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i did try it, but had no luck, but , i didnt really look into greatly, i was more bothered about seeing if i could get it alltogether and what it looked like, now i got it working though, i will look into that a little more, i know you can use %userprofile%


WOW thats great....i will use this....is it easy to change....because im not so good and i had to change many things`? because im use the german version...

Well i have tested it, and, it works, a few tweaks needed to be made, namely .com instead of .exe for my batches (what a plum i am...lol...) so here is the new code

What program did you use to convert your batch files into executables?


using an exe or com file is a lot more tempromental than a simple cmd script, my advice is use a cmd script, but the app is called bat2exec do a search on google for it


Why not just edit the batch and save it as a exe the same way you saved it as a batch in the first place? (ie, file --> save as --> all files --> batch.exe)



How to rename it?

I´ve current three cmd files, one tweak.reg, one apps and other main bacht file & where i´ve to add this line REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Setup.reg



hmmm it does not work...he entered the entrys only into the regedit...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"1"="C:\\Install\\MSN\\MsnMsgs.msi /QN"

@="MSN Messenger 6"


"1"="C:\\Install\\DirectX9b\\dxsetup.exe /opk"

@="DirectX 9b"


"1"="C:\\Install\\WMP9\\MPSetupXP.exe /Q:A /R:N"

@="Media Player 9"


"1"="C:\\Install\\PowerToys\\TaskswitchPowertoySetup.exe /s /v/qn"

@="Task Switch PowerToy"


"1"="C:\\Install\\JavaVM\\MSJavx86_3809full.exe.exe /Q:A /R:N"

@="Microsoft Virtual Machine"


"1"="C:\\Install\\JavaVM\\msjavwu_3810update.exe /Q:A /R:N"

@="Updating Microsoft VM"





"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\Nero\\Setup.exe /silent /noreboot"

@="Nero Burning Rom 6"



@="Killing Internet Explorer"


"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\Antispy\\setup.exe /S



"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\Bootvis\\bootvis.msi /QB



"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\Slowview\\slowview.exe /silent



"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\flashget\\fgf140.exe /S

@="Flashget 1.4"


"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\DivX\\DivX505Bundle.exe /s

@="DivX 5.0.5"


"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\ISOBuster\\IsoBuster14.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-

@="IsoBuster 1.4"


"1"="C:\\Install\\Applications\\WinRAR\\wrar320.exe /s

@="WinRAR 3.20"



@="Applying Program Registry Settings"


"1"="regedit.exe /s C:\\Install\\RegTweak.reg"

@="Applying Registry Tweaks"


"1"="regedit.exe /s C:\\Install\\Reg.reg"

@="Applying Programm Registry"



@="Applying Programm Registry2"

whats wrong???


there is an awfull lot wrong with it, you are missing " from the end of most strings and also you are using some of my program's that you dont have, it is best if you start from scratch using only the entries that you need, also are you registering it with the cmdlines.cmd script?


ok since I dont have it all finished yet I wanted to show the inf file I use for this. It looks more or les the same accept you can change the header stuff so it does not say windows update.

; Version 2.0
; Copyright  : © 2000,2001,2002,2003  
; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net)
; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems

signature = "$CHICAGO$"
Compatible = 1
AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!"
LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf

AddReg  = AdvSetup

BeginPrompt = InstallBegin
SmartReboot = N

Prompt  = "Do you want to install the WindowsXP Shell Toy?"
ButtonType = YESNO
Title  = "The Mobile PC Medic Shell Toy"

HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," Shell Install XP by Brook Humphrey",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"     © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"          www.webmedic.net",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,""
;HKLM,%RunOnce%Setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,"RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %1%\test.INF,DefaultInstall2"
;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,"c:\\install\\applications\\pspad\\pspad426inst_en.exe"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Ad-Aware",                     0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\adaware\\aaw6181.exe /s"
;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"TweakUI Link",0,"COPY  %TweakUILink% %TweakUILinkDest%"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"K-Lite Codec Pack 2.04 Basic", 0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\codecs\\klcodec204f.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"QuickTime Alternative 1.11",   0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\codecs\\quicktimealt111.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Real Alternative 1.02",        0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\codecs\\realalt102.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Kazaa Lite K-plus-plus 2.41", 0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\Kazaa\\klitekpp241e.exe /verysilent"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"ATI Control Panel for Catalyst 3.6",0,"%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\ATI_CP_3_6\\Setup.exe -s -f1\"%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\ATI_CP_3_6\\setup.iss\""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Flashget 1.4",    0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\flashget\\fgf140.exe /S"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Nero Burning ROM v6.0.0.11", 0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\Nero\\Nero60011.exe /silent /noreboot"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Registering Nero Burning ROM...",0,"REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\Nero\\register.reg"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Nforce Audio Controle Panle", 0 ,"RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemdrive%\\drivers\\nforce\\AudioUtl\\nvautils.inf,DefaultInstall"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Startup Control Panel v2.8...",0, "RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\StartupCPL\\startup.inf,DefaultInstall"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Sun Java VM 1.4.1",      0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\SunJava_1_4_1\\setup.exe -s -f1\"%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\SunJava_1_4_1\\setup.iss\""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Open Office 1.1rc2",    0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\OOo_1.1rc2\\setup.exe -r:%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\OOo_1.1rc2\\openoffice.txt -debug"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Mozilla 1.4",      0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\Mozilla\\setup.exe -ma -ira"

HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,""

systemdrive = "c:"
Product     = "Shell Toy XP"
DiskName    = "Shell Toy XP, Setup Disk #1"
Uninstall   = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
Runonce     = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\"
Setup       = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup"
DosHere     = "DOS PROMPT HERE"
Edi         = "01,00,00,00"
SubDir      = "WINDOWS"
EXPLO       = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
KEY_RUNONCE = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
OnlineLong  = "Online Services"
KEY_IEXPLORERMAIN="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main"
w95u1       = "rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection"
wNTu1       = "RunDll32 syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction"
wu2         = "DefaultUninstall 132"
AppDir      =
AppGroup    =
AppName     = "My Application"
CopyrightMessage = "Copyright (c) 2003. All rights reserved. My Company. www.pablovandermeer.nl."
TweakUILink = "\"c:\\install\\PowerToys\\TweakUI 2.10 Powertoy.lnk\""
TweakUILinkDest = "\"c:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\\""

there are some things I'm testing in there but you get the idea how it's done. Shortly I will add to it I think I have found a way to include other things that dont want to install nicely. Like tweakui for now you can just drop this onto your desctop or anyware and as long as you have the install files on your hard drive under install then it will start installing them.

Just right click on it and select install to see how it looks. Man when i saw the other way of doing this I realized I have had this sitting around for a long time. I had a little thing I called shell toy that would add right click command propmt and whatnot to your shell stuff and you could ininstall it also so I just modified this to do what I wanted for the installer. Enjoy all.

Let me know I can also turn most or the registry tweeks into little inf files like this so you can uninstall them if you want. I dont know why I did not think of this sooner. Change it how ever you like I only ask you leave in the header.


NO....s***....my file works....i had to restart and then the picture comes...hrhr but the install folder wasnt in C:\ so i became a lot of failures, but it goes, he restarts..

now i had to write all files again, because i have delete them.....so big mistake... :):rolleyes::D


hm well i cant say for that but the inf file I showed you works fine and soes not need a restart to test. It should be saved as test.inf or whatever you want to call it.

ok since I dont have it all finished yet I wanted to show the inf file I use for this. It looks more or les the same accept you can change the header stuff so it does not say windows update.

; Version 2.0
; Copyright  : © 2000,2001,2002,2003  
; by Brook Humphrey (bah@webmedic.net)
; for Mobile PC Medic OEM systems

signature = "$CHICAGO$"
Compatible = 1
AdvancedINF = 2.5,"You need a newer version of AdvPack.DLL!"
LayoutFile = layout.inf, layout1.inf, layout2.inf

AddReg  = AdvSetup

BeginPrompt = InstallBegin
SmartReboot = N

Prompt  = "Do you want to install the WindowsXP Shell Toy?"
ButtonType = YESNO
Title  = "The Mobile PC Medic Shell Toy"

HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," Shell Install XP by Brook Humphrey",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"     © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"          www.webmedic.net",0,""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,""
;HKLM,%RunOnce%Setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,"RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %1%\test.INF,DefaultInstall2"
;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup," ",0,"c:\\install\\applications\\pspad\\pspad426inst_en.exe"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Ad-Aware",                     0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\adaware\\aaw6181.exe /s"
;HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"TweakUI Link",0,"COPY  %TweakUILink% %TweakUILinkDest%"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"K-Lite Codec Pack 2.04 Basic", 0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\codecs\\klcodec204f.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"QuickTime Alternative 1.11",   0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\codecs\\quicktimealt111.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Real Alternative 1.02",        0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\codecs\\realalt102.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Kazaa Lite K-plus-plus 2.41", 0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\Kazaa\\klitekpp241e.exe /verysilent"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"ATI Control Panel for Catalyst 3.6",0,"%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\ATI_CP_3_6\\Setup.exe -s -f1\"%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\ATI_CP_3_6\\setup.iss\""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Flashget 1.4",     0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\flashget\\fgf140.exe /S"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Nero Burning ROM v6.0.0.11", 0, "%systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\Nero\\Nero60011.exe /silent /noreboot"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Registering Nero Burning ROM...",0,"REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\Nero\\register.reg"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Nforce Audio Controle Panle", 0 ,"RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemdrive%\\drivers\\nforce\\AudioUtl\\nvautils.inf,DefaultInstall"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Startup Control Panel v2.8...",0, "RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %systemdrive%\\install\\applications\\StartupCPL\\startup.inf,DefaultInstall"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Sun Java VM 1.4.1",      0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\SunJava_1_4_1\\setup.exe -s -f1\"%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\SunJava_1_4_1\\setup.iss\""
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Open Office 1.1rc2",     0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\OOo_1.1rc2\\setup.exe -r:%systemdrive%\\install\\Applications\\OOo_1.1rc2\\openoffice.txt -debug"
HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Mozilla 1.4",       0,  "%systemdrive%\\install\applications\\Mozilla\\setup.exe -ma -ira"

HKLM,%RunOnce%setup,"Installing Shell Toy",0,""

systemdrive = "c:"
Product     = "Shell Toy XP"
DiskName    = "Shell Toy XP, Setup Disk #1"
Uninstall   = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
Runonce     = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runonce\"
Setup       = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup"
DosHere     = "DOS PROMPT HERE"
Edi         = "01,00,00,00"
SubDir      = "WINDOWS"
EXPLO       = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer"
KEY_RUNONCE = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"
KEY_INSTALLEDCOMPS="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components"
OnlineLong  = "Online Services"
KEY_IEXPLORERMAIN="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main"
w95u1       = "rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection"
wNTu1       = "RunDll32 syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction"
wu2         = "DefaultUninstall 132"
AppDir      =
AppGroup    =
AppName     = "My Application"
CopyrightMessage = "Copyright (c) 2003. All rights reserved. My Company. www.pablovandermeer.nl."
TweakUILink = "\"c:\\install\\PowerToys\\TweakUI 2.10 Powertoy.lnk\""
TweakUILinkDest = "\"c:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\\""

there are some things I'm testing in there but you get the idea how it's done. Shortly I will add to it I think I have found a way to include other things that dont want to install nicely. Like tweakui for now you can just drop this onto your desctop or anyware and as long as you have the install files on your hard drive under install then it will start installing them.

Just right click on it and select install to see how it looks. Man when i saw the other way of doing this I realized I have had this sitting around for a long time. I had a little thing I called shell toy that would add right click command propmt and whatnot to your shell stuff and you could ininstall it also so I just modified this to do what I wanted for the installer.  Enjoy all.

Let me know I can also turn most or the registry tweeks into little inf files like this so you can uninstall them if you want. I dont know why I did not think of this sooner. Change it how ever you like I only ask you leave in the header.

Now this I like :) May I ask how you are calling this from winnt.sif??? Also could we get a screenshot of this in action?


hmmm he cant find...hotfixes.com but it is there...could i use the normal cmd ???

and a few times he couldnt find the setup for nero or other programms....


before we go any further wiht this there are some installers that this thing does not like for those cmd files will still need to be used but i have found a little command line program that allows you to execute cmd files without the window. I also found another one that will tree the command so you can do multiple things with it. For instance you could aslo log what is going on in the batch file. to a txt file for later viewing. Only problem is that this loging is not available for for any normal installers run through the inf file.

As for running them through winnt.sif

this should do the trick. This is untested though. I am currently converting most my install stuff to this.

Run("C:\WINDOWS\rundll.exe","setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 path\to\inf\file\install.inf")

Let me test that though first to make sure but it should work. I'll run up the scripts real quick and test it in virtualpc. I'll snapshot it in irfanview for you guys.

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