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Can we replase cmdow.exe with the cmdhide.exe v1.3

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"I am tired of fals virus warning"

also here.

you probably still use , like me , a wpi.cmd / wpi.bat

i use anyway an autoIT script , and i completed it with :

If WinExists( "WPI" ) Then

WinSetState ( "WPI", "", @SW_MINIMIZE )


the wpi.bat(dos window) is visible , you see it minimizing

but i can live with that, because my bitdefender is very very bad with cmdow.exe.

advice : if you use BTS Driverpacks , after installation

you will have a copy of cmdow.exe in "c:\windows\system32\" folder

same script do for me a

FileRecycle  ( "c:\windows\system32\cmdow.exe" )

and at first cleanup cmdow.exe is vanished.

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I use Hidec, it's much better than cmdow and cmdhide. :thumbup

You never see the command window flashing and it waits for the command to finish before exiting.

And as far as I know it doesn't set off any AV's, well not with my experience anyway.

Thats my two pence anyway!


Edited by kof94
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