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NAV 2006 Windows Auto Update Warning

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Dontcha just love it when software presumes to know what's best for your computer better than you do?

...Okay, fine, sometimes it's true. But not now.

I'm having some difficulty configuring Norton AntiVirus 2006 to stop complaining that Windows Automatic Updates are switched off. We're on a corporate network and my department manages updates by what we deem necessary to push to end users. We've turned off auto-updating on all of our client hosts and users are not permitted to install their own updates.

Norton, however, insists that it knows better than a department full of IT guys and has apparently unilaterally decided that our company policy must be just-plain-ol-flat-out-WRONG-dontcha'-know for not allowing Windows Updates to run automatically.

Worse yet, I've told it to not warn about AU being turned off, and yet it does so anyway.

So is there a registry setting to force NAV to shut its trap, or do we need to just instruct our users to ignore it and wait for 2007 to be installed on our client systems? Fortunately those PCs with 2k7 do not have this problem.

Sorry if I sound a bit miffed. I am. Just not at any of you, but rather at the wise-achers at Symantec.

P.S. I know many will recommend switching to a different AV product, but it's not really an option for us at this point in time due to our current installed and supported Norton base.

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P.S. I know many will recommend switching to a different AV product, but it's not really an option for us at this point in time due to our current installed and supported Norton base.

You're just causing yourself unnecessary headache. No offense but I feel sorry for anyone who is victim to that POS software. Start supporting Kaspersky and/or NOD32. That's the good stuff that actually works.

I Googled this for you and the first result was someone else telling the user to ditch Norton as well. :lol:

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P.S. I know many will recommend switching to a different AV product, but it's not really an option for us at this point in time due to our current installed and supported Norton base.

You're just causing yourself unnecessary headache. No offense but I feel sorry for anyone who is victim to that POS software. Start supporting Kaspersky and/or NOD32. That's the good stuff that actually works.

I Googled this for you and the first result was someone else telling the user to ditch Norton as well. :lol:

Oh, believe me, I feel sorry for us too. Unfortunately the choice isn't mine so I have to do the best job I can with what we have.

If there's no way, there's no way, and it's alright. We're moving to the new version anyway and that one has the bug worked out.

Still open to suggestions though.

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My suggestion is that if you are on a domain, the admin need to setup a WSUS server [effectively a local Microsoft Update server] on a member server which means you can leave Auto Updates On, and they can pick and choose which updates to allow installation of, and which not to.

Its very easy to setup :)



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My deepest sympathy for anyone or any Company who's locked into using Norton for protection.

It's the most invasive system on the planet and doesn't even do its primary job of keep the computer free of viruses and other associated malware.

Hundreds of thousands of words have been written here and in other forums on this topic. I've written a few thousand myself. :whistle:

I even put together my own "Norton Killer" package for those wanting to get rid of Norton AV and when Norton would not de-install itself properly.

No other AV program has ever had all the bad press as Norton AV has and still people keep buying it. I don't get it!

OK, nuff said......you got it, you're stuck with it (evidently) and all I can do is wish you good luck with it.

Cheers Mate!


Edited by Andromeda43
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Your "Norton Killer package" is simply a collection of the three files that are now outdated and have been for several months. Those were SYMMSICLEANUP.reg (Symantec Microsoft Installer Cleanup.reg) and MSIFIX.bat (Microsoft Installer Fix). These used to be found on SymNRT's page, but are no longer there as they are outdated and SymNRT handles everything properly.

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