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Hi guyz, could someone tell me what is going on with my puter. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I'm on a Toshiba satellite laptop, 1.8 celeron with XP home. This has been popping up and it's getting me p***ed!!


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There is a hardware forum on MSFN. As this post is related to Windows XP, it will be moved there instead.


Go to WindowsUpdate and get the latest security patches. There's one for a security flaw in RPC. A friend of mine got the same exact thing 2 days ago and he didn't keep his system up to date.

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I have had that same error twice in as many days.

Spammers use RPC commands to send pop-ups to your macine.. very much like the net send ones (which people now seem to figuring out how turn it off easy enough if you think about how)

It seems some new bot is causing a buffer overflow or something, but its odd... my firewall blocks that RPC sends crap. ill look into it, be good if MSFN could get to the bottom of this

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That message can appear without the worm too. When a hacker has compromised the RPC Flaw in a user's PC, and then disconnects (as in finished with what the hacker was doing) then the RPC service fails causing a timed-down reboot.

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If you guys have been reading some news sites lately you'de know if you get that message you're infected with a worm!

Yes, its a chineese worm designed to DDos Windows Update ... Patch and info can be found here ... or in the post on the frontpage saying "Urgent" :)

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