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You could load SETUP.HIV in registry, and then modify the setting there too. You need to do this, because otherwise, Windows would not see the disk when it boots. I have been thinking of writing a reg.exe script to do this, and i will no doubt do this, when i get around to writing hivefix.inf for Win2k.


  • 1 month later...

Posted (edited)

I am using a HFSLIPped Windows 2000 fully updated to today and here:


It already has this value set! :D


Pretty cool, except I aint got a HDD big enough to try it, heh, Win2000

is only installed in VMware with a 3Gb virtual disk. :blushing:

I guess it was a hotfix or HFSLIP that put the support for 137Gb+ in?

Edited by LeveL
Posted (edited)

This is a batch file to modify setupreg.hiv. You do this, so that the initial boot will see the extended disks (ie past 137G = 128Gi.

You need to have reg.exe in your path (eg it is in the Win2k support tools on your cdrom). Change the first line of the batch to the path where your files live.

set winsource=q:\wnt50sp4\i386
attrib -r -a -s -h %winsource%\setupreg.hiv
reg load HKLM\Setup %winsource%\setupreg.hiv
set regkey=ControlSet001\Services\atapi\Parameters
reg add HKLM\Setup\%regkey% /v EnableBigLba /t reg_dword /d 00000001 /f
reg unload HKLM\Setup
set winsource=
set regkey=

Edited by os2fan2
Posted (edited)

You can use this in your project.

You may want to add a /f switch to the reg add line, to overwrite an existing value. Otherwise, the batch will pause asking for permission to overwrite the file.

You may want to look at this file in regedit, too. I have not looked at it completely, but there might be things like default locality etc, which the user may want to customise over the default East coast settings.

I also have a "hivefix.inf" project for Win2k/XP, which does nice things like integrate directx.cpl and tweakui.exe into the control panel categories.

1 HIVEFIX: http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t84600.html

2 2KTWEAK http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t86214.html

The 2ktweak adds files to the web\wallpaper folder, i use the winme files here (as most of the me files are already the same as the 2k files).

Hivefix works under both 2k and xp, except a number of tweaks are later overwritten. These are grouped together as such.

Edited by os2fan2

The trick with reg.exe didn't work for me. The file got updated but I got a blue screen during Windows setup:

0x00000067 (0x00000004,0x00000008,0x00000000,0x00000000)


This is the code I used:

HFTOOLS\REG add HKLM\HFSLIP\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Parameters /v EnableBigLba /t reg_dword /d 00000001

Maybe it is necessary to do this in ControlSet001. Would be the first time, though...


You really do need to use 'controlset001' here, rather than 'currentcontrolset', because the hive refers to a win32 environment that is not loaded. You can easily load the file in registry, and poke around it.

Windows, when normally running, has controlset001 and controlset002, and curretncontrolset simply points to whichever of these is active. However what we have is an environment where currentcontrolset is not set, and because this is the initial load, we are pointing to the only saved set (001).

If you were doing this on a real win2000 hive (of a running set), you may have to set both 001 and 002, because the next load might load 002 rather than 001.

The same thing exists, for example, in BartPE.

When i wrote the batch, i had the hive set in registry, and looked at the results thereon.

I still would suggest using the /f switch, because the initial source may indeed have this setting in place, and ye will be asked to reset it to something else.


  • 2 weeks later...

You all probably know this by now, but both USP 5.02 (B17 Retro and B18) and USP 5.1 support 48-bit LBA translation now. In other words, the setupreg.hiv you need is already in these unofficial service packs.


I do not know this. Putting a fix in the INF files is not the same as the SETUPREG.HIV. However, not everyone is starting off with USP5 sources.

Because some USP5 (and a few other fixes) may have this fix in place, i reccomended the /F flag on the reg command (which overwrites an existing value).


  • 1 year later...
USP 5.1 does remove the 127GB barrier if it's slipstreamed.

It doesn't do so if it is installed normally. This is the safest way, but I better fix it to avoid any confusion :)

/Gurgelmeyer B)

you're a genius; i only wish i would have discovered your post earlier (i lost all of my entire data partition thanks to this problem only just last week).

i'm testing this out on a virtual pc install. fingers crossed.


USP 5.1 does remove the 127GB barrier if it's slipstreamed.

It doesn't do so if it is installed normally. This is the safest way, but I better fix it to avoid any confusion :)

/Gurgelmeyer B)

you're a genius; i only wish i would have discovered your post earlier (i lost all of my entire data partition thanks to this problem only just last week).

i'm testing this out on a virtual pc install. fingers crossed.


quoting my own post, i know (and late to the party as well).

just an update really. decided to proceed with the installation for real (can't lose my data twice now, can i). at any rate, the setup proceeded flawlessly; windows 2000 was able to correctly detect and properly format my system drive of my maxtor 300GB IDE drive - my enitre data partition was left intact!

i cannot thank you enough.


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Wait, so what method actually works here; the original at the beginning of the post? I just want to get larger than 128gb partition support in Windows setup... does slipstreaming USP5.1 work for this purpose?

Edited by Ameise

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