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Windows 98 and Soundblaster Problem


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Recently I installed a Creative Soundblaster card on my Windows 98 SE machine. However the results are a bit odd. If I put a CDROM in the drive, the Creative player comes up, it works as I can see it playing, but there is no sound coming out of the speakers.

When Windows 98SE opens up and shuts down, it makes the usual noises.

Then I tried an ATI player that was left on the computer from the last sound card and it played the CDROM just fine. :} This has left me scratching my head, without a clue as to my next step.

If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

P.S. I would have to pull the card to find out any details about it as it did not come in a box or with a manuel.

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is it ISA or PCI?

if its ISA, its probably sound blaster AWE, but if its PCI, i'm not sure, i have an SB Live upstairs, but it doesn't have that problem...you should look for drivers, and also it may be default players getting in the way, it could be a problem with the sound scheme, but drivers are the first thing to check.

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LLXX, you are right; for most apps you need the audio cable.

Windows 95/98(se)/ME are using the DACs in CD players and there for you need the audio or SDIF cable to be connected.

In 2000/XP/VISTA all is digital and there for the audio-data goes, like normal data, directly to the chipset, using the CPU most of the time to convert the audio-data signal to analog audio trough the DACs of the soundchip or just with raw CPU power.

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