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Flash 8 and Shockwave Players


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Found this download site on Macromedia (I can´t give you a Link because it needs a username / password), but here´s a screenshot:


Which downloads should I use for an ui?

Flash 8:

EXE installer, MSI installer or MSM installer?


Full EXE installer, Slim EXE installer oer MSI installer?

And with which switches?

I searched for it on your forum, but couldn´t find an complete ui. and also when I tried the offered solutions, i keep getting the language popup.


Think I found it in an other thread.

You need the MSI installers and use the "/QB" switch. I´ll try it and let you know!

Edited by piedus
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MMMM, doesn´t seem to work for me!

Shockwave player.msi gave an error, can´t remember what, and flash does not give an error, but when i want to load a flash page, either in ff or in ie, it offers me to download the plugin...

Best way for me up to now ist the flash and shockwave combo msi with the language problem.

Anybody better ideas?

The following post has prepared switchless installers.



He! I don´t like my Ip all exposed to everybody, could you please remove that? Or am I the only one seeing it? :wacko:

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  • 1 month later...

He! I don´t like my Ip all exposed to everybody, could you please remove that? Or am I the only one seeing it? :wacko:

Don't worry, you are the only one seen it.

Yeah...right! I happen to know his ISP is rainierconnect.com. :P

You can get the signs from danasoft.com. Others will see only their own IP, if you add one to your sig.

@ piedus - Shark's switchless installer is edited only to remove yahoo toolbar (default installation component of latest Shockwave player). You may download .msi installers from Macromedia. Silent switches are /qb or /qn--they worked so smoothly, I never bothered to try the .exe package (so I don't know their switches).

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  • 1 month later...

USE THE SEARCH! you would have found a topic about this already, djeez how hard is it?


pff why all the trouble:


Flash does NOT need to be installed by an installer! its just a few files you should copy to the correct directories (for Firefox/Opera its the Plugins dir, for IE, just do some research).

Why use an installer if you can just zip the files and extract them during you uA setup?


if you just go to the official Shockwave site, you'll see the version you need:


and you can install this silently, will work perfect BUT WITH YAHOO TOOLBAR!

Just as the following:

I found this Download the Shockwave and Flash Player (Complete Standalone Installer)

The package includes both Shockwave and Flash Players and is a stand alone installation. thumbup.gif

no reason to use this since the official installers can do the same! and it also comes with.... Yahoo toolbar!

in this topic, as provided earlier, you will find an installer for Shockwave WITHOUT Yahoo! Toolbar:

Shark007 's Shockwave installer (with progressbar):

Shockwave/Flash @T-13, switchless installers

BUT, during install you will see a progress bar (7zip unpacking.), if you want it to be completely silent without the progressbar, I modified the installer easily, it is exactly the same but without the progressbar.

Check my post about it in the same topic. and here is the download link.

Shark007's Shockwave Silent (quiet - no progressbar) installer

Also I recommend you checkout my latest post in that topic.

Shockwave Silent installer Downloadpage

No Flash installer because flash doesnt need to be installed, just extracting.

Edited by ZileXa
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  • 2 weeks later...

The easiest way: on your current pc, uninstall flash, go to the Firefox\Plugins folder, now look at that folder while you run the Flash Installer, you'll see a few new files in that folder! copy them to your 7z or rar or whatever archive that is extracted during uA setup.

Check it for yourself to be sure, current Flash version only has these files in Opera/Mozilla (Firefox) Plugins folder:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have updated my Shockwave (Full, not Slim, = with extra's) Installer. You can use it for (completely) silent installation.

Or use it as a One-Click Installer, easy as hell.

With the switches You can decide yourself wether you want progressbars or not.

The archive you download contains a folder called Browserplugins, copy all files in this directory to your browsers "Plugins" folder and you will have FULL Flash support. It also contains the necessary Shockwave files for your browser (Opera or Mozilla, IE supported by the installer but not sure if you can use the shockwave pluginfiles without shockwave installer).

Shockwave One-Click/Silent Installer + Flash & Shockwave Browserplugins


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This doesn't work for me (using IE 6). After installing if I go to a "Flash" enabled page, I am still prompted to install Flash 8.

One thing for Flash, there are ocx files located in %WINDIR%\system32\macromed\Flash (when doing true install) that aren't there after running your install.

Edited by NtegrA
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could someone help me out, whats the difference between Flash Player and Shockwave Players, and where can i download a stand along version of them both.

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