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Windows XP Restart

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Earlier, a member in this forum asked if he could use shutdown.exe instead to restart the computer. I told him that he couldn't because it isn't a command that exists in Windows.

I was wrong!

It exists on Windows XP, and I stupidly tried it on Windows 2000 just to verify it exists. d'oh! Anyway, you can get a full list of commands to use by typing shutdown /? in Command prompt. The only switches you will probably only need to use is:

shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60

-r = Reboot

-f = Force Applications to terminate

-t 60 = timer of 60 seconds before rebooting/shutdown, the numbers can be edited to your preference.

Anybody willing to test this on a system without a Network card, or a system with no network card drivers installed? The reason I ask is because PsShutdown is non-functional on a system without a NIC or NIC drivers.

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AaronXP i have a litte app which can shutdown the computer with or without a network card it lets you set the time to shutdown and also lets you put a message in to it and also it can be stop.

Have a look that this.



If you can work this is may be more helpful.

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I have a questions about using the -f and -t switches together.

Does this force applications to terminate immediatly, or at the end of the timer? Or does it activate the switch in order they are typed?

Would "shutdown.exe -t 60 -f" wait 60 seconds then force app terminate?

Would "shutdown.exe -f -t 60" force apps to terminnate then shutdown in 60 seconds?

Doesn't using the -f switch defeate the purpose of waiting a minute to let the installs finish updating shortcuts, ect.?

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Another thing you, if you would like to stop the reboot is use another cmd script with just this line SHUTDOWN -a and copy it to the desktop and if you want to cancel the reboot just click on this when the counter has stopped, in other words SHUTDOWN -a cancels out SHUTDOWN -r -t 60 once it has started

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For someone who asked about the -f switch in conjunction with the timer, it terminates applications when the timer reaches zero, no matter which order the switches are in.

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So how exactly do you integrate this into the batch file?

Just copy

SHUTDOWN -r -t 60 -c "Restarting computer in 1 minute"

to end of batch file?

Before "EXIT"?

Any ECHO's needed before or after?

(Yes I know im a n00b :))



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