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TGUP 0017 has been released!

Support for Windows 2000/XP/VISTA

Possibilty for choosing custom list of applications to install.

and more options. Run TGUP with /h for more info

tgup0017.exe /h

Please test the new release and tell me you opinion.


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thanks for response

just 1 file with all the installs in them

Only one Offline File, would be TOO big, people dont need all the applications at once.

But I am planning to make offline packages for each application. this could be generated by adding a certain switch and the application name. i think this is more usefull.

I will tell you when it is done.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for response

just 1 file with all the installs in them

Only one Offline File, would be TOO big, people dont need all the applications at once.

But I am planning to make offline packages for each application. this could be generated by adding a certain switch and the application name. i think this is more usefull.

I will tell you when it is done.

Be careful with offering offline packages as many companies require that the downloaded file originate from their servers. The current setup of TGUP does this perfectly but changing to an offline version might raise some unwanted eyebrows. This happened over at RyanVM with a utilities suite. The solution was to have the offline version create itself on the users computer as your application switch idea implies.

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alright, thanks for the notice.

actually i was planning to make the offline packages generate themselves on the users computer.

i already started developing the scripts for this feature. it is one of the best features i think.

anyhow.. i hope by the end of this month, it will be available for use.

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