Jeroeneke Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 If i use the net user method to add users, it works, but I still get promped with the windows welcome screen to add users. I have to add at least one user there to continue... Does anybody knows what to do ?This is what I have in my winnt.sif file:[Data] AutomaticUpdates=1[Unattended] UnattendedSwitch=YesThis is what in my useraccounts.cmd file is:net user Jeroen /addnet localgroup Administrators Jeroen /addnet accounts /maxpwage:unlimitedEXITthx in advance!
Yzöwl Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 simple spelling mistakes...UnattendSwitch="yes"
Jeroeneke Posted January 29, 2006 Author Posted January 29, 2006 (edited) Sorry for that one, I've tried many different settings like "YES", "Yes", "yes", YES, Yes etc. etc. but it never worked. I always get promped with the question if I would like to enable autoupdate and on the next screen I have to add at least one user to contenu.This is a copy of my full winnt.sif file:[Data] AutomaticUpdates=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes"[Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreInstall=Yes Repartition=NO TargetPath=\WINDOWS UnattendedSwitch="yes" WaitForReboot="No" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore[GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=105 OemSkipWelcome=1[UserData] ComputerName=name FullName="me" OrgName = "" ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx[Display] BitsPerPel=32 Xresolution=1024 Yresolution=768 Vrefresh=60 AutoConfirm=1[RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale=00000813 UserLocale=00000813 InputLocale=0813:00000813[URL] Home_Page= Search_Page=[Identification] JoinWorkgroup=orgus[Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes[IEPopupBlocker] BlockPopups=Yes FilterLevel=Medium ShowInformationBar=Yes[WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall[WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 Edited January 29, 2006 by Jeroeneke
Jeroeneke Posted January 29, 2006 Author Posted January 29, 2006 Oh, I also have to say I'm doing this via cmdlines.txt, maybe it's not the correct moment ?
Sonic Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 (edited) EDIT:Yzöwl is right.Mine winnt.sif has UnattendSwitch=Yes Edited January 30, 2006 by sonic
Yzöwl Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 as I have already stated...UnattendSwitch = YesnotUnattendedSwitch = Yes
Jeroeneke Posted January 29, 2006 Author Posted January 29, 2006 Hi srry, must have looked over the ED, will try it tomorow!thanks in any case!jeroen.
Lazy8 Posted January 29, 2006 Posted January 29, 2006 Have you considered OOBEINFO.INI instead of net user method? If you are setting up a single user PC without need for predefined password, it will install your default user even more simply.
Sonic Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 as I have already stated...UnattendSwitch = YesnotUnattendedSwitch = Yes I'm blind, and moreover I have redo the mistake and I have mine winnt.sif opened (past post edited ..)
Jeroeneke Posted January 30, 2006 Author Posted January 30, 2006 Hi, I'm using a password so the OOBEINFO.INI method won't do it for me I'm at school right now so I can't test it.Will let you know if it works.
Jeroeneke Posted January 30, 2006 Author Posted January 30, 2006 It works now, I don't get promped anymore with that screen. But now there are atumatically 2 users created:the one I have created via net user, and than an "owner" user ("Eigenaar" for the dutch speaking people here )is there any way to fix that or should I have to use the OOBEINFO.INI method instead ?
sHaDYvB Posted January 30, 2006 Posted January 30, 2006 try to delete him using "net user blahblah /delete"or if u want u can keep him and assign autologon to ur created account , i think u can make use of my UserAccount Section of my Unattended.CMD:: Create a new user and autologinnet user "Err0r" /addnet localgroup Administrators "Err0r" /addnet accounts /maxpwage:unlimitednet accounts ASPnet /deletereg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d Err0r /freg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Jeroeneke Posted February 8, 2006 Author Posted February 8, 2006 Sorry for my late reply but I hadn't got much time last daysThe method you described me doesn't work! It says that the /DELETE options is unknown (thats what DOS returns me)any other solution or something ?
Djé Posted February 10, 2006 Posted February 10, 2006 Well, let me try !Do you use nLite (even only for slipstreaming stuf in your CD)? It looks like this prog -however cool it is otherwise- is still a neglected little boy and leaves its dirty hand-marks in a few places arround. One of those marks (although -shame on me, the blamer with no clue- I don't remember where) may be this 'owner' user (I had to deal with a 'Propriétaire' one for a while).So anyway, to remove it you may need to use the /delete option not on the accounts but on the user:net accounts Yourf***inOwnerHere /deletenet user Yourf***inOwnerHere /deleteWah! Big brother is watching me! My u c and k have been censored! Twice! He's really over me! Help! Help! Hel*******
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