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Themes for 5.2

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is there a small tuutorial for changing the Themes from version 5.1 to 5.2?

I want to update but there are a lot of changes I think.

Attached there is a small screenshot, which in the top middle contains an Icon for it looks like a picture, can this be removed somewhere?

UPDATE : Found it, there was a Title.gif which I missed.

Thanx for the good work.

Edited by andreasfc
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I have been continuously updating the themes files since I started using WPI back in v4.x. The problem that arises with each new version is that I incorporate user suggested ideas, bug fixes, my ideas, code improvements, etc. Sadicq has sent me several updates that I still need to merge in with mine. I can say that it is coming to an end.

An end until Almulder releases his appearance editor. This will HOPEFULLY standardize the themes to a point where updates will not affect your themes.

I can't promise you no more changes/updates to the themes. v5.3 will have some more. This was inevitable. I really hate to say this, but: hold off on making new themes for a short while. Progress is moving along at a break-neck pace, but HTML code is not as forgiving as JavaScript. I am just wrapping up the MAJORLY updated Options wizard, which does not affect the themes, yet, but may down the road. Config wizard if next.

Like I said: most updates are from user submitted bugs and/or ideas. Don't be mad at me or Kels for the changes.

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I created 'Glossy_Horiz', a horizontal theme to give more space for 1024x768 users. Will be in the 5.3 package. I will be talking with Kels tonight in hopes to get it all posted by Tuesday at the latest.

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