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I've been here for almost 2 years...


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One of MSFN rules stated that:

10. We do not encourage the raising of post counts or creating threads that state you have reached a post count milestone, unlike other forums that do. Please remember there's no prizes in store for those with a very high number of posts!
Remember to use the "View new posts" link at the top of every page ;)
Do you know that not all unread topics are exist under View New Posts and you can check it your self right now to know what I mean...I mean a quick review for View New Posts index and a quick review for new topics under several forums will let you know about it.

For example...

This is what View New Posts shows:


This is what General Discussion Shows:


And as you can see the two titles with arrows does not exist under view new posts link.

I've really wished to solve this issue since a while ago, but simply give it up, also when I did post about its reason many told me that it does not happen with them while some confirmed it.

EnJOY :hello:

Edited by MGadAllah
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Personally, I look to the posts w/no replys to see if I can help out, or at least get the ball rolling. Remember the number of posts isn't the thing you should look at, but rather the quality of the response. As long as you can give out the correct info, or meaningfully contribute to the thread, you shouldn't worry about it.

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