minutes and coming up with an error.

"Registering with Service Control Manager to monitor Terminal Service status failed with The specified service does not exist as an installed service.

, retry in ten minute."

I am guessing this is because I removed remote desktop in my Vlite install. I suppose it's no big deal, but those ugly red blotches in the event viewer bug me. Is there a way I can stop the Service Control Manager from babysitting Terminal Services?



Edited by Bilar Crais
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I was looking at that while removing Remote Desktop and no luck. Since it's harmless and only annoying I decided to leave the removal since the component alone is more annoying than the message. But I too can't wait to nail that annoyance. So if anyone finds the tweak to turn that off let me know.

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  • 7 years later...

Oft in the future here...lol.  What I ended up doing was extracting termserv.dll and termserv.dll.mui from the Install.wim package on the original Vista DVD-ROM.  I placed termserv.dll in \windows\system32 and termserv.dll.mui in \windows\system32\en-us.  I was now able to disable the service in the services applet.


The notifications are gone...!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well at first the service appeared in the Service Manager as "termsrv".  I restarted Vista, and it appeared as "Terminal Services".  I disabled the service, and after another restart, the messages disappeared from Event Viewer (I cleaned out Event Viewer, of course)

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  • 4 months later...

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