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Media Player Classic


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  • 3 months later...
Is there any way to get Media Player Classic

to play asx files?

.ASX files are just text files... if you open them in notepad or other text editor you'll see the actual link to the media. I think you'll need to download the ASF first and then open it... but other program like ASFrecorder is needed for that.
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Open File Manager [FM = %windir%\WINFILE.EXE] -> highlight an .ASX file -> click File -> Associate... -> browse to the directory where MPC resides -> double-click on its executable [usually mplayerc.exe] -> click OK.

If that doesn't work, open Windows Explorer -> View -> Folder Options -> File Types -> scroll to Windows Media Audio/Video Playlist files [or similar = should show ASX as Extension] -> make sure MPLAYERC is displayed as "Open With" -> if it is not -> click the "Edit" button -> click on bold item under "Actions:" -> browse to where MPC [mplayerc.exe] is located on your computer -> click OK 3 times.

It that doesn't work, maybe something else is wrong with your computer. :(

You may want to reinstall WMP9 and DX 9.0c.

Then reinstall MPC and re-associate asx files with it.


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Consider checking your computer for spyware/viruses/trojans/worms/etc.

Free online checkers:


Free anti-virus tools:


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I have mcafee,the latest version on every computer in my house

no virus no ad/spyware my computer is clean.

the asx files plays in wmp but not mpc why?

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I use MPC in both 98SE and XP to play all multimedia formats [except DVD for which I use PowerDVD], audio + video, including asx.

MPC [in case you don't know] installs as part of QuickTime Alternative + RealPlay Alternative [free]:


Try [if you haven't already] to install QTM Alt together with MPC, maybe it will work that way.

I have no idea why MPC won't play asx scripts on your computer. It should after associating it with Playlist files.

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it's worth noting that QuickTime Alternative + RealPlay Alternative install the xp version of mpc and not the 98me build so it's probably best to drop the newest version from the sourceforge site over the one they install

link - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82303

ps. i think the included one is out of date anyway since the release of

Edited by miko
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