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Windows® Defender (Beta 2)


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  • 3 weeks later...

If anyone wants details of what I changed let me know and I'll post. Can't remember off the top o fmy head, but I think I dropped an entry from CustomAction and changed to other values of 1 to 0. They were pretty obvious

I would be interested in knowing what you changed.


OK. I just redid this for the recent release of Windows Defender (build 1.1.1347.0), the things I changed were as follows...

Table Editor...


LAUNCHSCAN change value to 0




LAUNCHSCAN change value to 0

LAUNCHPROGRAM change value to 0


Check_WGA drop row


OfficeCrashReportingTools.29CB3920.D0DF3458_A845_11D3_8D0A_0050046416B9 drop row

I'm not certain that all of these changes are necesary but it works. The 3 values that are changed to 0 stop windows defender running after installation. the first dropped row is for the same thing. They may not all be necesary. Dropping "check_wga" may not be necesary either, but I assumed that at T-13 windows defender wouldn't recognise WGA even if it was installed. The final dropped row is to prevent a system restore error that would kill the installer.

The virtual machine I tried this on worked perfectly, and after install I was able to update Windows Defender to Engine Version: 1.1.1372.0 and Definition Version: 1.14.1404.6, which are the latest as I write this

Either edit the MSI (with orca) or create a transform (mst file). then run with msiexec /i windowsdefender.msi transforms=windowsdefender.mst /qn (if you edited the msi rather than making a mst then miss out the "transforms=windowsdefender.mst" part)

Edited by jonscaife
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  • 3 weeks later...
hasn't anyone tried the:

windefender.msi /QB

taskkill /F /IM MSASCui.exe.exe or MSASCui.exe -t minibug.exe

then install kb915597?

i haven't downloaded the kb915597 to try the silent install but the rest works for me

Are you doing this through runonceex??? What's your code look like? I'm curious to get this working for me.

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  • 2 months later...
...and if you have a working Internet connection during your unattended install you can use this AutoIt routine to install, update, scan, and close the app all in one shot:

RunWait("msiexec /i " & @ScriptDir & "\Extras\WindowsDefender.msi /qb""")
WinWait("Windows Defender", "Your computer is running normally")
WinClose("Windows Defender")

I had to change it a little to work with Beta 2

RunWait("msiexec /i WindowsDefender.msi /qb" , @ScriptDir & "\Extras")
WinWait("Windows Defender (Beta 2)", "Banner Panel")
WinClose("Windows Defender (Beta 2)")

Edited by krawhitham
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