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[Release] Adobe Shockwave Player


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Have you tried using the MSI .. it is available in the text below the exe.

The MSI didn't work either.

I get the same error: "Shockwave Error: $1,

One or more Shockwave files are missing."

my best guess for your error

at a bare minimum, windows installer 2.1 is required.

update windows installer (from microsoft, free), try again.

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When I install Shockwave, using your installer, I get this:

C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\msvcp71.dll

Is it normal for this file to be created? I had not noticed it before, but my memory could be bad on this. Should I leave it alone or can it be deleted?

Thanks for your continued work on these products. I appreciate a lot.


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When I install Shockwave, using your installer, I get this:

C:\Program Files\My Company Name\My Product Name\msvcp71.dll

Is it normal for this file to be created? I had not noticed it before, but my memory could be bad on this. Should I leave it alone or can it be deleted?

Thanks for your continued work on these products. I appreciate a lot.


Thank you for the information. it shouldnt be there and the folder(s) and file can be deleted.

The installer should be checking for an existing version in system32 and installing that file if none exists.

I'll post here again once I have uploaded an updated version.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, Im new on the forum, i just download the msi file and i have a problem with "Adobe Shockwave Player.msi" (date 21.06.2008). I have clean install of XP Pro with integrated SP3, IE7, WMP11 and DirectX 9c (Jun 2008) Made by nLite 1.4.6. All of integrated parts are working fine, but after install Shockwave 11 form msi package, when i open IE7 on pages, where is Shockwave used, the IE7 close the window with those page. The Firefox open that page, but in the place where shoudlbe a Shockwave object, is only empty space.

After install orginal package (11.0r458) from Adobe WEB page it open all pages corectly.

for test i use for example this url Adobe Player Test page

I was thinking what can i do with this and i resolve my problem by making a batchfile to install Shockwave:

TITLE Adobe Shockwave Player (Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firfox)
ECHO Instalation in prograss... Please do not close this window.

ECHO Creating (if nesesery) folders
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe" MD "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe" >nul
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Director" MD "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Director" >nul
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11" MD "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11" >nul
IF NOT EXIST "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Xtras" MD "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Xtras" >nul
IF NOT EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\plugins" MD "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\plugins" >nul

ECHO Copying new files...
IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\System32\msvcp71.dll COPY /Y "system32\msvcp71.dll" "%SystemRoot%\System32\" >nul
IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\System32\msvcr71.dll COPY /Y "system32\msvcr71.dll" "%SystemRoot%\System32\" >nul
IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\System32\msvcrt.dll COPY /Y "system32\msvcrt.dll" "%SystemRoot%\System32\" >nul
IF NOT EXIST %SystemRoot%\System32\cmdow.exe COPY /Y "system32\cmdow.exe" "%SystemRoot%\System32\" >nul
COPY /Y "system32\Adobe\Director\*.*" "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Director\" >nul
COPY /Y "system32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\*.*" "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\" >nul
COPY /Y "system32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Xtras\*.*" "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Xtras\" >nul
COPY /Y "Mozilla\*.*" "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\" >nul

ECHO Registering components...
REGSVR32 /S "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Director\SwDir.dll" >nul
REGSVR32 /S "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\Control.dll" >nul

"%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\SwInit.exe"
CMDOW /HID "%SystemRoot%\System32\Adobe\Shockwave 11\SwHelper_1100458.exe"

ECHO Installation completed.

content for path: "system32/adobe" i get from my C:\windows\system32\adobe\*.* (with all subfolders tree) - after installing orginal shockwave 11 form adobe web page ofcoz.

content for Mozilla folder i take form my C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\ and contains there 2 files:

"ShockwavePlugin.class" and "np32dsw.dll"

content of path system32 requied 4 files: msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll, msvcrt.dll, and

CMDOW.exe (hide window tool, antivirus software may detect a risk tool - because hi can hide a windows)

all files i put into one directory for example D:\asw11\ , create SFX RAR archive and done - an exe with Shockwave 11.0r458 instaler without any toolbars. If we dont wont cmd window with install progress, add after @echo off one line contains "system32\cmdow.exe @ HID" and done. No window are displayed when install is in progress.

DLLs for register - i check all content of adobe folder (inside system32) and all DLLs i try to register with REGSVR32.exe, the .exe files witch is runing i take from install.log of orginal Adobe Shockwave 11 installer.

all nesesery content we can also take form orginal installer from adobe - and decompress using command line with /X switch - it is build with WISE Installer.

After all that things, when clean install of XP SP3 is completed, and run my asw11.exe (the SFX archive i made contains unattended install of Adobe Shockwave Player 11.0r458) when i open IE7 or Mozilla web pages, the shockwave objects are displayed propertly. :)

if somebody wants ready to use *.exe installer, please write to me, also i can upload it somewhere - i dont like sites like rapidshare, and i dont have any acounts in there.

Edited by PZine
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
new version is out

1st of all, thanks for the download URL.

When requesting an application modification, it sure is nice to have a URL to the source.

I'm sorry it took so long to get this update done, my health is poor.

Getting out and enjoying the outdoors (canoeing, hiking) whenever I can takes president lately.

v11.0.0.465 is available on my repository.

For those that dont know, the URL to my repository is in my signature.


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  • 4 weeks later...
could you post a tuturial for selfmaking this sweet installer as you did for acrobat reader?

for acrobat reader I modify an existing msi installer as documented by the crude tutorial I posted.

I create this installer using installshield repackager. Each release is a new creation.

The above is 90% of the tutorial. the last 10% is experience.


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For deploying Shockwave Player Adobe also provides an msi for corporations. You can apply for a distribution license, but you can also use the following link for the latest version. Currently the link downloads the latest version:


Edited by Acheron
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