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This is how you make your own custom SP?

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Posted (edited)

How to make a custom SP like gurgemeyer did?


I know how he made SP5. I used the same method but now I figured it out.

  1. You take out the contents of SP4, or SP5 by extracting it. You can use 7Zip to extract it by right clicking then extract. It really works to extract exes with 7-Zip but only certain exes can extract with 7zip.
  2. you edit the \update\update.inf to add more contents
  3. You add, or replace the updated files into the extracted Service Pack layout.
  4. Then once your done you don't need a special SP installer. All you have to have is a installer that will extract the files into a certian location, then run the update.exe file.

That's how you make custom service packs.

How to integrate the custom SP:

If you wanted to integrate it but don't have the /integrate option just install the files into a custom folder then just use the update\update.exe -s:folder_of_Custom_Service_Pack.

How to integrate hotfixes, updates, and maybe even updates of WMP:

Now to integrate hotfixes, and regular non-security updates what you need to do is replace the files like I told you, and add any files that are included in the update, then you take certain contents out of the hotfixes update.inf, then add it to your custom SPs update.inf.

Some examples on what to do to directly integrate all updates in your custom SP:

no svcpack installs necessary

say for example we wanted to integrate a Directx hotfix if we already integrated directx directly.

Windows2000-KB904706-DX9-x86-ENU.exe(You must extract the exe file using 7-Zip)//update/update.inf


Signature="$Windows NT$"



GreatOrEqualOp = CheckFilever, System32.Files, quartz.dll , >= ,

%SP_SHORT_TITLE%.cat, update\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%.cat




HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%

HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup", "LogLevel", 0x10001, 0
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%,"Installed",0x10001,1
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%,"Comments",0,%SP_TITLE%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "PackageName",, %SP_TITLE%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "PackageVersion",, %Package_Version%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "Publisher",, %Publisher%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "PublishingGroup",, %Publishing_Group_Name%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "ReleaseType",, %KB_Release_Type%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "ARPLink",, %ARP_Link%%SP_SHORT_TITLE%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "InstallerName",, %Installer_Name%
HKLM,%UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "InstallerVersion",, %Installer_Version4%

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "DisplayIcon", 0x00020000, ""%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe""
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%SP_SHORT_TITLE%, "ParentKeyName", 0x00000000, "OperatingSystem"









GlobalRegistryChanges, GlobalRegistryChanges.UnInstall
Add.Reg, Add.Reg.Uninstall
Del.Reg, Del.Reg.Uninstall
ServicesToStopAndStart, ServicesToStopAndStart.Uninstall

LangTypeValue = 0x09
Language = "ENU"
SP_DATE = "8/31/2005"
SP_KB_NUMBER = "904706"
UpdateRegKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates"
;---------------Product Strings
DispStrKB = "KB$(cmi.prereqKB) is required for this software update. Download it from [url="http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=$(cmi.prereqK%42%29"]http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=$(cmi.prereqKB)[/url] and then install this software update."
;Windows Media specific strings

;Windows Media Player specific strings

;Windows Media Player 6.4 specific strings

;Windows Media Player 7.1 specific strings

;Windows Media Player 8 specific strings

;Windows Media Player 9 specific strings

;Windows Media Player 10 specific strings

;Windows Media Services specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Services 4.1 specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Services 9 specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Encoder specific strings specific strings

;DirectX specific strings specific strings

;DirectX 9 specific strings specific strings
DispStrPreReq = "This software update can only be applied to DirectX 9. If you see this message, you do not have DirectX 9 installed and cannot install this software update."
DispStrUp = "This software update cannot be applied because the version of DirectX 9 installed on this system already includes this software update."
;DirectX 9.0b specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Format SDK specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Player SDK specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Server SDK specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Encoder SDK specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media SDK specific strings specific strings

;Windows Media Rights Manager SDK specific strings specific strings

;Generic string that we can try to use for newer products in the future
SP_TITLE = "Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB904706)"
;-------------------End Product specific strings
;----Information for ARP, this is where the icon info will go when that is sorted out
HelpLink = [url="http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=904706"]http://support.microsoft.com?kbid=904706[/url]
URLInfoAbout = [url="http://support.microsoft.com"]http://support.microsoft.com[/url]
ARP_Link = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"
;----Publishing and package info
Package_Version = "1.0"
Package_Version1 = "1.1"
Package_Version2 = "1.2"
Package_Version3 = "1.3"
Package_Version4 = "1.4"
Package_Version5 = "1.5"
Publisher = "Microsoft Corporation"
Publishing_Group_Name = "Windows Media Core Services"
;----Package Revision Values
PkgRevision = "1"
PkgRevision2 = "2"
PkgRevision3 = "3"
PkgRevision4 = "4"
PkgRevision5 = "5"
;----All possible release Types according to SE standards
KB_Release_Type = "Security Update"
KB_Release_Type_C = "Critical Update"
KB_Release_Type_R = "Recommended Update"
KB_Release_Type_U = "Update"
KB_Release_Type_H = "Hotfix"
KB_Release_Type_SP = "Service Pack"
KB_Release_Type_UR = "Update Rollup"
;----All possible file descriptions
File_Description_H = "Hotfix Package"
File_Description_U = "Update Package"
File_Description_S = "Security Patch Package"
;----Supported Products
OS_NT4 = "Windows NT 4"
OS_W2K = "Windows 2000"
OS_W2K_SP2 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 2"
OS_W2K_SP3 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 3"
OS_W2K_SP4 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 4"
OS_W2K_SP5 = "Windows 2000 Service Pack 5"
OS_WXP = "Windows XP"
OS_WXP_SP1 = "Windows XP Service Pack 1"
OS_WXP_SP2 = "Windows XP Service Pack 2"
OS_WXP_SP3 = "Windows XP Service Pack 3"
OS_WXP_SP4 = "Windows XP Service Pack 4"
OS_WXP_SP5 = "Windows XP Service Pack 5"
OS_W2K3 = "Windows Server 2003"
OS_W2K3_SP1 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1"
OS_W2K3_SP2 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2"
OS_W2K3_SP3 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 3"
OS_W2K3_SP4 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 4"
OS_W2K3_SP5 = "Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 5"
Family_WinNT = "Windows NT Family"
Family_Win2K = "Windows 2000 Family"
Family_WinXP = "Windows XP Family"
Family_Win2K3 = "Windows Server 2003 Family"
;----Processor Architecture
ProcArch_x86 = "x86"
ProcArch_x64 = "x64"
ProcArch_ia64 = "ia64"
ProcArch_mips = "mips"
;----Installer Information -- these are the two possible installer versions we support
Installer_Name = "Update.exe"
Installer_Version = ""
Installer_Version2 = ""
Installer_Version3 = ""
Installer_Version4 = ""
WSEDIR = "1033"
TSCLIENTDIR = "Terminal Services Client"

UpdateRegKey = %UpdateRegKey%\%US_Product_Name%
EventLogDllName = spmsg.dll
WaitTimeForServiceStop = -1
EventLogKeyName = WindowsMedia
InstallationType = Hotfix
InstallLogFileName = %SP_SHORT_TITLE%.log
UnInstallLogFileName = %SP_SHORT_TITLE%Uninst.log
UnInstallDirName = $NtUninstall%SP_SHORT_TITLE%$
AppFileinUseDetect = 3
ServiceFileinUseDetect = 1

then you cut, or copy the contents in [Copy.system32] such as quartz.dll then paste it in your custom SP's update.inf under [Copy.system32] with the other ???.dll, or .exe.

then you cut, or copy the contents in [Copy.dllcache] such as quartz.dll then paste it in your custom SP's update.inf under [Copy.dllcache] with the other ???.dll, or .exe.

then you cut, or copy the contents in [sourceDisksFiles] such as quartz.dll=1 then paste it in your custom SP's update.inf under [sourceDisksFiles] with the other ???.dll, or .exe=? (exm. 1).

then if [Test.FileVer.Section] has this content:

GreatOrEqualOp = CheckFilever, System32.Files, quartz.dll , >= ,


then I recommend you put it in the [Test.FileVer.Section] so your file can be updated in the registry. That way Windows Update won't ask you to install the update you already integrated. A good test is WindizUpdate because you don't have to have WGA just to test it.

Also always integrate the /update/?????????.CAT, or .cat then place them in [Extract SP]/svcpack/place .cat's here. Then open your svcpack.inf and put your extra .cat file with the other .cat file entrees.

After your done do the update.exe -s:Drive:\path\to\your\Copied\Operating\System\Files\ (also that's where your i386 is also too just so you know).

You can even pack it in a installer, or in a Inno Setup file then have it ready for download on MSFN. You know post the download mirrors.

One more thing is you need to take out the contents out of update.ver and replace the existing entrees in the SP5s update.ver.


Now please make this a sticky. This is very useful information. I found out this method. Now I know what Gurgelmeyer knows. You could even use Inno Setup.

Edited by SammyDawn


Sammydawn there is one problem.

What about updating the update.ver.

I notices the hashes, and some file sizes are different from the hotfixes update.ver and the one in SP5. Just to let you know.

Posted (edited)

Inserted that information. Thank you Hyipo for telling me that. I will have to study more into it to get more information to paste into my little tutorial.

Edited by SammyDawn

The instructions given here work just fine for Windows NT 4.0. I used something similar to slipstream the additional fixpacks into SP6a. You can even add registry hacks to HKLM this way too.

Windows 95, Windows NT and Windows 3.1 were written when microsoft encouraged that sort of thing. I learnt the particular secrets from the Windows 3.1 (DOS version) resource kit.

By the time Windows 98, 2000, etc came to town, Microsoft was insisting that IE was part of the OS, and made rather stiff process to prevent the install files and fixpacks from being modified. We see this with experiments like that Windows File protection thing, and a few other sorts of things, such as CAT files.

The actual hack of SP6a to SP6b took me something like 3 to 4 hours. You end up with a single exe file that has all of the fix-packs and quickfixes rolled into one.

This in turn becomes the basis of the J386 package, which is the slipstream of SP6b into the I386 files. This in itself prevents you having to reinstall the service packs and later fixes every time you change the system.

However, you will find that with NT5, there is all this crap about digital signatures based on CRC or MD5 signatures, which means you just can't replace a file with another of the same name.

The instructions given here work just fine for Windows NT 4.0. I used something similar to slipstream the additional fixpacks into SP6a. You can even add registry hacks to HKLM this way too.

Windows 95, Windows NT and Windows 3.1 were written when microsoft encouraged that sort of thing. I learnt the particular secrets from the Windows 3.1 (DOS version) resource kit.

By the time Windows 98, 2000, etc came to town, Microsoft was insisting that IE was part of the OS, and made rather stiff process to prevent the install files and fixpacks from being modified. We see this with experiments like that Windows File protection thing, and a few other sorts of things, such as CAT files.

The actual hack of SP6a to SP6b took me something like 3 to 4 hours. You end up with a single exe file that has all of the fix-packs and quickfixes rolled into one.

This in turn becomes the basis of the J386 package, which is the slipstream of SP6b into the I386 files. This in itself prevents you having to reinstall the service packs and later fixes every time you change the system.

However, you will find that with NT5, there is all this crap about digital signatures based on CRC or MD5 signatures, which means you just can't replace a file with another of the same name.

How did you integrate SP6 into Windows NT?

I always wanted to do that. Even someone begged nLite to allow NT and I think a few others also.

I need to know because I have Windows NT Laying around and don't know how to patch it. Besides since it no longer gets security patches support it will be easy to patch Windows NT.


yeah tell me to i have a version of NT4.0 server layin around in the dust would love to use it as file/print/dns/AD server for my home network. -


At the moment, I have not actually slipstreamed in the NT5 sense. What i did do is to create a single SP to make up all of the released fixes for NT.

This is the working file for what files to add to NT4, based on a number of references i found in different places. Basically, you have alternate source files from the Nt4 distribution, or the SP6a stuff (or in 2 cases, Win2k or WinXP).

I used the same code to test different combinations of this package. This is the one that worked (ie ignore H and h).

You should not at this point, integrate the NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM from NT2k or XP here. Use SP6a or SP6hf to do this.

extproc rxloop.rex
goto :end


The slipstreaming of service packs is not available with WinNT4, as it was first introduced with Win2k. But it is still possible to do some tricks:
Update these files on the install-image with files from the service pack (SP4+), as it will enable AGP support, remove 8gb limitation etc.

$data $fsx Source file
A,atapi.sys, atapi.sys
H,fastfat.sys, fastfat.sys
h,gdi32.dll, gdi32.dl_
h,hal.dll, hal.dl_
H,hal486c.dll, hal486c.dll
H,halapic.dll, halapic.dll
h,halast.dll, halast.dl_
h,halcbus.dll, halcbus.dl_
h,halcbusm.dll, halcbusm.dl_
H,halmca.dll, halmca.dll
H,halmps.dll, halmps.dll
H,halmpsm.dll, halmpsm.dll
H,halncr.dll, halncr.dll
h,haloli.dll, haloli.dl_
h,halsp.dll, halsp.dl_
h,halwyse7.dll, halwyse7.dl_
h,kernel32.dll, kernel32.dl_
h,ndis.sys, ndis.sy_
A,ntdetect.com, ntdetect.com
H,ntdll.dll, ntdll.dll
H,ntkrnlmp.exe, ntkrnlmp.exe
A,ntldr, ntldr
H,ntoskrnl.exe, ntoskrnl.exe
S,setupdd.sys, setupdd.sys
C,setupp.ini, setupp.ini
h,tcpcfg.dll, tcpcfg.dl_
h,user32.dll, user32.dl_
h,win32k.sys, win32k.sy_
S,winnt32.exe, winnt32.exe
h,winsrv.dll, winsrv.dl_

Fixes for
A atapi fix From SP6a
B bootfix From Windows 2k
C corporate fix This is a well known avoid serial nr fix
H hal fix. From SP6a
S setup sp4 fix You need sp4exti.exe for this.

$new _fixwin.cmd
$loop $
compress -r -zq7 $f ..
$loop $abcs
$loop $
copy $f ..
$loop $ABCS

Install the service pack unattended (SP4+)
Place the service-pack file in this directory:
Create a text file CMDLINES.TXT in this directory:
Open the text file CMDLINES.TXT and add these lines:
".\sp4\sp4i386.exe -z -u"

More Info MS KB Q168814
Make a shared directory with the original WinNT4 install files and extract the contents of the service pack to this directory. Then use the shared directory when adding components (after install), so you don't have to apply the service pack for every change.
Note it is possible to create a bootable WinNT4 CD by using the boot sector from Win2k.

These files are extracted from later copies of Windows, and added to
the package.

1. bootfix.bin Default boot to hard disk.
2. bootsect.dat Win2k boot loader


Windows NT thus prepared will install onto modern machines, but the 8G requirement still applies for the boot partition. You should not access other partitions until you install SP6a/b.

Posted (edited)

The next step is to build "Revised Service Pack 6a".

You need to get hold of the files. MDGX http://www.mdgx.com/ has a good list (look for NT4 fixes), and basically download the lot (or what you are missing). You don't have to worry about whether they're workstation or server, since that is a feature of hotfix.exe, and we're not using that.

Another good reference is: http://nt4ref.zcm.com.au/patch.htm

Once you got what you need, create directories for each fixpack, eg for Q838138, create a directory with just the number 838138. This provides the essential sequencing of fixpacks, as some replace the others. Create a directory 000006 and unpack SP6a into that.

;  Rem  This is the SI stuff for 299444.inf.
; Add this into UPDATE.INF. and then copy the 299444 files over the
; SP6A files.
; ProcessesToRun does not exist in UPDATE.EXE, so we might need to use a
; service pack to add this into the system. We can always gut something
; like 299444\hotfix.inf to get this file, as well as deliver the XP
; boot files, etc.

; quartz.dll from 819696
; itircl.dll from 825119
; ProductAddReg, msan1.dll and mf3216 from 835732
; psxss.exe from 841872
; 841356 contains updated shell32.dll, ntlanman.dll and grpconv.exe
; but these are also in the SRP. Just have to figure which ones to use!
; the nw and ad files are NT5 vers, while the OS vers are NT4.

; You need to include these items into SP6a's update\update.inf.

; Stuff from 835732




Netmon.files=11,"netmon" ; %windir%\system32\netmon
Netmon.Parsers.files=11,"netmon\parsers" ; %windir%\system32\netmon\parsers
FPSE.files=65620,"Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\40\bin"










; Removed the =1, which causes an error


; new section

; new section


; new section





; crlupd.exe=1
; schmupd.exe=1

If you don't install the referenced packages that add the five or so files listed above, you should remove references from here too. Note there is a great section of [Product.Add.Reg] from 835732. You need to copy most of this section (except the hotfix stuff), into here too.

Then, copy files other than hotfix.inf, hotfix.exe into the SP6a directory, replacing existing files.

This becomes SP6B


Corrected the inf file (see [CopyAlways.Convert.Files] section). W

Edited by os2fan2

You then need a hotfix pack.

This is so we can run something like [ProcessesToRun], because the update does not do this. You can use all sorts of interesting things here, too. You basically gut 299444.inf of file information, except for these three sections. Leave all the sections in place.


"%systemroot%\system32\schmupd.exe /n aspkeepsessionidsecure /f 1 /i 7043 /p 7043 /m 1 /g 101 /d 0 /c iiswebservice,iiswebserver,iiswebdirectory,iiswebvirtualdir"





You go ahead, and add extra fixes, including entries to HKLM.

; Leave the hot fix stuff here!

; This is a global kill parseautoexec for dual boot systems.
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon,"ParseAutoexec","0"





The J386 project then is copying all of the Sp6b and SP6bhf files into a copy of the i386 directory.

This becomes j386. You then point the installation to this, and you don't need to do any thing about reinstalling after updates etc. The latest patch becomes the update.

The next step is to rebuild a batch file that will expand -r *.* to some temp directory, and unpack some zip file, to become the temp dir for the fixpack install. The same batch file can be used to remove this stuff, or you can use something else to do this.

I tried using the compressed files on the cdrom (ie have the sp6a files already compressed, and the update directory as a subdirectory of j386), but this does not work :(


A script to automate slipstreaming a given directory full of hotfixes into the win2k iso would win the day

And i think Gurgelmeyers packs are more than just security hotfixes, think he puts all the msdn stuff also, I hope he is still making next version

I see 84 hotfixes for win2ksp4 on http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/current.aspx

September update had no critical hotfix for win2k, only msoffice had 1



The SP5 files install by straight copy, as implied in the readme file. This means that they can be included in some SP6 build without error.

We might be able to install defectx 8.1 as well, by the same method. If what Fred Vorck did with defectx 9c in his hfslip package is anything to go by, we might be able to install defectx 8,1 as a smaller package than the defectx already there. This could be done as a fixpack, so users have choice of installing defectx 5 or defectx 8.1 at install.

I have two different defectx control panels (5 and 9), the former says the file versions in the defectx 5, and the win2k system (it has 9c), are vers 5, while the SP6 files are vers 4.06.1381. I have not managed to download defectx 8 as yet, so i leave this alone to this while.



please call any pease of software by its name. instead of windoze linutz OSuX and childish stuff like that....

Posted (edited)

easy there mate. :)

MicroSawft uses a special sfx cab tool to make their service packs and one's best bet is to acquire a copy.

Not so imposible, just have to know someone as it's not for dist. This is discussed on the 1st page of the unoff. SP5 thread.

I seriously doubt this project was completed by deflating an archive and repacking it, I just can't see it, MD5 checks and all, but hey, I've been wrong before.

Anyway, I do feel the point about the bugs in the pack, too bad eh?, but a def A+ for effort and oem mock-up.

Edited by thuun derboy

You can quite easily unpack a service pack, and uninstall it from there. That is, regardless of whether you install SP6B from an archive packed or unpacked, the result is still the same.

Windows NT4 does not have this checksum nonsence. You can quite easily stick whatever you want into any service pack, or even the base install. The name comes from an installed version of 6B, complete with the rollup of later stuff.

One should note that NT4 is 1996 vintage. Microsoft had from then gone from pleading that IE was a loose tie-in to actual integration so hard that it is impossible to defang it in the manner of Win31/95/NT.

Still, i learnt how to do Windows 3.1, and Windows NT (which are essentially defanged already), and then you have to forrage around for tools to do Win2k and later.

The Windows NT4 package does work. I made one silly mistake in the setup files, but this is fixed up for the big one. It has directx 5 installed, the plan is to put 8.1 or even 9.0c (gosh) :yes:

Still. It is nice.

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