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Posted (edited)

Before WPI starts I get the message that my monitor or videocard isn't capable showing the resolution I want it to.

I tried to install on different screens and even on my laptop (ati mobility 9600) ,they all give the same error.

My videocard is a Nvidia N6600 256mb.

In the options section off WPI resolution is set to 1024x768.

My wintt.siff is:












There are no graphic drivers in : Drivers\002_grafisch in my wintt.siff just to let you know.

My WPI.cmd is:


REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD.
for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI.ico set CDROM=%%i:
echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM%

REM Determine the WPI startup path.
REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%.
set wpipath=%cdrom%\WPI

REM Hide this command window.
%wpipath%\Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid

REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface.
%wpipath%\Tools\reschange.exe 1024x768x32@85 -q

REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way.
REM start /wait %wpipath%\Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe

REM Special registry tweak needed.
regedit /s %wpipath%\common\wpi.reg

REM Make WPI directory the current directory.
cd /d "%wpipath%"

REM Start WPI and wait for its end
start /wait %cdrom%\WPI\WPI.hta

REM Undo registry tweak.
regedit /s %wpipath%\common\undo.reg

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\UPHClean\UPHClean-Setup.msi /quiet

start /wait %systemroot%\SystemFileDefragmenter\SystemFileDefragmenter.exe

RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Drivers\
RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Install\
DEL "%systemdrive%\Q"
DEL "%systemdrive%\*.log"

REM restart computer...
shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "Windows XP will restart."


Please someone help me because WPI is finished now ,but the resolution doesn't look nice.

Hope to solve this problem with you people. :thumbup

Edited by Pliek


hmmm seems youve been working on this problem for ages now have you tried adding your graphics drivers to your instillation,, it could be a picky card that needs its drivers installed before hand in order to bump its res to the desired one,,

whats your graphics card ? is it new ? old ?

just a thought but try that out and see if it helps any

hmmm seems youve been working on this problem for ages now have you tried adding your graphics drivers to your instillation,, it could be a picky card that needs its drivers installed before hand in order to bump its res to the desired one,,

whats your graphics card ? is it new ? old ?

just a thought but try that out and see if it helps any

NVIDIA 6600, it isnt supported by a standard Windows XP i believe... so he need to slipstream a driver?

Posted (edited)
hmmm seems youve been working on this problem for ages now have you tried adding your graphics drivers to your instillation,, it could be a picky card that needs its drivers installed before hand in order to bump its res to the desired one,,

whats your graphics card ? is it new ? old ?

just a thought but try that out and see if it helps any

It's a ASUS N6600 256 mb (6 months old) ,do you think I can use the driver pack A (DriverPack Graphics) from Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks to slipstream??

Does anyone has experiance with this A-pack??

Edited by Pliek

sorry I havent been feeling to well but I do believe you are using the wrong switches with reschange.

The correct switches should look like this...

REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface.

%wpipath%Tools\ResChange.exe -width=1280 -height=1024 -depth=max -refresh=max

Double click on reschange,exe and it will give you better instrustions.

excert from the WPI manual:

Resolution Changer v3.01 - Stefan Tucker

Resolution Changer is freeware so you can download it and use it for as long as you want. Resolution Changer runs on Microsoft® Windows® XP, 2000, Me, NT, and 98.

wrote this application for my children because they have programs that require 640x480 with 256 colors or 800x600 with 32-bit color or some other combination. I didn't expect my (then) 4-year-old to be able to change Windows display settings, so I wrote this program to do it automatically. Resolution Changer can change the display resolution, run a program, and then restore the original settings.

Resolution Changer allows you to change your desktop width, height, color depth, and refresh rate temporarily or permanently (via command line switches). You can have Resolution Changer run another application in a specific display resolution and return to the previous resolution when the application finishes. The command lines switches let you alter only certain dimensions and choose the best refresh rate (or a specific one).

This help screen is displayed when reschange.exe is run without any switches:

Basic Commands

If you have an application that requires certain display settings (e.g., many children's programs require 640x480x256 colors), you can modify that program's shortcut to something like this:

reschange.exe -width=640 -height=480 -depth=8 -refresh=72 "c:\Program Files\Hasbro\Freddi.exe"

This shortcut will change to VGA resolution, run freddi.exe, and then restore the original display settings when freddi.exe stops running. If you don't specify a program, it will just change the settings for you (and not restore them).

The "8" represents an 8-bit color depth or 256 colors. "4" is 16 colors; "16" for 16-bit; "24" for 24-bit; "32" for 32-bit.

This example opens a spreadsheet:

reschange.exe -width=800 -height=600 cmd /c "c:\Documents and Settings\Susan\Desktop\Club.xls"

If you don't specify a parameter, the program uses the current setting for that value. To select the maximum color depth or refresh rate, specify "max" for the switch’s value.

Multi-monitor Support

If your computer has multiple monitors, there are a couple of switches you can use to control each monitor individually.

The -listmonitors switch will display the “friendly” name of the monitor (e.g., “Dell 2001FP (Digital)”) as well as a more specific device name (e.g., “\\.\DISPLAY1”). You can use the friendly name as long as it’s unique among your monitors, but if your monitors are all the same model, you will need to use the device name. The switch will also add the word “primary” to indicate the display you’ve specified as your main display.

The -monitor="NAME" switch indicates which monitor to apply the resolution to. For example:

reschange.exe -monitor="Dell 2001FP (Digital)" -width=1024 -height=768

reschange.exe -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY1" -width=1024 -height=768

If the monitor name isn’t recognized, it will use the primary monitor.

Please note that this switch cannot be used to control where the application appears—that’s something only the application can decide.


Normally, Resolution Changer will prevent you from using a mode that is not supported by your video card and monitor. You can use the -force switch to use an unsupported video mode. Please be aware that you can damage your video card or monitor by using an unsupported mode. 12noon assumes no responsibility or liability for your use of Resolution Changer.

There is also a console edition (reschangecon.exe) that you can use from a batch file or script.

sorry I havent been feeling to well but I do believe you are using the wrong switches with reschange.

The correct switches should look like this...

REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface.

%wpipath%Tools\ResChange.exe -width=1280 -height=1024 -depth=max -refresh=max

Double click on reschange,exe and it will give you better instrustions.

excert from the WPI manual:

Resolution Changer v3.01 - Stefan Tucker

Resolution Changer is freeware so you can download it and use it for as long as you want. Resolution Changer runs on Microsoft® Windows® XP, 2000, Me, NT, and 98.

wrote this application for my children because they have programs that require 640x480 with 256 colors or 800x600 with 32-bit color or some other combination. I didn't expect my (then) 4-year-old to be able to change Windows display settings, so I wrote this program to do it automatically. Resolution Changer can change the display resolution, run a program, and then restore the original settings.

Resolution Changer allows you to change your desktop width, height, color depth, and refresh rate temporarily or permanently (via command line switches). You can have Resolution Changer run another application in a specific display resolution and return to the previous resolution when the application finishes. The command lines switches let you alter only certain dimensions and choose the best refresh rate (or a specific one).

This help screen is displayed when reschange.exe is run without any switches:

Basic Commands

If you have an application that requires certain display settings (e.g., many children's programs require 640x480x256 colors), you can modify that program's shortcut to something like this:

reschange.exe -width=640 -height=480 -depth=8 -refresh=72 "c:\Program Files\Hasbro\Freddi.exe"

This shortcut will change to VGA resolution, run freddi.exe, and then restore the original display settings when freddi.exe stops running. If you don't specify a program, it will just change the settings for you (and not restore them).

The "8" represents an 8-bit color depth or 256 colors. "4" is 16 colors; "16" for 16-bit; "24" for 24-bit; "32" for 32-bit.

This example opens a spreadsheet:

reschange.exe -width=800 -height=600 cmd /c "c:\Documents and Settings\Susan\Desktop\Club.xls"

If you don't specify a parameter, the program uses the current setting for that value. To select the maximum color depth or refresh rate, specify "max" for the switch’s value.

Multi-monitor Support

If your computer has multiple monitors, there are a couple of switches you can use to control each monitor individually.

The -listmonitors switch will display the “friendly” name of the monitor (e.g., “Dell 2001FP (Digital)”) as well as a more specific device name (e.g., “\\.\DISPLAY1”). You can use the friendly name as long as it’s unique among your monitors, but if your monitors are all the same model, you will need to use the device name. The switch will also add the word “primary” to indicate the display you’ve specified as your main display.

The -monitor="NAME" switch indicates which monitor to apply the resolution to. For example:

reschange.exe -monitor="Dell 2001FP (Digital)" -width=1024 -height=768

reschange.exe -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY1" -width=1024 -height=768

If the monitor name isn’t recognized, it will use the primary monitor.

Please note that this switch cannot be used to control where the application appears—that’s something only the application can decide.


Normally, Resolution Changer will prevent you from using a mode that is not supported by your video card and monitor. You can use the -force switch to use an unsupported video mode. Please be aware that you can damage your video card or monitor by using an unsupported mode. 12noon assumes no responsibility or liability for your use of Resolution Changer.

There is also a console edition (reschangecon.exe) that you can use from a batch file or script.

Thanks kelsenellenelvian for reply ...will try it after work .

Thanks for helping ,hope it will work.

Gr. Pliek


No didn't work for me ,I'll stop and enjoy my WPI like it is now.

thanks for all the feedback from you people.

Gr. Pliek :thumbup

No didn't work for me ,I'll stop and enjoy my WPI like it is now.

thanks for all the feedback from you people.

Gr. Pliek :thumbup

try to install your graphics drivers before hand,, like for example use driver packs like bashrats,, that seems to be your last option

DriverPack_Graphics_A_V6021 gave me a BSOD?

I dont know anymore.??? :no:

youll probably also need to have net frame work sp1 installed before the driver pack takes effect.. some graphics cards depend on that now to work properly like for example ati

or if that dont work you could just do your graphic drivers the old fashioned way and add them to the winnt.sif file ,, id try that if you just want only your graphics card

im just throwing out ideals, to explore all methods possible for you

i know were at ends here but best of luck

btw since your using bashrats packs and your getting a bsod its best to post a question like that in bashrats section im sure he could help you because he deals with issues like this regularly i would think

and also 1 more thing if your getting a bsod when using the driver pack a,, are you nliting your disk before for add the driver packs,, if so, you may be removing needed things..


hmmm seems youve been working on this problem for ages now have you tried adding your graphics drivers to your instillation,, it could be a picky card that needs its drivers installed before hand in order to bump its res to the desired one,,

whats your graphics card ? is it new ? old ?

just a thought but try that out and see if it helps any

It's a ASUS N6600 256 mb (6 months old) ,do you think I can use the driver pack A (DriverPack Graphics) from Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks to slipstream??

Does anyone has experiance with this A-pack??

I've got a GF6800GS. I've tried Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks (A-Pack), which are the same as my 81.98 drivers. Both methods of install, still result in a 640 x 480 rez at final boot up. Have you succeded at all in your install since?


No it still doen't work for me.

Still looking for a solution..........

Tell me when you get it working ,and how you did it.

Greetz Pliek. :thumbup

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