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Windows 98 + ME *still* alive campaign + logos

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Posted (edited)

What do you think about that? :P

That's the kind of avatar you'd use?


It's a beta and still needs a few improvements but still.

Edit: Wow, it took me time! it's 01h55 here! *going to bed...*

Edited by glocK_94
And just for the fun, here's the "supercharged windows 9x" you were talking about herbalist. :lol:


What's font name please? :whistle:


I like it! That's much better than any I'd make. I very much appreciate your efforts and will gladly use it. That supercharged logo also looks much better than the one I was visualizing.


Posted (edited)


One of the forums I frequent limits their size to 60x60, and the print is unreadable at that size. Do you have the background image you used for that avatar? I can add the print. but I'd probably ruin the background image if I tried to remove or enlarge the existing text.

I made one small change to your work. Since I use 98, I changed it to say 98.


Edited by herbalist
Posted (edited)
What's font name please? :whistle:
It's inspired from the font "Visitor". It's widely used for userbars.
glock_94, One of the forums I frequent limits their size to 60x60, and the print is unreadable at that size. Do you have the background image you used for that avatar? I can add the print. but I'd probably ruin the background image if I tried to remove or enlarge the existing text.

I made one small change to your work. Since I use 98, I changed it to say 98.

Remember what I was saying about the size limits on some forums? :lol:

Just teasing. Here's a 60x60 avatar:


EDIT: I prefer not to do special 98/95/Me version to keep the Windows9x community united (at least here on MSFN)-> we're different but we're all the same ! :D

Edited by glocK_94
Posted (edited)
EDIT: I prefer not to do special 98/95/Me version to keep the Windows9x community united (at least here on MSFN)-> we're different but we're all the same !

I can accept that. Then again, having a preference doesn't take away from it either. Kinda like your " Hardcore Win98 fan", which describes me as well. A caption such as "Proud user of DOS based Windows" would cover it too. I'd think it would be a common consensus that DOS is one of the primary reasons for preferring 9X.

Thanks for the avatar(s).


Edited by herbalist
I thought I would contribute to the cause with a Userbar I made.


big size... 350px... please resize an 300 px

"Proud user of DOS based Windows"

Win9x is not DOS-based!

I thought I would contribute to the cause with a Userbar I made.

That's Vista eye candy! EVIL! EVIL! :(

Posted (edited)

Vista Eye candy Evil? NO NO NO!

I even used Tihiy RP7 Skin to create the bar, I thought It would give people who aren't familiar with windows 98 a new view of the old OS. Besides no matter how much I love windows 98, the eye candy could never be compared to that of vistas, so why not use that one?

Anyway here: Reduced to 300x19


I also made another one:


P.S. to other people making bars, wouldn't it be more classy and edgy if you add a 1px border around it?

Edited by FoxHound

To illustrate my point:

I can already see everyone laughing: "Hah, he has a 9x user bar, but uses Vista graphics for it! What a contradiction, hahaha! I bet he secretly wants to be running Vista.".

P.S. to other people making bars, wouldn't it be more classy and edgy if you add a 1px border around it?
Personnaly, I think it gives a "flat" impression. On the other hand, it looks closed and clean... So I'll just add them if people request borders. :)
Kinda like your " Hardcore Win98 fan"
:D You get one point! I tried to change that to 9x but my profile won't change if I don't enter a birthdate...

Anyway, glad you like the avatar.

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