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[Release] Adobe Shockwave Player


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Shockwave player updated to

This version has AutoUpdate enabled by default and i havent found a way to turn this off other than visiting this page at ADOBE. To turn it off, right click on the shockwave video and choose 'properties'.

I know there are several registry settings for autoupdate but they dont seem to affect the setting i suggested above.


Edited by Shark007
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the key you are searching for is here

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Macromedia\Shockwave 10\AutoUpdate

change the value default from "y" to "n"

I'm aware this key exists, but it doesn't turn off the situation i described earlier.


Edited by Shark007
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i used an registry tool which looks for chaned keys and this one was the only one which is changed when i turn of the autoupdate like you sayed! and i tested it by changing it back some times and its working for me

Edited by Sereby
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i used an registry tool which looks for chaned keys and this one was the only one which is changed when i turn of the autoupdate like you sayed! and i tested it by changing it back some times and its working for me

odd, it doesn't change the registry values here when i turn it off through the webpage as descibed earlier.


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Sereby, you were correct. i was looking at the wrong key. I was looking in HKLM.

watch my repository for an (updated) file with this turned off by default.

This shockwave installer IS NOT svcpack compatible. Although it installs and functions fine, 5 active-x issues show up in crapcleaner from an svcpack install. When installing this through runonceex etc., these issues are nonexistent.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I get the following error with your latest flashfiles :

After replace them again with the original files, the error is gone.

yep, the newer files are crap. Crashes IE in Vista too.

I put the older files back up on my site.


Edited by Shark007
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After the last BETA release causing problems for so many users,

i won't be updating the files on my site untill it goes final.

This doesnt mean i wont test the files personally, and i thank you for posting a url.


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I just did and it don't so can you add support please.

I'm sorry, but this isnt going to happen.

I suggest you contact Adobe Technical Support.

The main reason it failed is that my installer is based on an MSI which i created.

Win98SE doesnt support MSI installers natively.

Are you aware M$ doesn't even support WindowsXP SP1 anymore?


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