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Posted (edited)

Well I hope this is useful for you guys out there. Since i use floppies for my drivers (SATA/RAID) so i need to use them during the Blue Screen Setup ("Press F6 ..."). Since WPI uses OEM installation F6 procedure won't work (up to my knowledge). So i figured out a way to use WPI without creating $OEM$ folders.

First My WPI.cmd looks like this:


REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD.
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\win51ip.SP2 set CDROM=%%i:
echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

REM Determine the WPI startup path.
REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%.
set wpipath=%CDROM%\WPI\

REM Hide this command window.
%wpipath%Common\cmdow.exe @ /hid

REM Special registry tweak needed.
regedit /s %wpipath%common\wpi.reg

REM Start WPI and wait for its end
start /wait %wpipath%wpi.hta

REM Undo registry tweak.
regedit /s %wpipath%common\undo.reg


This file i put in "Apps" Folder. (created in the root of the CD)

I created a "RunOnceEx.cmd" file which looks like this:

cmdow @ /HID
@Echo Off

FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\win51ip.SP2 SET CDROM=%%i:

SET PP=%cdrom%\Apps\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs - By Avneet Singh" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Dot Net 2.0" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%netfx2.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "WPI Installer" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%WPI.cmd" /f


Am intalling DOTNET 2 without WPI

The "RunOnceEx.cmd" is placed in "I386\SVCPACK" folder

Now the last thing you need to do is to edit your "SVCPACK.INF" file. The "[setupHotfixesToRun]" should contains your "RunOnceEx.cmd"



I thinks thats all. Complie CD and use. Am using WPI Lite Edition

Edited by Avneet


tested.kinda worked.4 things happend.


this came up at the very beginning right after i pushed the begin install button.


this came up during when everything was being installed.


and then windows started during when everything was being installed(which im pretty sure isnt supposed to happen).

then after everything was done.the wpi window was still there at the end.i did everything exactly like above and i did not edit my wpi.


ok that problems is regarding ur WPI config.. nothing to do wit my meothod of installation coz it works fine on several machines i tested.. and am using the lite version of WPI.. check ur WPI settings

What version are you using so I can check the generate.js error?

cmdow.exe is in Tools, not Common

it is in common folder in the lite version


if ur using 4.3.8 and u just copied my script then it wont work.. one thing is that cmdow is located in the tools folder in in the full version wheer as in the common folder in the lite version.. make sum changes and then let us knw


k changed the cmdow.exe path so no more window pops up and windows doesnt start while everything is installing but i get these errors now


this started at the very beginning.i push ok and wpi stays there and does nothing until i push begin install.then everything installs.then i get this one


then i push ok.wpi again stays there and does nothing until i exit out.i checked the lines those 2 lines have to do with the audio player somehow.should i just use wpi lite?but id rather use wpi full.




REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD.
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\win51ip.SP2 set CDROM=%%i:
echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

REM Determine the WPI startup path.
REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%.
set wpipath=%CDROM%\WPI\

REM Hide this command window.
%wpipath%Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid

REM Special registry tweak needed.
regedit /s %wpipath%common\wpi.reg

REM Start WPI and wait for its end
start /wait %wpipath%wpi.hta

REM Undo registry tweak.
regedit /s %wpipath%common\undo.reg

REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process.
REM shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "To finish installations WPI will now reboot in 30 sec..."




cmdow @ /HID
@Echo Off

FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\win51ip.SP2 SET CDROM=%%i:

SET PP=%cdrom%\WPI\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%PP%WPI.cmd" /f


o and also since those errors pop up the computer doesnt restart itself.i need it to restart itself!

Posted (edited)

ur restart problem is fixable

REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process.
REM shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "To finish installations WPI will now reboot in 30 sec..."

should be

REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process.
shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "To finish installations WPI will now reboot in 30 sec..."

Remove the "REM"

Ur runonece seems to be ok but try changing to this

cmdow @ /HID
@Echo Off

FOR %%i IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%i:\win51ip.SP2 SET CDROM=%%i:

SET PP=%cdrom%\WPI\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "WPI Installer" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%WPI.cmd" /f


And i prefer lite version.. coz y wud somone need to listen to music.. it only takes a a minute to select the softwares and install.. pluss it uses sum resources..

so if u still get errors just use the lite version and c if it works

Edited by Avneet

oooooooooooorrrrrr i could disable audio player in the options...hopefully it works.will test when i get home (work now).

I've never used $OEM$ folders with WPI.

And I stopped using $OEM$ folders with BtS's DPs a few months ago. Now I don't use $OEM$ folders at all.

ok i wana knw how to stop using $OEM$ folders with BtS's DPs plizz..can u post a short description


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