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[Question] Windows XP stripping dodwn

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I installed windows xp on my celeron 333 with 128MB of RAM. It runs fine with 40-57% RAM usage. The windows folder is 757MB. I removed backgrounds, wallpapers, screensavers, etc. with XPLite. Is there anything else i can do to cut down RAM usage or HDD space used by windows?


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Posted (edited)
I installed windows xp on my celeron 333 with 128MB of RAM. It runs fine with 40-57% RAM usage. The windows folder is 757MB. I removed backgrounds, wallpapers, screensavers, etc. with XPLite. Is there anything else i can do to cut down RAM usage or HDD space used by windows?


sure is, advanced windows care

and welcome to the forums, be sure to read The Rules and Zxian's Xp Rules

Edited by wolf74481
Posted (edited)

yeah i've been working on a custom XP CD with nLite but this is after i've installed Windows XP so nLite wouldnt really help at this point. Thx wolf ill be sure to read those.

EDIT: I cant seem to get Advanced WindowsCare to work. Everything under Maintenece in the window is greyed out. any suggestions?

Edited by windows31rox
Posted (edited)
I installed windows xp on my celeron 333 with 128MB of RAM. It runs fine with 40-57% RAM usage. The windows folder is 757MB. I removed backgrounds, wallpapers, screensavers, etc. with XPLite. Is there anything else i can do to cut down RAM usage or HDD space used by windows?


Please NOW in Microsoft Windows XP section, use [TAGS] in your topic's title.

See rules.


hello everyone, Listen to me I will help everyone to lose some space and ram on windows xp ok.

HDD space.

1. Need to go to my computer.

2. right click and it will show a menu, and click properties.

3. Click Disk cleanup.

4. click ok

There is a folder called C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch

delete all in that folder every week. and use windows Disk Defragmenter.

Ram Space.

1. Go to start menu and click run.

2. Type Msconfig

3. click startup tab.

4. check off what you don't need to startup when startup windows.

This is a tool to remove some items in the taskbar on your right bottom, when starting windows.

this will reduce some space for ram.

Edited by rjsmithwalmart
Ram Space.

1. Go to start menu and click run.

2. Type Msconfig

3. click startup tab.

4. check off what you don't need to startup when startup windows.

wish i knew that before
Posted (edited)

Turn off indexing service ( or nlite it)

Turn off System restore on all drives ( or nlite it)

Turn off all services exept 5-6 needed ( or nlite them)

yo in system properties and advanced /Perfomance/Visual effetc, Set it to best perfomance, you could keep the smooth fonts

With this method you should have about 25 meg of ram in use.

Edited by albator

Just use nLite and make a 90Mbs installation CD! Most of the tweaks can be done just by a check box. And you can get less Commit Charge by deleting/disabling Services.

Just use nLite and make a 90Mbs installation CD! Most of the tweaks can be done just by a check box. And you can get less Commit Charge by deleting/disabling Services.

Some programs can messup windows system, think about that before taking action.

Turn off indexing service ( or nlite it)

Turn off System restore on all drives ( or nlite it)

Turn off all services exept 5-6 needed ( or nlite them)

yo in system properties and advanced /Perfomance/Visual effetc, Set it to best perfomance, you could keep the smooth fonts

With this method you should have about 25 meg of ram in use.

Always have system restore on, because of conflicts of other programs can messup drives and file system errors in windows.

Posted (edited)

There is a folder called C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch

delete all in that folder every week. and use windows Disk Defragmenter.

Don't empty the C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch folder, because then Windows will load things slowly! That's unnecessary garbage to say!

Don't empty the C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch folder, because then Windows will load things slowly! That's unnecessary garbage to say!
But if the prefetch begins to become full of entries for programs that are rarely used, it'll slow down the performance somewhat. Emptying it too often will decrease prefetch performance, but not emptying it at all will cause it to waste space and slow down the prefetcher. My advice is to empty it no more often than once a month, and more often if you seldom run the same programs for long times (i.e. you run a mix of many different programs for short times instead of a few for a long time).

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