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Linux style of security instead of windows.

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Posted (edited)
If you detailed in more words, as to what exactly you need, then probably we could tell ways to get it done.

security like:

can not delete files and folders with out permissions from say aminstrator?. can not install programs with out putting in a password or any place els that i need. just sertin ares can be changed. how about a driver security that will not allow changes unless i want them to be changed?

that's the kind of security i'm looking for :D

Edited by kurt476

This topic is not suited in tips'n'tweaks, did u read the description of the forum before posting?

* moving topic to Windows XP section

Anyways, what you're wanting already exists in windows XP!

This is what you should do for more security:

1. Ensure all partitions (C:, D:, E:, etc) are NTFS.

2. Ensure all accounts other than your own, are non-admin, limited accounts.

Posted (edited)

Not really for me prathapml cause I have all the things about 500 that does to the registry. Each time you apply a policy it add's the registry stuff. Or at least Pro before SP2, I haven't looked with SP2.

That was my Policy Tweaker I never completed.

Edited by maxXPsoft

@prathapml sorry about that :} . I thought that this might be agood place for this i suppose.

Then you can also apply policies will handle some of those things. Then you have to make sure they stay out of registry posted by: maxXPsoft.

what do you mean they are almost the same?

security like:

can not delete files and folders with out permissions from say aminstrator?. can not install programs with out putting in a password or any place els that i need. just sertin ares can be changed. how about a driver security that will not allow changes unless i want them to be changed?

that's the kind of security i'm looking for :D

Simple: Don't run as administrator. Don't run as Power User either. Run as a user in the Users group.


It's a b***h to do so because 3rd-party software is often designed disregarding ACLs. Instead of placing preferences in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application\appName it will dump everything into the same directory as the program and write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the registry after being installed. Because you are unable to write to Program Files and Local Machine, programs will: 1) Fail silently, 2) give an error message, or 3) falsely state that you need to be an administrator or have administrator privilege. #3 is untrue because all you really need is write privileges and you don't need to be an administrator to gain additional write privileges.


As for deleting files and folders... that has to do more so with the filesystem rather than the OS. The read/write/execute permissions in Linux/Unix are what give that type of security.

I think Vista is what you would need for the features you are looking for kurt. I think Vista will have the Linux style security.

wait vista has that now on windows? awnsome. i'll have to wait untill i get my new pc builte for my self, buy vista next year here.

Given sufficient time & budget, Microsoft will eventually invent unix!
Becoming more & more true with every release of MS software...

They keep getting closer to the unix way of doing things.

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