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Computer freezes, restarts or bluescreens


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it looks right, the metal clip is attached on both sides. I felt the air blowing out of the back of the tower and it was really warm. So I pulled of the cover to let it breath and the cpu it running at 47c now and dropping, strange. Matt

It is down to 45c. It feels warm near the graphics card, is that ok?

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It appears that You still have an overheating problem - 67° and not even at full load (CPU is near idle when you're just looking at webpages).

The heatsink surface actually has to be in contact with the CPU die; it can be clipped on but actually is skewed, resulting in very little contact surface.

If the heatsink is seated firmly and square on the CPU, and leaving the case off eliminates the problem, then your case ventilation is not sufficient.

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About am month ago I did a complete install of 98se and the service pack. The computer will freeze, restart or bluescreen once ar twice a day, but otherwise runs great. On e of the blue screens says: An Exception 0E has occurred at 0028:CIBCD3FA in VXD MSTCP(01) + 0000209A. This was called fom 0028:CIC4BA44 in VXD PPPMAC(04) + 00007B14. It may be possible to continue normally. ANy help would be appreciated. Here is my system config:


AMD Athlon 1.1 Gig

512mb Kingston Value Ram PC 3200

USR 5610b Modem

ATI Radeon 9600 PRO

Western Digital 120 Gig 7200 RPM

Windows 98SE sevice pack 2.1a

Also I ran Fresh Diagnoise and it said that my ram was running way to slow compared to others and the harddrive was reading and writing way to slow. I downloaded Doc Memory testor and ran the burn-in test for 8 hours and no issues. What do you all think? Matt

I have the same motherboard. The A7V8X-X is a reliable motherboard. I usually only get crashes if my processor was OC'ed too much, not enough Vcore or overheating. But I do see a problem, it appears that you're probably using a T-bird processor. My Asus A7V8X-X was never tested with pre-Athlon XP processors. It may not be using the right Vcore setting! I suggest that you at least get a T-bred 2400+.

I also suggest that you run Prime95. If Prime95 fails, probably a problem with your processor chip!

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Should I try messing with the V-core then or get another processor. I was thinking about a 2600 or 2800 barton, Matt

It looks like the cpu that I have is only 1.35 v-core and the lowest that the bios goes is 1.75. No wonder I was having so many issues. I think I am going to go with a 2600 barton core. I believe that will work best with my pc3200 memory. Thanks for all of your help, Ebay here I come. Matt

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  • 2 weeks later...
It appears that You still have an overheating problem - 67° and not even at full load (CPU is near idle when you're just looking at webpages).

LLXX, do you mean 67 degrees Celsius, or 67 degrees Fahrenheit?


The adapter that I am using is what ever came on my board, ASUS A7V8X-X MOBO. I am not connected to any network though.

then what does Device Manager say about the network adapter, big3b? Open the System control panel app and click on Device manager tab and expand the Network Adapters section.

my DFI CM33-TL mobo came with a Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC network adapter as listed in the Network Adapters seciton of Device Manager on my WinXP computer.

Should I try messing with the V-core then or get another processor. I was thinking about a 2600 or 2800 barton, Matt

It looks like the cpu that I have is only 1.35 v-core and the lowest that the bios goes is 1.75. No wonder I was having so many issues. I think I am going to go with a 2600 barton core. I believe that will work best with my pc3200 memory. Thanks for all of your help, Ebay here I come. Matt

try adjusting the CPU jumpers on the mobo to change the v-core voltage. or try updating the bios to see if it can support cpus with 1.35 v-core. if those two suggestions do not work, then you have to replace the cpu with one that is 1.75 v-core or higher.

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It appears that You still have an overheating problem - 67° and not even at full load (CPU is near idle when you're just looking at webpages).

LLXX, do you mean 67 degrees Celsius, or 67 degrees Fahrenheit?

Celsius, what every other country in the world is using :wacko:

It definitely makes sense it's overheating, the CPU is being overvolted.

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According to the International System of Units (ISU) [from French (original name) = Systeme Internationale d'Unites (SIU)], all countries today are already using, should use or start using if not already, the metric system, which includes the Celsius [also known as the "centigrade" system] unit of measurement for temperature.

ISU / SIU is part of the norms issued by BIPM [bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of Weights and Measures)]:


which are approved + used by almost all countries today as "common denominator".

Fahrenheit to Celsius [and viceversa] conversion formula:



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