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[Release] SPTD driver v1.42 - x86 and x64


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  • 2 weeks later...

i have one big question here:

i read that you can install alcohol after installing this. so i run the drivers setup. rebooted my machine. then tried to launch the alcohol setup using switches but none worked. wich parameters are you guys using to install alcohol? i searched for other topics but they only seem to work with autoit. is possible to get it installed with silent switches after installed the drivers? thanks for the help.

BTW, im using alcohol latest version,

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i have one big question here:

i read that you can install alcohol after installing this. so i run the drivers setup. rebooted my machine. then tried to launch the alcohol setup using switches but none worked. wich parameters are you guys using to install alcohol? i searched for other topics but they only seem to work with autoit. is possible to get it installed with silent switches after installed the drivers? thanks for the help.

BTW, im using alcohol latest version,

there is no switch.. we use autoit script

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can anyone share the script with me? so i can try to install it this way. i have never used autoit.

I'm not exactly sure who created this script, it sure wasnt me.

I believe the author is MHz.

Also, it was created for an earlier version, it may need to be modified.

This script looks for the file A120.EXE and installs it unattendedly.

You will need to download the AutoIT program to compile this to an EXE

#region - Alcohol120_retail_1.9.5.3823 install script - (Automated with WinExists functions)

Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1)

; Installer.
$executable = 'A120.exe'
; Show progess.
$splash = 0
; Default catagory folder in startmenu.
$group = 'Alcohol 120%'
; New catagory to move the default folder into.
$catagory = ''
; Installation folder in Program Files.
$directory = 'Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120'
; Allowed time for installation.
$allowed = 60 * 1000
; Components to choose. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
$langfiles = 0 ; Multi-Language Files
$manual = 0 ; Online manual
$shortcuts = 0 ; Desktop Shortcut
$startmenu = 1 ; Startmenu Entries
$starwind = 0 ; iSCSI Service

; ----- Settings Complete ------

; Set components to install via registry.
$key = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\AddRemove\Components'
RegWrite($key & '\SecLangFiles', 'Installed', 'Reg_Dword', $langfiles)
RegWrite($key & '\SecManual', 'Installed', 'Reg_Dword', $manual)
RegWrite($key & '\SecShortcuts', 'Installed', 'Reg_Dword', $shortcuts)
RegWrite($key & '\SecStartMenu', 'Installed', 'Reg_Dword', $startmenu)
RegWrite($key & '\SecStarWind', 'Installed', 'Reg_Dword', $starwind)

; Run the installer.
$pid = _Install()
$time = TimerInit()
$title = 'Alcohol 120%'
Case WinExists($title, 'Welcome to the Alcohol 120%')
WinMove($title, 'Welcome to the Alcohol 120%', @DesktopWidth, 0)
ControlClick($title, 'Welcome to the Alcohol 120%', 'Button2')

Case WinExists($title, 'License Agreement')
ControlClick($title, 'License Agreement', 'Button2')

Case WinExists($title, 'Choose Components')
ControlClick($title, 'Choose Components', 'Button2')

Case WinExists($title, 'Choose Install Location')
ControlClick($title, 'Choose Install Location', 'Button2')

Case WinExists($title, 'Completing the Alcohol 120%')
ControlCommand($title, 'Completing the Alcohol 120%', 'Button4', 'UnCheck', '')
ControlClick($title, 'Completing the Alcohol 120%', 'Button2')

Case Else
If TimerDiff($time) > $allowed Then _Abort()
Until Not ProcessExists($pid)

; Exit if $startmenu = 0 from above.
If Not $startmenu Then Exit

; Remove shortcuts.
If _MainShortcut('Alcohol 120%.lnk') Then
FileDelete('Alcohol Command Launcher.lnk')
FileDelete('Alcohol Manual.lnk')
;~ FileDelete('Uninstall Alcohol 120%.lnk')
;~ _Desktop('Alcohol 120%.lnk')


Func _Install($path = 'Default')
; Run the installer in Default Script directory.
Dim $splash, $processblock
If $path = 'Default' Then $path = @ScriptDir
If StringRight($path, 1) <> '\' Then $path = $path & '\'
If StringInStr($executable, '\') Then $path = ''
If Not FileExists($path & $executable) Then Exit 1
If $processblock <> '' Then Call('_' & 'ProcessBlock')
If $splash Then _Splash('Installing:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4))
If StringRight($executable, 3) = 'msi' Then
Return Run(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & $path & $executable & '"')
Return Run($path & $executable)

Func _Abort()
; close process if exists then exit.
Dim $pid
If ProcessExists($pid) Then
Exit 2
Exit 3

Func _Desktop($shortcut)
; Delete a Desktop shortcut.
If FileExists(@DesktopDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)
ElseIf FileExists(@DesktopCommonDir & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@DesktopCommonDir) And FileDelete($shortcut)

Func _MainShortcut($shortcut, $rename = '')
; Change working directory to correct StartMenu\Group directory.
Dim $group, $catagory, $splash
If $group = '' Then Return 0
If FileExists(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group) Then
FileChangeDir(@ProgramsDir & '\' & $group)
ElseIf FileExists(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group) Then
FileChangeDir(@ProgramsCommonDir & '\' & $group)
Return 0
; Wait for main shortcut.
If $splash Then _Splash('Waiting for shortcuts')
For $i = 1 To 20
If FileExists($shortcut) Then ExitLoop
If $splash Then _Splash('Cleaning up:' & StringTrimRight(StringReplace(@ScriptName, '_', ' '), 4))
; If catagory not assigned anything, then return.
If $catagory = '' Then Return 1
; Move the group folder into the catagory folder.
If FileChangeDir('..') And DirCopy($group, $catagory & '\' & $group, 1) Then
If DirRemove($group, 1) Then
; If optional rename parameter is used, then rename the group folder.
If $rename <> '' And FileChangeDir($catagory) Then
If DirCopy($group, $rename, 1) And DirRemove($group, 1) Then
Return FileChangeDir($rename)
Return FileChangeDir($catagory & '\' & $group)

Func _QuickLaunch($shortcut)
; Delete a Quicklaunch shortcut.
Local $subdirs = '\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch'
If FileExists(@AppDataDir & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@AppDataDir & $subdirs) And FileDelete($shortcut)
ElseIf FileExists(@AppDataCommonDir & $subdirs & '\' & $shortcut) Then
Return FileChangeDir(@AppDataCommonDir & $subdirs) And FileDelete($shortcut)

Func _Splash($text = '')
; Shows a small borderless splash message.
Dim $splash
If $splash Then
If $text Then
SplashTextOn('', $text, 500, 25, -1, 5, 1, '', 14)

Func _WinClose($title, $text = '')
; Close a window with further attempts.
For $i = 1 To 10
WinClose($title, $text)
If Not WinExists($title) Then Return 1

Func OnAutoItStart()
; A 2nd script instance will exit.
Local $interpreter
If StringInStr($cmdlineraw, '/dummy') Then Exit
$interpreter = StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, 4) & ' Script Interpreter'
If WinExists($interpreter) Then Exit


Edited by Shark007
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I'm not exactly sure who created this script, it sure wasnt me.

I believe the author is MHz.

Yeah, looks like my work.

Nice move on sharing a unattended SPTD installer. Keep it going. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
the new version doesnt work with daemon tools yet.. alcohol has released a new version to support this new sptd driver .. but not daemon tools.. sharky can u plizz provide the link for the 1.29 version .. thx

Thanks for the input. Older version is once again available at the usual source.


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