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HFSLIPXXX.inf missing


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Thank you for a wonderful program and all the time you guys have put into it.

Everything is working great after following the guides on Tomcat's page, but upon installation of Windows (XP SP2), it came up with a message saying it couldn't find "C:\WINDOWS\HFSLIP\HFSLIPxxx.inf". xxx, being 226-265. It seems as though everything gets installed, but the error is confusing at best.

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This error may happen occasionally. Try running HFSLIP again. Also, please post your ERROR_REPORT.txt file, as we might be able to figure something out using that.

The updates are still actually installed on your computer even if the INF files are missing; however, the registry entries and keys that Windows Update uses to check for the presence of your updates will not be added. In other words, WU will attempt to reinstall all the updates you have already slipstreamed.

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As requested, here's the error report. I looked through it, as I do everytime I run HFSLIP, but didn't find anything that stuck out.

It does seem as though everything was installed correctly except for a switchless install of .Net 2.0, but that's a different story...or is it? I used the one from RyanVM and put it in the HFSVPK directory. .Net 1.1sp1 is in there as well and it gets install just fine. The only thing Windows Update picked up to install was KB898461 and KB905915. That's it, just the two.

Thank you.


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The only thing Windows Update picked up to install was KB898461 and KB905915
This is probably a stupid question, but are you sure? Usually when this happens to me, the next time I start the computer, AU starts downloading the rest of the updates I had slipstreamed.
I used the one from RyanVM and put it in the HFSVPK directory
As noted on his website, this installer cannot be installed from SVCPACK.INF. This is exactly where HFSLIP places things you put in the HFSVPK folder. So, no, it won't work.

I will take a look at your error report and get back to you. Meanwhile, see if either Tomcat, tommyp, or someone else can help.

By the way, welcome to the forum :hello:!

-- Super-Magician :)

Edit: I see you have msxml4sp2-kb887606-x86-enu.exe in your HF folder. I believe HFSLIP processes this before msxmlcab.exe, so it won't really update anything. Try this thread: Script -- MSXML4 SP2 with latest update for use with HFSLIP.

Edited by Super-Magician
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Well, I did the initial HFSLIP install, then installed chipset, NIC, video and sound drivers then rebooted. Once back up I immediately went to Windows Update and those two are the only things it picked up aside from .Net 2.0.

Ah, crud. I don't know where I read to put it in that folder. I'm guessing it'll have to be where RunOnceEx can pick it up?

Thank you for the welcome! Seems there are many very cool folks helping each other out on msfn. Excellent place, me thinks.

I'll probably end up yanking out the XML stuff as I really don't need it, but thanks for the link.

Hmm, tried quoting, but that was fubar. Weird...

Edited by clintb
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About the MSXML stuff:

I totally forgot that tommyp integrated Tomcat's script into HFSLIP, so you don't need to follow that link I gave you. :)

Well, I did the initial HFSLIP install, then installed chipset, NIC, video and sound drivers then rebooted. Once back up I immediately went to Windows Update and those two are the only things it picked up aside from .Net 2.0.
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[goat] Hmm, tried quoting, but that was fubar. Weird...[/goat]

Try it this way :hello:

Strange, cause that's what I did.

Heck, I used the quote button in the editor window. :}

edit: Hah, lookie there.

Edited by clintb
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  • 1 month later...

I have a similar problem and, possibly, more info that may help.

The unfound files in my install are: C:\WINNT\HFSLIP\HFSLPnnn.INF

Note the spelling delta of the file name - makes one suspect a typo. But is it the original poster, my self somewhere along the way or HFSLIP_60310.CMD?

For what it's worth, the files do exist, as HFSLPXXX.INF, in the HFSLIP\SOURCES\I386 after running HFSLIP_60310.CMD.

As I'm running HFSLIP_60310.CMD again and it stops to display file and folder formats, I see that INF files to be processed at T13 should be in HFSVPK - which is empty. Checking step 5 at http://www.vorck.com/hfslip.html, that's 'optional' and I put nothing in HFSVPK.

To try to experiment my way around the reboot cycles, I'm putting the unfound INF files in HFSVPK ... to see what happens.


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If the files are in the SOURCESS folder but they don't end up in the WINNT\HFSLIP folder during installation, it can only mean they aren't copied over. Can I have a look at the TXTSETUP.SIF file from the SOURCESS folder?

Edited by Tomcat76
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danod, you shouldn't experiment (I know, you're experimenting :)) with putting the INF files in HFSVPK. They are *dynamically* generated by HFSLIP based on the hotfixes you have. Oh, by the way, it's not exactly a typo. Whoever created that part of the script named it so.

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