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OEMScan - Automated Multi Manufacture Pre-Activation Utility

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I have read this topic...and it's still not clear to me.

I have to install winxp on sevral PC's.

And this tool seems to be a workarond for the problem with Special Pc's.

How do I add this to the UnWinXpCd that I use for all my PC's?

Do I have to make on for DELL and one for HP and so on?

I realy want this utillity to work, it's a time saver DeLux. :thumbup

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OEMSCAN is for techs that use the OEMBIOS activation method on different Royalty (ie: Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc) systems. Before techs had to create a separate install for each manufacture, now they have one install and OEMSCAN copies over the correct files for each OEM. If you’re not installing XP daily, you might consider the Backup Activation Method described here



I don’t know what UnWinXpCd is; there are different ways to run applications in Unattended Windows. With OEMSCAN you don’t need to create multiple CD’s.

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In WinNt.sif under [GuiRunOnce] I install all my apps, can I just add OEMSCAN there. And when I want to activate WinXp, the OEMSCAN has done it's job...?

I have this in wnnt.sif;



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Just copy the royalty oembios files to the corresponding manufacture directory and run oemscan.exe that’s it. However you must be using a SLP (Royalty OEM) CD Key, NOT the cd key on the sticker attached to the case. It can be run during setup, after setup, whenever you choose.

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Just copy the royalty oembios files to the corresponding manufacture directory and run oemscan.exe that’s it. However you must be using a SLP (Royalty OEM) CD Key, NOT the cd key on the sticker attached to the case. It can be run during setup, after setup, whenever you choose.

Thanks :w00t:

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This is MY slow night....

I still don't get it....

If I have a HP Pc.

The customer has lost his org WinXp Cd's.

But the sticker with the XP number is placed on the PC.

I have made a WinXp Cd that askes me to type in a valid WinXp Key.

I types in the number sticking on the pc label.

Then the instal procedure goes on unattended.

When finished , I want to activate WinXp. It fails, and I have to call MS.

MS gives me a new key, and WinXp is activated .

Is the oemscan.exe made to manage this "problem"?

If Yes then;

See picture. If i run oemscan.exe from that directory, and the Pc is any brand listed, it will work?


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back for some more here. I need a little more clarification please.

On my laptop, which has been activated by calling MS after using a stock XP SP2 OEM CD and my own CDkey on the sticker on the bottom of my laptop, I now would take the wpa.dbl that is in my system, make a copy of it somewhere, and then what? Do I:

- integrate it into the i386\system32 dir that is on my stock XP SP2 OEM CD?


- just copy this file over to this windows\system32 dir when i do a format next?

I do not find a $OEM$\$$\system32 dir on my cd, nor do i find anything remotely close to that.

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I have no idea, that’s out of the scope of this topic

@Floppy please read this the first paragraph of

System Locked Preinstallation (The second paragraph is incorrect)


Multi Manufacturer Pre-Activation

I’ll repeat myself again, YOU CAN’T USE THE COA STICKER KEY, YOU MUST USE A SLP CD KEY!!! You can find an SLP key on the internet, in the winnt.sif file of a recovery cd, or by using a key retrieval tool on a factory installed copy of XP.

OEMScan contains a sample oemscan.ini file which supports those Royalty OEM’s, you can modify to file to your liking, adding or removing vendors. I don’t distribute the OEMBIOS file sets, you have to download them. Goto Bezalel’s repository, the filename is the CRC32 hash of the OEMBIOS.CAT file, the text below it is the SLP String that the OEMBIOS file set contains. Extract the files to their respective directories.

If you’re using it on an HP you should get 06D652A4 which goes in the Pavilion directory and CD4E1902 which goes in the HPQ directory. Secondly you must change the key to an SLP Key. Then run oemscan.exe, assuming it finds a match, reboot and you shouldn’t see any more prompts for activation.

With an unattended OEMSCAN cd it goes like this.

1. The SLP cd key goes in the winnt.sif file. (unless you manually want to enter the same key each time)

2. Somewhere in your unattended scripts you run oemscan.exe which uses the list of SLP strings in the oemscan.ini file to match to your bios. If it finds a match it copies the corresponding oembios file set over.

3. You boot into windows with no activation prompts

If you still don’t understand and want a simple solution use Siginet’s OEMScan RVM Integrator Addon

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If you still don’t understand and want a simple solution use Siginet’s OEMScan RVM Integrator Addon

This was the info I was looking for!!

My English is bad, I know :hello:

» OEMBIOS Method

This method requires an existing installation of Windows that has been pre-activated by a Royalty OEM. (If your computer was manufactured by a royalty OEM the COA sticker will have the manufacturer's name or logo.)

Locate on your hard drive the following 4 files:





Locate these files, and compress them with MAKECAB, then simply copy the compressed versions into the I386 directory in your Windows Setup Source folder on your hard drive.

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That is how you make an OEM Specific install disk. Which only works on that type of manufacturer computer. The project here uses that concept but actually makes it possible to utalize multiple OEM specific files on one disk. Helping you make a tru Universal Installation disk. ;)

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I do understand that, I was wondring where the diffrent files where copyed to..that's all.


I have the files for Fujitsu Siemens-->http://rapidshare.de/files/37244969/FUJITSU.rar.html

Did not find the here, so I extracted them from my CD, hope it helps!

I have a Q. (yes, Iam a newbe)


[Dell System]






I it possible to enter somthing after CMD="HERE", ...If I have the SLP cd key, so the "SLP WinKey" i changed according to what system that has been found.

If oemscan.exe find a HP system then the CMD="" makes a change for that SLP key.

I have found most of the key's that are mentioned in the oemscan.ini file :hello:

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Yes u can use CMD for that,

A example, you can use oobeinfo.ini to load the proper key



OEMName="Dell Computer System"


copy oemlogo.bmp %SystemRoot%\System32\
copy oeminfo.ini %SystemRoot%\System32\
copy oobeinfo.ini %SystemRoot%\system32\oobe
copy OEMLOGO.JPG %SystemRoot%\system32\oobe\images


[Dell System]

When XP loads for the very first time, Key value from oobeinfo.ini is used replacing for example a COA key used during installation

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>I have the files for Fujitsu Siemens-->http://rapidshare.de/files/37244969/FUJITSU.rar.html

This is Fujitsu set 10045CFA. You need to decompress them before taking the CRC32. Renaming them to remove the underline does not decompress them.

Nothing to download here, move along!


ok, I see...

If I write " expand OEMBIOS. BI_ OEMBIOS.BIN " ,the bin file will be ok to use?

How do I get the CRC32 from this?

I got this from ww.vbs...

Manufacturer: Fujitsu Siemens

Model: K series

46554A49 54535520 5349454D 454E53


Thankyou, that was good help for me!!!

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