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problem with WPI 4.3.8

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I saw that inside the wpi.cmd file instead of:

REM Start WPI and wait for its end
start /wait %windir%\system32\mshta.exe "%CD%\wpi.hta"

now there's:

REM Start WPI and wait for its end

Without "start" windows can't find the correct associated application for the wpi.hta file and each time it asks me to chose an application to open it with. Am I the only one with this problem?

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It sounds like either your %PATH% variable may not be set right when wpi.hta runs or .hta files are not associated correctly. Check to see if the path is modified, run the PATH command from a dos or command prompt and see if %windir%\system32 is in the path.

If it is, Windows should know to run mshta.exe with .hta files.

Hope this helps.

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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"Content Type"="application/hta"




@="HTML Application"




@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mshta.exe \"%1\" %*"

That reg restore .hta assocations ...

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Another prob: with order number!

I DL WPI 438, copy my config from 435

1 have about 50 progs in WPI

only 5 have install order numbers

1 2 3 nuber to install first (the is OK them install first)

and 998 999 to install at the END (AFTER all progs) and here come trouble

i select install ALL and here is runonceex window











!!!!???? program with code 999 install in the middle NOT in the END :(


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