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[How To] Put Recycle Bin on Start Menu


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How-To: Recycle Bin on the Start Menu

By Cygnus, Tom, VA(s)T, ricktendo64, oxcoxp and Arnab

NOTE: Also adds "Show Recycle Bin icon on desktop" to Folder Options, Show/Hide "Recycle Bin" to Start Menu Properties



Download INF file, right click on it and click "Install" then reboot.


This tweak is freely distributable, but, if you are going to modify this registry tweak and post it on the internet, please give credit where its due. I do not condone plagiarism. So please give credit where it's due. Tom, VA(s)T, ricktendo64, oxcoxp, Arnab and myself worked hard on getting this registry tweak working.

Thank you.

Thanks go out to all who helped work on this project.

Change Log:

01/20/07 v0.3

Added Empty Recycle Bin to Context Menu (thanks to Arnab)

Slimed down RegEntries (thanks to Sanjay)

01/12/07 v0.2

Added Right Click: Properties, Rename, Open and Explorer entries to Recycle Bin shortcut (thanks to oxcoxp, only Empty Recycle Bin left)


Edited by prx984
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  • 4 weeks later...

hehe I'm glad you guys like the tweak. Thanks for the feedback everyone :thumbup

Thanks also go out to ricktendo64, oxcoxp, VA(S)T, tom and Arnab for all this work too ;)

I can't thank them enough for helping me with this tweak.

Edited by prx984
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  • 2 months later...

I would like to say a big thanks to the makers of this but would anyone be able to possible help about adding this to an unattended setup or pointing me in the right direction.

Thanks :thumbup

Edited by acen2006
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