LeveL Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 So the latest Deamon Tools v4.08 now supports a silent install,its really easy too... it only needs the /S switch, but if you ain't got SPTD on your system before installing Daemon Tools, forgetit - Deamon Tools won't install.So the answer would be to get STPD installed, registered, up andrunning and whatever else it takes then once thats done, installDaemon Tools v4.08.The problem is - sucky Windows and the annoying necessity toalways need to reboot! Why though?What would you need to do to get this sptd.sys driver installed(copy it to system32/drivers) and set it up so you do not needto reboot?I posed this question to someone and they are very experiencedwith PC's and programming, they said forget the idea, it cannot bedone, because the "ID has to bind" or something for a SYS file toinstall... pah... but it is the fact that it is SO hard to do or maybe impossible that I want to do it!I want to install Daemon Tools v4.08 in ONE feld swoop!How can it be done without a reboot?
kof94 Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 (edited) I have to agree in part to this one.You cannot get around the fact that Windows requires a reboot, it's just the way it is.However, I can't see why the guys a Daemon Tools couldn't have written a better installer that just installs everything in one hit (SPTD and Program) then reboot.The fact that they have added a silent switch really makes no difference because of this, everyone is still forced to use Autoit. What was the point?!!!-kof94 Edited December 23, 2006 by kof94
LeveL Posted December 23, 2006 Author Posted December 23, 2006 I have to agree in part to this one.You cannot get around the fact that Windows requires a reboot, it's just the way it is.However, I can't see why the guys a Daemon Tools couldn't have written a better installer that just installs everything in one hit (SPTD and Program) then reboot.The fact that they have added a silent switch really makes no difference because of this, everyone is still forced to use Autoit. What was the point?!!!-kof94They probably got so hacked off with 100 people a day asking forsilent support they just did it. The main thing that annoys me though is, you can install something like nLitethat requires the Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0 and yet nLite still installs noproblem, yeah you do get one single message saying you don't have it installedand would you like to download it but thats easy to deal with (AutoIt, our saviour)But with Daemon Tools it refuses to install unless that SPTD is installed and running,thats just silly... I will just have to go back to v3.46 of Daemon Tools (you know, theone that didn't have the spyware in it) so I guess I can kill 2 birds with one stone.
scankurban Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 www.duplexsecure.com"SPTDinst-v138-x86.exe /add /q"Silent but system must be reboot for ready to use
kof94 Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 (edited) ... I will just have to go back to v3.46 of Daemon Tools (you know, theone that didn't have the spyware in it) so I guess I can kill 2 birds with one stone.I agree .If all you need is a good virtual drive and you don't need the latest copy protection emulation, this is the way to go.-kof94 Edited December 23, 2006 by kof94
dakota19 Posted December 24, 2006 Posted December 24, 2006 I instal sptd.exe at t12 with cmdlines.txt and then deamon with the first installcmd file it works perfectley that way.
ajua Posted December 25, 2006 Posted December 25, 2006 you can install SPTD driver from SVCPACK.inf and then you can install Daemon Tools or Alcohol without any problems. dowload SPTD drivers from shark007 repository and copy it to i386\SVCPACK in your cd. then open i386\svcpack.inf and add in the section [Hotfixes to run]. if you dont get this, read the unattended guide.this way works great, i installed alcohol and havent had any issues.
skavenger Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 www.duplexsecure.com"SPTDinst-v138-x86.exe /add /q"Silent but system must be reboot for ready to useThe current version of SPTD is SPTDinst-v150-x86.exeFor silent installing of Daemon-Tools i use the following:1. look to system32\drivers for sptd.sys2. if found, you can install daemon-tools3. if not found install the sptd-driver silent with "SPTDinst-v150-x86.exe add /q" (NOTE: In the post of 'scancurban' is a / before the add-command, in this version this want not work)4. copy the installer for daemon-tools and a script to the HDD (better if you want silent install from CD/DVD)5. run the script from the HDDOK - now here my complete wayINSTALL.CMD - this scipt starts the install-procedure@echo offif not exist %systemdrive%\install\nul md %systemdrive%\installif not exist %systemdrive%\install\daemon\nul md %systemdrive%\install\daemoncopy daemon* %systemdrive%\install\daemon /vif exist %systemroot%\system32\drivers\sptd.sys goto isdastart /wait SPTDinst-v150-x86.exe add /qgoto isda:isdastart /wait %systemdrive%\install\daemon\Daemon_Tools_silent.exeEXITDAEMON_TOOLS_SILENT.AU3 (the script for silent installing Daemon-Tools) THX to unknown MSFN-User#region - Daemon Tools install script - (Nullsoft)Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1); Installer.$executable = 'daemon4091-x86.exe'; Show progess.$splash = False; Default catagory folder in startmenu.$group = 'DAEMON Tools'; New catagory to move the default folder into.$catagory = ''; Installation folder in Program Files.$directory = 'DAEMON Tools'; Add Mount to CDRom association$association = True; Run the installer.$exitcode = _Install()If Not $CMDLINE[0] And $exitcode = 2 Then $key_runonce = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce' RegWrite($key_runonce, 'InstallDT4', 'Reg_sz', '"' & @AutoItExe & '" /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" /runonce') Exit 2EndIf; Mount to CDRom associationIf $association Then $key_iso = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.iso' $key_isofile = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\isofile' RegWrite($key_iso, '', 'Reg_sz', 'isofile') RegWrite($key_isofile, '', 'Reg_sz', 'ISO Image') RegWrite($key_isofile & '\DefaultIcon', '', 'Reg_sz', @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll,188') RegWrite($key_isofile & '\Shell\open', '', 'Reg_sz', 'Mount image to CDRom') RegWrite($key_isofile & '\Shell\open\command', '', 'Reg_sz', '"' & @ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\daemon.exe" -mount 0, "%1"')EndIf; Remove shortcuts.If _MainShortcut('DAEMON Tools.lnk') Then;~ FileDelete('Uninstall.lnk') _Desktop('DAEMON Tools.lnk')EndIf; Delete spyware installer.If FileExists(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe') Then FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory & '\SetupDTSB.exe')EndIf; Remove Autorun entry.RegDelete('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'DAEMON Tools')RegDelete('HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'DAEMON Tools')#endregionExit $exitcode#cs - Exitcodes 1 = _Install(): Installer not found 2 = Installed SPTD only#ceFunc _Install($parameters = Default); Run a Nullsoft Installer with Default: /S. Dim $splash, $directory If $parameters = Default Then $parameters = '/S' If $directory <> '' Then $parameters &= ' /D=' & @ProgramFilesDir & '\' & $directory EndIf If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\' & $executable) Then Exit 1 If $splash Then _Splash('Installing:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)) Return RunWait('"' & @ScriptDir & '\' & $executable & '" ' & $parameters)EndFuncFunc _Desktop($shortcut); Delete a Desktop shortcut. If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then Return FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) EndIfEndFuncFunc _MainShortcut($shortcut, $rename = ''); Change working directory to correct StartMenu\Group directory. Dim $group, $catagory, $splash If $group = '' Then Return 0 If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) ElseIf FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Then FileChangeDir(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Else Return 0 EndIf; Wait for main shortcut. If $splash Then _Splash('Waiting for shortcuts') For $i = 1 To 20 If FileExists($shortcut) Then ExitLoop Sleep(500) Next If $splash Then _Splash('Cleaning up:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4)); If catagory not assigned anything, then return. If $catagory = '' Then Return 1; Move the group folder into the catagory folder. If FileChangeDir('..') And DirCopy($group, $catagory & '\' & $group, 1) Then If DirRemove($group, 1) Then ; If optional rename parameter is used, then rename the group folder. If $rename <> '' And FileChangeDir($catagory) Then If DirCopy($group, $rename, 1) And DirRemove($group, 1) Then Return FileChangeDir($rename) EndIf Else Return FileChangeDir($catagory & '\' & $group) EndIf EndIf EndIfEndFuncFunc _Splash($text = ''); Shows a small borderless splash message. Dim $splash If $splash Then If $text Then SplashTextOn('', $text, 500, 25, -1, 5, 1, '', 14) Else SplashOff() EndIf EndIfEndFuncFunc OnAutoItStart(); A 2nd script instance will exit. If WinExists(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter') Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle(@ScriptName & '_Interpreter')EndFuncyou must have the following files:INSTALL.CMDDAEMON_TOOLS_SILENT.EXE (the converted AU3-script)daemon4091-x86.exeSPTDinst-v150-x86.exeTry out for testing and give little feedback, how it worksSkAvEnGeRDAEMON_TOOLS_SILENT.rar
skavenger Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 If you try my method, the SPTD-driver will install first.After reboot the daemon-tools will automatically install. (via RunOnce fron Registry)Any questions?SkAvEnGeR
MHz Posted July 9, 2007 Posted July 9, 2007 DAEMON_TOOLS_SILENT.AU3 (the script for silent installing Daemon-Tools) THX to unknown MSFN-UserThe author is here. you must have the following files:INSTALL.CMDDAEMON_TOOLS_SILENT.EXE (the converted AU3-script)daemon4091-x86.exeSPTDinst-v150-x86.exeTry out for testing and give little feedback, how it worksSkAvEnGeRThe AutoIt script I created is made to be executed at cmdlines.txt or at a similar time period and will add a runonce entry in to execute from registry if a exitcode of 2 is returned from the DT install. The script is self contained to only require the DT installer alone without any other files.
shorterxp Posted November 6, 2018 Posted November 6, 2018 (edited) Hi, After some thinking, it seems there is 3 ways of doing this. I note order of SPTD and Daemon is important. M1) AutoIT script to check driver presence before installing driver package. M2) Add driver installer to i386/SVCPACK and adding a line to SVCPACK.inf under [Hotfixes to run]. Then Run DT at RunOnce / NLITE.cmd M3) Run driver installer at cmdlines.txt silently. Then run DT at RunOnce / NLITE.cmd Given my own custom install will not have driver present (I can't think of a scenario where it would be already, given he who develops unattended install is in control of such things). I'm not familair with SVCPACK.inf, method 3 is proably the easiest for me... Does anyone object with 3, instead of 2, or 1. Any potential problems? It should work in any scenario (ignoring the scenario M1 addresses - pre-existence of SPTD.sys) Thanks Edited November 6, 2018 by shorterxp
shorterxp Posted November 6, 2018 Posted November 6, 2018 (edited) It's evident now why the AutoIT script is needed. I wasn't aware. 4.08 allows silent install but comes with adware, where as earlier verisons don't come with adware but don't allow silent install. Typical. Nevertheless I insisted on silent DT installer for 3.46 using AutoHotKey script. Heres a footprint comparison of both options. AutoIT script (800 kb) DT 4.09 Installer (1.7 mb) AutoHotKey Script (180 kb) DT 3.46 Installer (497 kb) shorterxp Silent DT Installer (SFX archive). Autorun and virtual drives are disabled upon installation. To mount, daemon needs to be run and virtual drives needs to set to 1. Edited November 7, 2018 by shorterxp
MHz Posted November 8, 2018 Posted November 8, 2018 shorterxp, DT 3.46 setup is an executable which extracts an msi file to the %temp% directory. To get the msi: * Execute DT executable. * Click Install button. * Look in %temp% folder for an msi file with approximately 5 numbers or letters and a size of 813 KB. * Copy the msi file and rename the copy to something more meaningful. * Cancel the install. You can now use the msi file with arguments like /qn to perform a install silent. DT 4 is quite different and needs to be handled by a different method. 1
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